Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Katastrofa Base-system V2.0
Katastrofa  [author] 2 Jul @ 9:10am 
I appreciate the easily accessible translation, katastrofa.
ポドヴィペルド 13 May @ 11:24pm 
не работают. раньше все было прекрасно, сейчас захожу в гм, смотрю, ни одного танка нету , хотя все аддоны, базы, библиотеки требуемые есть. как фиксить, пробовал переподписку, все равно не работает
Xeredek 13 May @ 1:43pm 
Hey I'm just stopping by to let you know that this seems to be causing serious performance issues in LVS's simphys compatibility, might be worth looking into
Katastrofa  [author] 6 Apr @ 1:54pm 
на букву R
мята 6 Apr @ 1:02pm 
как поменять вариант стрельбы? Типо как бмп3 бмд4. У них там автопушка и пулемет с пушкой. Не знаю как на пушку поменять вариант стерльбы
Nagato 2 Apr @ 5:28am 
классный аддон для одиночки
Nagato 2 Apr @ 5:24am 
[Katastrofa Base-system V2.0] lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:50: attempt to index a nil value
1. FDopDamage - lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:50
2. FirePhysProjectile - lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:67
3. cannon_fireFUGAS - lua/simfphys_weapons/churchillrp.lua:84
4. PrimaryAttackFUGAS - lua/simfphys_weapons/churchillrp.lua:594
5. ControlTurret - lua/simfphys_weapons/churchillrp.lua:550
6. Think - lua/simfphys_weapons/churchillrp.lua:280
7. v - lua/simfphys/sv_armedvehicles_handler.lua:398
8. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
Картошка 23 Mar @ 11:43pm 
их там нет почемуто
Katastrofa  [author] 23 Mar @ 5:33pm 
как понять?
Картошка 23 Mar @ 10:38am 
не отображает настройки
Картошка 23 Mar @ 12:16am 
Katastrofa  [author] 22 Mar @ 12:05pm 
в меню Q->утилиты-> katbas-system->controls
Картошка 22 Mar @ 2:15am 
как заменить кнопки действия ?
ГЕРОЙ-ZOV-РОССИЙ 9 Mar @ 10:14am 
Acutally I figures it out, if you're getting lag, just go into the katastrofa setting and unselect "effect LVS"
turutin.ilyha 9 Mar @ 6:02am 
I forgot how to spawn a vehicle (sorry for the stupid question)
turutin.ilyha 9 Mar @ 6:02am 
забыл как спавнить транспортное средство (извините за глупый вопрос)
Katastrofa  [author] 9 Mar @ 5:36am 
тут скорее гайд нужен для разработки на нем
turutin.ilyha 9 Mar @ 5:30am 
Please release a guide video on how to use the mod from Oto I'm a teapot.выпустите пожалуйста гайд видео как пользовался модом ото я чайник
Katastrofa  [author] 9 Mar @ 3:10am 
Can you provide the entire collection of addons you use?
I second that. For the last like 2 months this has been lagging all my simfphys vehicles out to be unusable whenever I spawn them
Unknown 4 Mar @ 9:36pm 
this mod makes the game have HUGE lag spikes
𝒮𝒾𝑒𝓇𝓇𝒶 2 Mar @ 6:31am 
[Katastrofa Base-system V2.0] lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:50: attempt to index a nil value
1. FDopDamage - lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:50
2. FirePhysProjectile - lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:67
3. cannon_fire - lua/simfphys_weapons/t70.lua:112
4. PrimaryAttack - lua/simfphys_weapons/t70.lua:474
5. ControlTurret - lua/simfphys_weapons/t70.lua:421
6. Think - lua/simfphys_weapons/t70.lua:215
7. v - lua/simfphys/sv_armedvehicles_handler.lua:398
8. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
𝒮𝒾𝑒𝓇𝓇𝒶 2 Mar @ 6:30am 
Почему я бесконечно стреляю из пушки?
Katastrofa  [author] 24 Feb @ 11:33am 
ꑭGodDenꑭ 24 Feb @ 9:39am 
Что за симулятор моделиста?
Katastrofa  [author] 19 Jan @ 4:16am 
☭Black League Empire ☭ 19 Jan @ 3:09am 
oh thx, you right katastrofa
bugs, HUD changes and adding more options
Katastrofa  [author] 18 Jan @ 1:08pm 
look at the bugs discussion
☭Black League Empire ☭ 18 Jan @ 9:59am 
hud does not working
Katastrofa  [author] 18 Jan @ 9:10am 
@soviet union (USSR) what error?
bobithethingy 9 Jan @ 11:05pm 
@trent the wwII historian Go to Utilities -> KatBas-System -> Cilent settings -> Uncheck "Effects LVS".

