Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Para Bellum submod - Alternative Campaign AI
Pendra [GER] 14 Apr @ 7:04am 
turn 80 right now
Pendra [GER] 14 Apr @ 7:03am 
is diplomacy not really an option with this mod? bcs even on +90 or higher no faction wants to accept anything the only non aggression i got was with a +120 and 15k gold (everything i had at that moment. Was highest reputation the whole time.
AveMetal  [author] 31 Mar @ 7:39am 
@ BrianGeneral: This is not a stand-alone mod, is a submod and requires Para Bellum Campaign or the Collection as stated in the description.

@ Mceffe: No, the AI in Para Bellum includes custom entries and this is a submod, so it will not work as intended without Para Bellum Campaign or the Collection.

@ Switching Doom: The AI in general gets some bonuses according to the difficulty level, but this mod is not based on bonuses nor changes anything related to that.
BrianGeneral 30 Mar @ 12:56pm 
can this be used without para bellum campaign or does it require that to work? iow: is it a stand alone ai mod?
Mceffe 19 Aug, 2023 @ 4:22am 
It doesnt work for anything else than para bellum?
Switching Doom 10 Sep, 2022 @ 4:56am 
does the ai get bonuses? when playing on very hard or legendary?:steamthis:
AveMetal  [author] 26 Jun, 2022 @ 11:00am 
The AI plays better, but I don´t think it makes the game much harder. In any case this is a submod for the mod Para Bellum Campaign, so I recommend to try that one before, and use this one once you are used to it if you want something a bit different.
JohnnyCJK 23 Jun, 2022 @ 4:28pm 
Does this AI make the game harder playing as rome ?
AveMetal  [author] 10 Dec, 2021 @ 10:30am 
As I updated the main Para Bellum collection I made some changes in this mod, simplifying it so now it works as a submod. The rest of the info is in the description. Cheers!
AveMetal  [author] 9 Dec, 2021 @ 1:35pm 
You have to move your faction leader to the desired settlement, then a message will pop-up if you activated the scripts in the game menu mod options.
Koray 9 Dec, 2021 @ 1:13pm 
how do i make a province my capital ?
AveMetal  [author] 29 Nov, 2021 @ 12:26pm 
Is almost the same, the only difference is that this one doesn't include the startpos file, but that is included with the Factions part, so is not necessary to use both at the same time.
SAM 29 Nov, 2021 @ 1:14am 
Is there a reason the normal campaign module for para bellum isn't in your example of a load order? Should I not be using that and this mod together?
AveMetal  [author] 20 Jun, 2021 @ 3:02pm 
New campaign update is now available:

- Added Skidvar´s fantastic script mods: Random Personalities, Starting Ranks, Changing Capitals and Supply lines, to add new mechanics to the campaign.
- Revised political power system values, so now it is more important to keep an eye on the opposing parties and keep a balance.
- Increased mercenary pools and levies from client states (compatible with the population system), so now you can recruit an important amount and variety of troops from your client states.
- Revised AI priorities and tasks order.
- Historical events chronicle also added to HatG, CiG and IA campaigns.
AveMetal  [author] 20 Jun, 2021 @ 3:02pm 
- Improved AI construction rate, to allow better garrisons and sooner development of custom cities like Carthage, Alexandria, etc., that includes custom models since tier III.
- Fixed the ladders issue in some siege sceneries.
- Improved autoresolver system, now it takes into account the hoplitic infantry class .
- Translations updated.
- Slaves/revolts chances fine tuned.
- New campaign map image.
- Other tweaks to allow more realistic development and better survival chances for the major factions.
AveMetal  [author] 18 May, 2021 @ 10:00am 
The new patch is live:

- Revised economy: Reduced the capital bonus income as much as possible. To balance, now the low tier buildings provide a bit more of income. This way is easier to develop strong economies in other regions also, and don´t rely so much on the capital, adding a nice strategic factor, and I think that could help to guarantee the initial persistence of factions like Rome or Carthage.
AveMetal  [author] 18 May, 2021 @ 10:00am 
- Removed squalor from agriculture buildings, that didn´t make much sense.
- Fauna populating the battlefield maps is increased in quantity.
- Historical battles rework: all except Alesia and Teutoburg are rebalanced and include more accurate army compositions. The Nile map is extended so you can see the pyramids up close.
- Historical events chronicle added to the main campaign messages. All credits go for the EB, DeI and RTR III teams.
- Increased traffic in trade routes between 100-200%. Credits for Boicote.
- Better zoom in and out levels for all campaigns.
- Updated the translation files -> check mod description.

