

T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2
PixelGiest666 14 Jul @ 5:29am 
I missed the old arm cannons :(((
Havel L. Krik 1 Jul @ 3:32am 
One more bug report, if you're wearing the suit and you walk through water (about ankle height, enough to slow you down) your arms shake uncontrollably behind yourself. This seems to happen only when you're sprinting, also, I have Haste active, so I don't know if that's playing a part as well.
Havel L. Krik 1 Jul @ 2:14am 
On a more pressing note, the T.I.T.A.N. Power Cell needs a deconstruction recipe as it deconstructs into a Battery, not a Battery Cell (this causes the game to open up the console, warning the player). The Cleaner Assault Rifle Ammo Box also needs a refill recipe. That is all for now.
Havel L. Krik 1 Jul @ 1:52am 
So I noticed that when swimming, the shoulder armor goes behind the helmet instead of in front. This is not a pressing matter, but I thought I'd bring it up.
Havel L. Krik 29 Jun @ 11:10pm 
I'll let you know it anything doesn't work as intended.
Yak'All  [author] 29 Jun @ 5:58am 
I rolled the update "fixing" the lights and weapons' error to console.
I am terribly sorry for the delay (as this was basically ready to be released for over a week), but I didn't want to release it as I didn't get much time to test it thoroughly. Since I don't seem to get such time to test it properly, I still decided to drop the update as to not keep anyone waiting anylonger.

Please do let me know if there are any other issues
Havel L. Krik 20 Jun @ 2:08pm 
Awesome to hear.
Yak'All  [author] 20 Jun @ 1:48pm 
As for the patch for my mods, a "fix" should drop soon for the wristlights. In quotations because I found a nasty game bug that is, once again, not really fixable in my end. To give you some details: The game seems to not like horizontal lights that are mirrored (like the character does when looking left) making it have a hard cut on its sprite detection, which is why there was a sudden stop in the light. The sprite would literally get cut. Sadly this means that I had to use a diferent orientation, making the wristlight not really a straight-from-your-arm. For this reason, the wrist light is now a torso light. This is not an ideal solution and I will try to seek another one, but for the incoming fix and time being, it will have to do.
Yak'All  [author] 20 Jun @ 1:48pm 
Hi @Havel L. Krik, I did a test to check what you mean, and yes you are right if you zoom in the sonar is incapable of detecting anything when it is on (and hardly if it is off). This however, I think is due to the scaling of the sonar, and there's not really something I can do sadly. The current scale of the sonar is small enough that it isn't intrusive, but big enough that it is operable; I've tried messing around w/ the scale but to no real satisfying answer. I will see if I can keep tweaking it, but for now I must say to use the sonar at its most zoomed out to avoid surprises.
Havel L. Krik 12 Jun @ 7:45pm 
The sonar for the suit stops showing creatures when zoomed in. I saw this while I was next to a Moloch, so not a small blip on sonar.
Havel L. Krik 6 Jun @ 12:59am 
Awesome to hear, I look forward to the update and before I forget: the T.I.T.A.N Power Cell does not have a deconstruct recipe and games gives loud warning when trying to deconstruct.
Yak'All  [author] 5 Jun @ 9:50am 
Hi, apologies for the silence. I sometimes miss steam notifications.
I never noticed it, thanks for letting me know. I am in the process of updating some of my mods as they are having slight issues as the few updates have come by. I remember this (the light) bug happening sometime ago so I believe I know what you mean.

As for the recycle feature, I believe the ammo box was made before the recycling was in place and totally forgot about updating it, so I'll see that it has that feature as well when I get to update (hopefully, not too long from now).
Havel L. Krik 4 Jun @ 9:26pm 
I'm not sure if it's just me, but the beam of light from the suit's built-in light stops like it's hitting an invisible wall. This only happens when I aim to the left of my screen.
Havel L. Krik 25 May @ 9:02pm 
Looking at the fabricator for the Cleaner Ammo Box, there doesn't seem to be a refill/recycle option. Are you able to add a refill recipe to the fabricator?
Yak'All  [author] 22 Apr @ 4:44pm 
Hey guys, sorry for the late replies. I've been somewhat tasked as of late and lost track of my notifications;

@Zoro'Juro (and @Kash)
The arm guns would not fix it as they would work exactly the same. Something is happening w/ other mods that deny the damage immunity granted by the suit, fyi I just simply cannot replicate getting hurt by the gun when using the suit. Every time I try it works as intended and protects me from the recoil.
I am considering removing the damage from the cleaner as it seems to be very volatile to other mods, but I haven't had the time to think about a compromise, if any.
Yak'All  [author] 22 Apr @ 4:44pm 
Both weapons were deprecated to simplify the mod (It was kind of hard to keep track of what was changing). The cleaner has the effect of the worm ender, and the depth boiler is a suit active ability now.

