Space Engineers

Space Engineers

ISL - Lakan RC-630a Medium Truck
Spite  [author] 8 Feb, 2022 @ 9:41pm 
Glad you found a fix!
Kam Solastor 8 Feb, 2022 @ 5:00pm 
So it looks like was overriding the usual small-grid Hydrogen tank to a 1x2x1 model (causing the gaps and such). I found some stop-gap instructions in the comments to rename the small hydrogen tank from it to a different name, but it has to be done any time a new server or game is made. At least it's working though!
Spite  [author] 8 Feb, 2022 @ 4:34am 
Thanks, let me know what you find!
Kam Solastor 8 Feb, 2022 @ 3:54am 
I don't think so, but I unfortunately didn't have time last night to really dig into it - that said, I'll do some further testing tonight when I can in a world without any mods, just to check
Spite  [author] 7 Feb, 2022 @ 11:18pm 
So I did a test print, and it came out fine (which doesn't mean no thing is wrong, just that I can't re-produce the bug).

It does seem like all the blocks that are missing are the small Hydrogen tanks. I know there were some changes to them in the update (making gas tanks explosive), so just in case, I re-uploaded a fresh blue print (overwriting the old one).

The other option is that is might be a mod of some kind that replaces/changes hydrogen tanks, are you running with any mods that might do that?
Spite  [author] 7 Feb, 2022 @ 10:44pm 
Hi Kam Solastor, I'll give it a look, sometimes when there is an update all I need to do is re-upload a fresh version of the blueprint, but just so I can test too, who were you building it? Was it by hand, with a mod (like build & repair) or with the printer?
Kam Solastor 7 Feb, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
To note specifically, where the nose camera should go, there's nothing 'behind' it (and so the nose camera can't be built), where the belly camera is there's a missing block (also means the programmable block there can't be built), on the left side (if facing front-to-rear) of the turret, just below it there's a missing block where a hydrogen tank would connect to a elbow conveyor piece.
Kam Solastor 7 Feb, 2022 @ 7:04pm 
I went to build this up and for some reason it seems it's missing blocks, despite me being able to build it previously. Not sure if somehow the recent update broke it? Can anyone else confirm or refute this on your end?
Spite  [author] 19 May, 2021 @ 10:13pm 
Glad to hear the Lakan is still being useful! :D
Kaito 19 May, 2021 @ 6:18pm 
I'm happy to report that this plus the medium survival trailer is my new starter setup. I just paste them in after spawning and delete the drop pod, and drive off to find greener pastures.

Works really well with my usual stupidly hardcore world setup, in particular the fact that I can leave the survival kit parked in a cave and drive around without exposing my only respawn point to danger.
Spite  [author] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 12:48am 

The "DLC free" version only includes one DLC block, the transparent LCD, and so if you do not own the DLC, and build it, then the transparent LCD will not appear, so it will be 100% DLC free for you. Or has that not been your experience?
Thundercraft 21 Dec, 2020 @ 8:54pm 
@Spite [author]
Looks and sounds great. I especially like the use of the Planetary Compass script.

"Find the DLC free version here, the turret has been replaced with a connector."
Technically, the RC-700b is not DLC free. It still requires Decorative Pack #2. (Ironically, one of the few DLCs I currently have is Wasteland, while I have yet to obtain Decorative Pack #2.)

In the RC-700b description:
"This is the DLC free version, but still includes the Transparent LCD. this is so that if you have the DLC and want the version with the top connector, you won’t have to grind open the cockpit to replace it."
I think I'd rather have a version that is completely free of DLC, even if it means being forced to grind open the cockpit later to replace the top connector.

Would you consider uploading a 100% DLC free version?