Here you can check the updates for the other Para Bellum parts:

Enjoy! Cheers!
AveMetal  [author] 17 May, 2021 @ 1:38am 
I think the changes will apply when you pass turn. Btw, Para Bellum Campaign already includes improved AI with custom profiles, but this one has other values resulting in a more dynamic and aggressive one, so you will have more varied and unexpected factions expanding.
Lord Rickard 16 May, 2021 @ 3:39pm 
Nice mod! Can the Campaign AI be activated during a Para Bellum campaign -> is it savegame comp.? Thanks for your help!
AveMetal  [author] 7 Feb, 2021 @ 9:42am 
You both need to have the exact same contents in your Total War Rome II and \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\214950 folders, so verify that you have the same number of files and size, by right clicking over these folders and checking it in the properties option. Also I recommend to make a clean mods installation as you can see in this link:
K Von 6 Feb, 2021 @ 6:05pm 
well me and my friend had the exact same mods but wouldnt work
it would just say that the version of the game is outdated
AveMetal  [author] 6 Feb, 2021 @ 5:51pm 
@ Aussie Bungalow: with mods you can only play MP with people that has exactly the same mods.

@ Dr Octocock: Fixed!
K Von 6 Feb, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
if I only download the AI mod and not the others can I still play multiplayer
Hillary Clintoris 2 Feb, 2021 @ 5:46pm 
Mod needs update, fucks up my legionnaire shields and hoplite spears when fighting 1v1 and not in phalanx.

Tried all combinations also with the normal campaign mod but issue persists
AveMetal  [author] 22 Jan, 2021 @ 6:14am 
The agents are not deleted, maybe they are not very active as I probably balanced them for the previous patches where they spammed constantly. I don´t know if they fixed it in the last one, but that´s how they stayed.

About the fort maps they are not compatible with the bigger battlefields so I added custom deployables for the different factions, which is more realistic than the forts.

Maybe I´m wrong, but as far as I know it is only possible to change the initial buildings with the AK. Para Bellum already changes the startpos.esf so you would need my modified files as base if you don´t want to mess up important features included with Para Bellum - Factions, like the family trees for all the unlocked factions, the Carthage starting positions, initial armies, etc. If you are interested send me an invitation through Steam and I can share these files.
jwoods3054 10 Jan, 2021 @ 4:01pm 
Couple questions.

Did you eliminate agents for the AI? I am not showing any even though I have my fame set to one of each at all imperiums .

Fortifications did you eliminate the walls? I get the deployables but no walled fort.

Is it possible to change the starting buildings for factions in PFM or do I need to learn how to use the assembly kit...I'm comfortable with PFM but never used the assembly kit. Finding a lot of factions are taking forever to build military buildings.


AveMetal  [author] 2 Jan, 2021 @ 12:08pm 
That is planned, Armenian roster is too Persianised so I expanded their roster this way, with custom faction but generic units like spearmen, archers, slingers and noblemen, that could be part of both campaigns.
jwoods3054 2 Jan, 2021 @ 11:40am 
Weirdness or planned? - you got a bunch of Armenian Units from Empire Divided into Rome Campaign...

3c_Arm_Armenian_Slingers east_military_infantry_1

AveMetal  [author] 31 Dec, 2020 @ 9:22pm 
Yes, it seems I´ve messed it up, but is fixed now. Open the Mod Manager to be sure the fix downloads.
AveMetal  [author] 31 Dec, 2020 @ 8:39pm 
I´ve updated recently the units experience, supposedly in a balanced way but I could have messed up something... They gain more if they kill an important general, a family member or a faction leader, but let me know if you see more weird things.
jwoods3054 31 Dec, 2020 @ 7:52pm 
Hi I tried the Campaign like you suggested. Had something strange happen which NEVER happened in Campaign AI. It happened twice.

6 legion units with 2 bronze stars autoresolved against a 1500 (+/- a bit) man Veniti attacking army and went from 2 bronze stars to 4 units of triple gold and 2 units of double silver. As I mentioned this happened twice. Obviously they won.

Is this normal? Could it have anything to do with traits talent and toadies?

AveMetal  [author] 31 Dec, 2020 @ 9:38am 
That factions are balanced and include bonuses, but I recommend to use the standard campaign:
for more historical developments (includes also improved AI), because this one is more volatile, favouring more varied results.
jwoods3054 26 Dec, 2020 @ 5:36am 
I noticed that in your Grand Campaign effects bundles you do not include hidden capital bonus to Lusitani / Arevaci / Ardahei / Syracuse. Tried it myself by using faction group celtiberian or greek - does not work. It does work for ardahei i.e. rom_faction_trait_ardiaei. Looks like an omission on CAs part? Any way to give hidden capital bonus to the other 3 factions?

The reason I want to do this is to totally stop the desert kingdoms from expanding which I can do by giving them no money either in hidden capital bonuses or faction GDP. I hate the way the DK wipes out Carthage/Egypt/Seleucid then starts having navies in the ocean... Wish I could just delete the DK DLC...
AveMetal  [author] 24 Dec, 2020 @ 5:42am 
Thanks JW, have a nice ones ;)
jwoods3054 23 Dec, 2020 @ 4:48pm 
Thank you for the update. Have a good holidays.