I believe it is (without the brackets) [spawnitem cursor ITEM], and replace the word ITEM with titansuit, titanmagazine, and titanrifle for the suit, cleaner mag, and cleaner rifle respectively

I would still disagree on the suit being 'weaker'. It is not stronger as it is balanced around vanilla gameplay to not replace any items, but weaker I would strongly ague it is not. I want it to be an option, not a must have. This is so in multiplayer sessions no one feels like if they aren't using the suit they are shooting themselves in the foot.
Zoro'Juro 20 Apr @ 7:14pm 
@Yak'All please add new arm guns the cleaner just docent seem fun and if it hurts you in and out of the suit i feel this mod has become pointless as it just makes you tough with war suit in the name it used to make me feel like a force of nature
karogrotto 29 Mar @ 12:04pm 
Where can you Get the Worm Ender and the Depth Boiler from?
Shroom 22 Mar @ 3:10pm 
what is the command to spawn it
Jurij 7 Feb @ 4:00pm 
So I got the T.I.T.A.N. Warsuit and the Cleaner Rifle. And I am wearing the Ti.I.T.A.N. But I am getting hurt by the cleaner rifle. Did I misread something or miss a text somewhere? Because if I get hurt using this gun I'm not going to be using it.
Mannerheimus 9 Jan @ 8:58am 
The suit is weaker than vanilla items... and youre saying that it is TOO STRONG? GUHHH
Yak'All  [author] 6 Jan @ 3:19pm 
@Sketch, @Wasanni
The previous weaons were deprecated, if you still have them, that's because I didn't want to outright remove them so you can get a refund for them on the deconstructor. The Cleaner is now the feature weapon that comes with the pack (and can be stored in the suit as well). The previous weapons cannot be crafted anymore, only deconstructed.
Yak'All  [author] 6 Jan @ 3:16pm 
First off: no worries it is ok to rant every now and then. In the same way I hope you don't take it personally, but I still highly believe you are wrong, and here's the data that is making my mind:

In just a comparison the Exo-suit has better physical resistance than the TITAN by 20% and is cheaper to build. However TITAN has advantages that would really outclass the exo-suit if the physical resistance was to be buffed:

-TITAN is not a class item (without mods), meaning that anyone can build it. And while it is expensive, it can still be be built before the first biome is cleared.
-TITAN, while it has less physical resistance by 20%, it offers way more resistances for other stuff, like 90% to outright deny bleed, the which if it does go through, only 20% will damage you, that's 10% more resistance than the Exo, not to mention other afflictions are highly reduced as well as stuns only last 25% as long
Yak'All  [author] 6 Jan @ 3:16pm 
-TITAN with the shield you will resist a nearly 90% of all physical damage. And burn any pests that might try to swarm you.
-TITAN speed is much higher, so anyone who isn't a mechanic with Exo talent will not be as slowed while in the water

That and a few others are justifing the cost of build, along side less resistance while the shield is out (or without energy). If it was buffed it would be too hard to kill a TITAN user, and that's not the goal. I want you to feel powerful, but at the cost of managing a new resource (a theme of all my mods) If you still insist you are right please do! Discourse always helps improve and even bend opinions, right now I am still convinced, but I'm willing to change if more share your opinion.

PD: I apologise if this comes out a bit too lenghty, I just wanted to share the data that is making me think that the TITAN's current stats are properly placed (and, maybe even a bit too high the more I think of it)
Clownicus 5 Jan @ 12:58pm 
something i put a lot of resources into should have equal or slightly higher stats and while the shield is a great idea personally i'd make it more of a support oriented ability which increases damage res of nearby humans and maybe slightly buffs them in some way

in exchange the suit would get the damage resistance that is slightly lower then what'd you achieve with the traditional shield but still higher to justify this change

infact i ran a campaign specifically designed to make use of this suit and i did note its possible to
make the user into a tank but it required so many resources to make it work that at this point using the vanilla exosuit would simply be easier and more cost efficient

this is starting to unfold into a slight rant which i do apologise for but anyway,
second point for nearly quadruple the cost of the abyss suit it only has 5% more resistance
and while the titan has less base damage res than the vanilla exosuit it simply makes it pointless
Sketch 25 Dec, 2023 @ 9:51am 
mod is great, had it for a while but haven't played barotrauma and now i'm curious
how do i load the weapons? i can't stash them in the suit anymore...
Wasanni 19 Dec, 2023 @ 3:36pm 

First up, this is an excellent mod, so much work got put into it!

I have it installed right now and crafted the Titan Suit, but I can't find the recipe for the Worm Ender nor the Depth Boiler in the fabricator.

Did you remove it? Do I have to use other guns, like the Cleaner Assault Rifle?
Yak'All  [author] 10 Dec, 2023 @ 6:42am 
Apologies for the late reply, your msg was lost in my notifications. I believe this is caused by another mod that modifies damages and or humans, as every test I make I never receive damage. Are you using such mods?

