Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead Modified: No Mercy
140 Komentar
VandyTandy 30 Agu @ 5:39am 
Where did you find that scratch image filter?
CaptPatrick01 14 Agu @ 6:22pm 
Just boots me to the main menu.
Zelancholy 13 Mei @ 6:13pm 
Whenever I load this map it just sends me back to main menu? Haven't been able to play this as a result.
SÞλЯkž™ 11 Mei @ 11:50am 
any plan to make a Blood Harvest Modified campaign ?
Nick 21 Apr @ 8:26am 
Why does my entire team die whenever I play one of these on the finales?
staryoshi06 19 Feb @ 10:43pm 
Does "new hospital grounds zone" just refer to the slightly expanded area out the front of the hospital?
MetalMight934 25 Jan @ 11:48am 
@Jonathan Try the trick of setting the witch on fire and going idle right before the Molotov hits the Witch, she won't know who to target, so you now have a means to get rid of the Witch on Realism, and none of the Survivors get killed.
- 5 Des 2023 @ 7:10am 
GS Mod In Play 4 Sep 2023 @ 7:25pm 
Map 9/10
ANTA 31 Jul 2023 @ 3:09am 
fps fuck
Jonathan 29 Jun 2023 @ 10:21pm 
i love it. but only thing i hate is the witch in the elevator. so heres the thing. you are going to have to sacrifice one of your teamates, if they get knock dowm, kill the witch as fast as you can and quickly revive them. but on reliasem tho...shit. realism normal or above, you get one shot by the witch, meaning no matter what, you are going to lose one. thing is, theres a chance a witch could go after all of you, so theres that of what could happen. so would not recommend playing realism normal or higher, as one of you will die, maybe, 2,3, or all of you.
mhannoosh 10 Mei 2023 @ 2:04pm 
i cannot find it in the addons
JhayZhie30 9 Feb 2023 @ 11:11pm 
Hello there, my addons just fine and not conflict, but the problem is, I can load L4D Modified: No Mercy at any map, and I can't play the No Mercy Modified Custom Campaign. Please fix the problem.
Sports Maxx 27 Jan 2023 @ 12:43pm 
Just wanted to give a rating on it.


The campaign takes the original no mercy and enhances it by 10x, definetely recommend playing it with friends, every aspect of this mod is done nicely, the color correction, the infected population, it's all just fine, although the map was a bit too generous on the amount of resources on the finale, compensates for it by having triple the zombies to fight against.

I don't think i have anything here to say that hasn't been said already, this should be implemented in the game officially
bugg 22 Okt 2022 @ 8:54am 
Ive played through the entire campaign but nothing seemed to change. are there any mods this conflicts with? i was playing singleplayer if that's important
Bitz 25 Sep 2022 @ 12:04am 
@Krab oh boy, we got a alpha male over here.
It's called modified for a reason, not "entirely overhauled" or whatever.
Read the descriptions and pay attention to the map for those "key features" next time, mate.
Krab Juice 15 Agu 2022 @ 5:03pm 
I feel like this was made by someone who couldn't traverse very simple exploits, got mad, and made a "modified" version that only got rid of small means that made the original more appealing. 1/10 there were no modifications -just more zombies and a few invisible walls
NightSideProductions Official 11 Jul 2022 @ 5:26pm 
But I have to say that the Chapter 3 Panic Event is so INSANELY Difficult because the Tank spawn RNG puts it either at the gas station or someplace between the Lift and the pairing warehouse, which adds difficulty to an already crowded population panic event.

Its now officially harder than the Dark Carnival Chapter 4 Panic Event
NightSideProductions Official 11 Jul 2022 @ 5:10pm 
In my opinion, this is THE Definitive "No Mercy" Campaign. It has none of the flaws that either official version of "No Mercy" has. The map is much more populated, its littered with new Quality of Life scripts, and overall feels like a map thats alive.

ZachAzz would be proud of this.
Nate Ward 3 Jul 2022 @ 12:35pm 
Why so much horde tho
Diezel Z 9 Jun 2022 @ 9:29am 
i really like this campaign the emerald green sky reminds me of vermintide and i also like the bit where the helicopter spots you in the first chapter and tells you to head to mercy hospital it was seamlessly implemented so bravo i say.

though the infected seam to be extremely densely packed and not as free roaming around like in the original so i end up opening a door and spaying like 50 of them in one room then having no encounters with infected a bit here and there until the next crowd appears.
though the rock tank remix is neat i prefer the original tank theme