It will reduce the lag for non-LVS vehicles.

That worked for me.
Katastrofa  [author] 6 Jan @ 4:20am 
Please take a video and provide a link to youtube
Trent The WWII Historian 5 Jan @ 4:02pm 
im meaning that with the mod activated all simfphys cars, when entered. It becomes very laggy. with it deactivated, it is not. Please fix it.
I_Danila_I 5 Jan @ 11:09am 
У меня проседает фпс во всей технике от этого аддона
Dromaeda 5 Jan @ 8:14am 
Yeah there's definitely something with the other vehicle packs that's causing conflicts, which sucks.. cause both packs have unique vehicles of which, I like all of them ;-;. thx for the help, I'll have to make up my mind which packs I prefer over the other lol.
Katastrofa  [author] 5 Jan @ 7:26am 
I highly recommend not using all addons in a row, try using only my vehicles, check
Dromaeda 5 Jan @ 7:21am 
pretty typical stuff I'd say, mix of gredwich and simfphys vehicles (ww2 era), there's a good chunk of simfphys vehicles that rely on this addon which all of them are now bugged out with the same error. Other addons outside of this include LVS/LFS (planes), some playermodels, TFA DOI weapon packs, some gmod realism mods, and that's about it.
Katastrofa  [author] 5 Jan @ 7:20am 
@trent the wwII historian, I don't quite understand what you mean
Katastrofa  [author] 5 Jan @ 7:18am 
@Dromaeda, firstly, you need to write in a special discussion of "bugs", secondly, which addons do you use?
Trent The WWII Historian 5 Jan @ 6:47am 
when i deactivate this, it is not laggy and not like 3 fps in the car
Trent The WWII Historian 5 Jan @ 6:46am 
help when i enter a simfphys car now its so laggy
Dromaeda 5 Jan @ 6:44am 
the weird part of this error is it ONLY happens in the server I have for my buddies, in single player, the addon works with no issues. However it's also worth noting that this comes up as well in both single and multiplayer instances:

[SIMFPHYS ARMED]: simfphys.FireHitScan
[SIMFPHYS ARMED]: simfphys.FirePhysProjectile
[SIMFPHYS ARMED]: simfphys.RegisterCrosshair
[SIMFPHYS ARMED]: simfphys.RegisterCamera
[SIMFPHYS ARMED]: simfphys.armedAutoRegister
[SIMFPHYS ARMED]: simfphys.RegisterEquipment

I haven't been able to identify where the conflict is originating from unfortunately.
Dromaeda 5 Jan @ 6:44am 
Yep, here's the chunk of text that comes up from the console:

[Katastrofa Base-system V2.0] lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:50: attempt to index a nil value
1. FDopDamage - lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:50
2. FirePhysProjectile - lua/autorun/server/katbas_incgun.lua:67
3. cannon_fire - lua/simfphys_weapons/m4.lua:113
4. PrimaryAttack - lua/simfphys_weapons/m4.lua:500
5. ControlTurret - lua/simfphys_weapons/m4.lua:444
6. Think - lua/simfphys_weapons/m4.lua:249
7. v - lua/simfphys/sv_armedvehicles_handler.lua:398
8. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96
Katastrofa  [author] 4 Jan @ 3:02pm 
Can I have a screenshot of what it looks like?
Dromaeda 4 Jan @ 2:04pm 
Error on my end, tank shell entities can't be created since it's pulling a value that doesn't exist, resulting in the main gun not actually shooting anything, just a puff of air. These recent updates to the game really are messing with EVERY addon out there.. ;-;
Ga-street 3 Jan @ 1:11pm 
@Katastrofa здравствуйте, не могли бы вы мне объяснить почему у меня не применяются прицелы на вашей базе, может ли это быть из-за других аддонов, заранее спасибо
Arturo 29 Dec, 2023 @ 8:02am 
hey, I have a small problem, I downloaded all your tank mods and I can't find them anywhere in the respawn menu, at most they are destroyed and normal models, I would be grateful if you could help me
Katastrofa  [author] 29 Dec, 2023 @ 6:24am 
This is a related error, it is not the main one. Of course, I'll see how it can be solved, but this is not the main mistake
铃仙乌冬 29 Dec, 2023 @ 12:08am 
[Katastrofa Base-system V2.0] lua/autorun/client/katbas_hud.lua:1391: attempt to index local 'Attachment' (a nil value)
1. VisibleHudPaint - lua/autorun/client/katbas_hud.lua:1391
2. v - lua/autorun/client/katbas_hud.lua:1415
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96