I think you aren't using the suit to its full potential:
1) Yes the suit is 20% less effective against physical attacks when compared to the exosuit. But you are much faster while swimming, and have a 80% resistance to bleed damage (10% more than exo) and an outright 90% to simply block bleeding damage.
2) The TITAN also will have more physical damage mitigation at the cost of more battery usage (this action is called plasma shield) Which is currently bugged and costs no battery. I'll patch this when I have time.
3) The TITAN is not meant to replace any vanilla item. It is meant to be another optional tool/alternative, if I was to increase its passive protection because of regular logic, it would be slightly op.
Clownicus 10 Dec, 2023 @ 5:42am 
Take your sweet time but personally i'd think the titan would need a buff to maybe 70% resistance to atleast make it have the same protection as the vanilla exosuit , simply since the cost is bigger then the exosuit and by simple logic it should protect just as , if not better then the exosuit considering its a military grade suit .
Urban 1 Dec, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
I also take damage from the vent when in suit
Urban 1 Dec, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
I have an issue with the cleaner, even tho i have the titan equiped it still knocks me out and applies shaken
Princess-Luna 5 Sep, 2023 @ 6:14am 
the suit at one point dont require energy to use, making it usable for infinity amount of time. i have no idea how this happened but i am sure it happened after i recharged it and a little bit of use (had it for like 5 missions before i noticed that the energy is not draining anymore). the suit stays in this state forever.
Mender 30 Aug, 2023 @ 7:37am 
i didnt use it, but ill try it out. thanks
Yak'All  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 7:30am 
Did you use the use key or the fire key? I believe my mod uses the one that's not 'standard' (been a while, I think use is the standard, so try fire key; or the other way around if standard is fire key)
Mender 30 Aug, 2023 @ 6:56am 
I cant place the titan dock for some reason
Yak'All  [author] 28 Aug, 2023 @ 7:15am 
@Rymak That's a remnant from the era before the mod structure was improved and I was not active enough to made such cleans. However it should not cause any issues after said structure rework since the server should always download from the mod ID, not the mod name. When they download, regardless of the name, it should always be the files from this page
Rymak 27 Aug, 2023 @ 6:25pm 
why does the fileslist.xml has a T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2 name when it should be T.I.T.A.N. Warsuit 3.0: Abyss Watcher this causes ppl directly download this from the server when ppl are trying to use it
blazrandom 11 Aug, 2023 @ 2:09am 
i like this mod! also i think this mod is missing a melee weapon
HyNoob 7 Aug, 2023 @ 1:11pm 
how to craft elite titan?
Mr.Beer 27 Jul, 2023 @ 4:38pm 
I think I saw a charging percentage for a bit, but now I constantly have infinite power in the suit and I can indefinitely use it without any debuffs. I think that's the bug for the whole game and it is confusing as now it's like cheating.
Yak'All  [author] 27 Jul, 2023 @ 3:44pm 
For the same reason baro devs leave stuff they themselves depricate: So your game doesn't puke out errors when loading a save. There's also the "you can refund the crafting costs". It is a small trick to keep the versions up to date and to not mess with player's saves

I've gotten a few others saying something similar, but I a piece of the puzzle is missing since I cannot replicate it. Is it possible you might tell me how is this happening, or is it just random/all the time?
Mr.Beer 27 Jul, 2023 @ 11:16am 
I am confused with charging the suit. It doesn't show any charge percentage and it never goes off. All the effects and abilities are active and I can spend any amount of time using them. Can someone help me with an advise pls
FlaksOut 1 Jul, 2023 @ 8:25pm 
So, with the arm cannons being depricated, Why is there still a dedicated slot to them? or is it usable by something else and I'm jsut dumb?
Yak'All  [author] 27 Jun, 2023 @ 10:59am 
Totally fair lmao.
It was made when I was practicing my sprite work. I want to revise the sprites on this mod as I did for the abyss warsuit, but that's probably a few weeks away due to my being busy with personal stuff/and other projects.
Not to mention that I need to patch nasty bug neurotoxin still has
Shō 26 Jun, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
Been a huge fan of this suit for awhile now, however I have one complaint and thats the Cleaner Rifle it sounds great but the sprite looks like a UI Icon from a ps2 game
Enigma 7 Jun, 2023 @ 9:12am 
Greetings! iErr0r32's translation is now included in Total Russian Translation. Please, change a link!
flavoredmine 7 Jun, 2023 @ 6:06am 
I think I found out why the suit gains infinite charge...
When I reloaded my save file, I remembered I left the battery pack inside the suit, so I took it out and checked the power. Sure enough, the suit stayed at 99% even with the Plasma shield on.
Zeorik 20 May, 2023 @ 5:35pm 
Dumb question, how does one heal plasma burn?
OcN.Helbrecht 20 Apr, 2023 @ 5:31pm 
My suit doesn't charge anymore and acts like it is fully charged permanently now, is this a known bug or possibly my mod list?
Yak'All  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 10:01am 
Please read the patch notes.
ALL arm cannons have been deprecated in favor to simplify and fix many issues the system had.

To aid with the confusion of future reports on this, I've added a "Changes of 3.0" section above "known issues"