overall i will be suggesting this map to my friends and shearing on discord

8.5/10 will keep this one installed :steamthumbsup:
K 26 Mar 2022 @ 1:38pm 
Yeah I figured it wouldn't be yours but I thought I'd ask just in case
ankou  [pembuat] 26 Mar 2022 @ 12:15pm 
Some sort of other add-on would be causing that problem.
K 26 Mar 2022 @ 12:06pm 
It's not working.. Is something going wrong? When I start it, it sends me back to the main menu upon loading up.
ankou  [pembuat] 17 Mar 2022 @ 7:11am 
I noticed and re-uploaded the .vpk again yesterday, and tested it before doing so. GameMaps seems to be corrupting it after it gets uploaded.
fpelayo 16 Mar 2022 @ 4:28pm 
gamemaps version still not showing in add-ons, so now i'm here...
» Beta Squared 16 Mar 2022 @ 12:58pm 
You can stand on top of the elevator in Map 5 and ride it all the way down, thus softlocking yourself. Simple fix would be adding a death plain at some point in the elevator shaft.
TheDarkReaperPH1992 15 Mar 2022 @ 1:12am 
@ankou2 please remove the maplist file before conflict files same both no mercy and dead air campaign update please thank you
Lorik 2 Feb 2022 @ 10:58am 
that been a while we waiting dead air
N7Citadel 10 Des 2021 @ 7:18am 
The corpses stay probably is the greatest feature in this modifier
T626 1 Okt 2021 @ 6:30am 
@ankou5 It's magnificent! 10/10. Truly one of me personal favorites, now!!!
present day, present time! 9 Jul 2021 @ 10:39am 
"Classic No Mercy but I added 2 tables and a shelf", 10/10
JockeyField 10 Jan 2021 @ 10:18pm 
that's why the left 4 dead 1 commentary mod included 2 floating signs!
there was an extended part of the room there that was removed after the port between games!
ankou  [pembuat] 27 Nov 2020 @ 5:57am 
Disable AddOns and try again. They are always the culprit of crashes.
Mundfish 27 Nov 2020 @ 12:44am 
The map crashes when you try to transition from third to fourth chapter.
ankou  [pembuat] 26 Nov 2020 @ 6:44am 
I am aware, it has been mentioned a few times already. I am fixing it.
𝅶 𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶 25 Nov 2020 @ 6:10pm 
Nav generation for the AI is broken in the first part
ankou  [pembuat] 25 Nov 2020 @ 4:17am 
Tip: when creating sound mods, make sure to match the settings of the original sound your modifying! Things such as file type (.wav .mp3) channels (stereo mono) and Hz rate matter! There are videos out there that can explain it better than I can.
Phoenix Rose 24 Nov 2020 @ 2:59pm 
huh... somehow my own "silent weather" addon causes the rain to sound like loud static, which is weird since i made it so my silent weather mod makes the default rain sound fully "silent" so.. that's interesting.. but at least i found the cause
Phoenix Rose 24 Nov 2020 @ 2:54pm 
ill look through to see what addon could be causing the issue, thanks!
ankou  [pembuat] 24 Nov 2020 @ 2:53pm 
No sounds have been changed, it all uses default resources. Certainly an addon issue!
Phoenix Rose 24 Nov 2020 @ 2:50pm 
maybe it's an addon i have,m but im not sure... is the rain sound supposed to sound like static from a TV?
Pietas 24 Nov 2020 @ 8:30am 
Thanks. (And I still can't believe I thought the light was a bug. :l)
ankou  [pembuat] 24 Nov 2020 @ 5:08am 
Police car lights are not textures but simply... lights. Red and blue makes purple/pink.

Fortunately Pietas, the issues you've shown are already things I've fixed with the upcoming update. Thanks anyway!
Pietas 23 Nov 2020 @ 10:04pm 
So I just realized that the purple light is probably just the result of enabling dynamic light for a blue/red light . . . my mistake in calling that a bug. Thought it was the "missing" texture or something. :l
Pietas 23 Nov 2020 @ 7:25pm 
Seconding Krispywafers' report of purple lighting as seem here (but in part 1):

Also from part 1, bots like to teleport up to approximate the location in the crosshairs, then become incapacitated on the ledge or just fall to their deaths:

Tested w/o other mods active.

(The map's great overall, though. Nice atmosphere, nice non-versus layout.)
Krispywafers 23 Nov 2020 @ 4:46pm 
hey man! love these classics, but i notice on this map on part 3, the red & blue lights are now purple. thats all
worst 23 Nov 2020 @ 2:00pm 
Thanks for the response!
ankou  [pembuat] 23 Nov 2020 @ 1:10pm 
Hey worst, thanks for letting me know about those problems. First off, the invisible ladder infected climb has always been a thing in the original No Mercy, there is no infected ladder in that position, but I will check the navigation mesh later and rebuild the normal ladder if needed. The finale was shortened because of recent comments of it being too hard to beat, so I removed a finale wave and reset common values, though this will change in the next update because it's getting tweaked similar to Death Toll. Unfortunately bots will always find a way to get stuck somewhere, on all campaigns. I did previously spend time in that area looking at the navigation mesh and there wasn't any bad connections leading them into walls. Just average L4D2 bot stuff!
worst 23 Nov 2020 @ 1:00pm 
The campaign is wonderful!

Just some issues I noticed: The finale felt like it was much shorter than intended. Mainly the time between the first and second tank. Additionally, one of the bots I played with got stuck in the corner between the two windows across from the weapon cabinet on the roof. I also noticed a common infected climbing down an invisible ladder above the first ladder in the elevator shaft.