AveMetal  [author] 23 Dec, 2020 @ 8:01am 
The Xtmas update is here! you can check the overall features at the main campaign changelog:

AveMetal  [author] 21 Dec, 2020 @ 3:37pm 
You can check the original mod, and delete the same tables.
jwoods3054 21 Dec, 2020 @ 3:00pm 
To remove banditry and plagues is it a matter of deleting all tables that start with Band? I find the barbarian armies are in plague too much and easily defeated. Is it possible to tone down the chances of plague?
AveMetal  [author] 11 Dec, 2020 @ 3:40am 
Para aplicar esos cambios tendrias que modificar el mod con el programa gratuito Pack File Manager. Si abres con este programa el mod que está ubicado en una de las carpetas dentro de \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\214950, borras la carpeta variantmeshes y guardas, eliminarás los generales.

Para quitar la mecánica de bandidaje tienes que comparar los contenidos de este mod con los de Banditry & Plagues, que está enlazado en la descripción, y quitar del mismo modo que anteriormente explico las cosas que estén iguales en ambos.

Lo de la infantería auxiliar creo que también pasa en vanilla, aunque lo intentaré arreglar en la próxima actualización.

TheLEDkiller 10 Dec, 2020 @ 1:44am 
Se que algunas quejas son tonterías, pero me ha gustado bastante como se comporta la IA en este mod comparado con otros (donde te declaran la guerra y al siguiente turno están pidiendo ya la paz) y me han salido estas dudas al respecto.

Muchas gracias por vuestro trabajo de verdad, puede ser que este sea el mod que salve el juego para mi, ya que no soy muy fan de modificar completamente el juego, me interesa mas mejorar el comportamiento de la IA en campaña ya que en batalla no es algo que me moleste mucho.
TheLEDkiller 10 Dec, 2020 @ 1:44am 
-Por último tengo un pequeño problema con el asunto de los nuevos modelados en los generales ¿Hay alguna forma de desactivarlos? prefiero usar los modelados normales del juego, por que se me hace bastante raro el estar jugando la Gran Campaña con Octaviano como líder de facción, y donde encima puedo reclutar los modelos de Pompeyo, etc como generales (más raro es eso todavía en la campaña del Emperador Augusto jajaja)
TheLEDkiller 10 Dec, 2020 @ 1:43am 
-Se añade a la lista de construcciones el edificio de reducción de bandidaje aunque no está implementado el mod que portea esa mecánica al juego base ¿Eso se puede eliminar de alguna forma? no me importa jugar usando esa mecánica al juego base la verdad, pero cuanto mas vanilla sea la experiencia mas me gustaría (además de que no se si la IA sabe gestionar esa mecánica bien).

-Respecto a la reforma de la infantería auxiliar y la caballería auxiliar, el mod menciona que se desbloquean una vez se investiga la tecnología de las cohortes, pero no se ve reflejado ese cambio en el juego, quiero decir que si entras a la información de los barracones no vas a ver a las unidades de auxiliares ahí, ni tampoco se menciona su desbloqueo de reclutamiento en la tecnología (como si que pasa con la reforma griega de los hoplitas) ¿Es esto algún tipo de fallo?
TheLEDkiller 10 Dec, 2020 @ 1:43am 
También me ha gustado el mod que incorporáis que añade reformas de las unidades a los griegos y a las unidades de auxiliares romanas (esto es algo que la verdad es que si me interesa aunque no fuera así en vanilla, me parece que esta muy bien implementado).

Pero tengo algunos problemas (separo mi comentario en varias partes, disculpa por el spam):
TheLEDkiller 10 Dec, 2020 @ 1:42am 
He acabado encontrando este mod buscando algo que mejorara la capacidad de la IA para reclutar mejores unidades en un momento mid-late de la campaña, hay varias cosas que me gustaría preguntar

Principalmente quiero una experiencia lo mas cercana al Rome 2 vanilla, sin grandes mods que cambien muchas cosas, por lo que lo que mas me interesa es algo que modifique el comportamiento de la IA. He probado este mod y la verdad es que el trabajo en la IA parece bastante bueno, llevo unos 20 turnos como Atenas y Macedonia recluta piqueros y hoplitas normales, mezclándolos con algo de infantería cuerpo a cuerpo que tienen al comienzo (la IA vanilla únicamente habría hecho hoplitas de milicia y a volar) e igual con Tylis y los odrisios, no han spameado libertos de leva y el ejercito tiene bastante variedad, además de que la IA parece bastante activa a la hora de atacar a otras facciones, no declaran la guerra y se quedan en su ciudad reclutando sin moverse)
AveMetal  [author] 6 Dec, 2020 @ 7:16am 
It doesn´t increase the armies number per imperium level, as I think that value is fine by default, but I don´t know if it is changed by any other mod you are using.
jwoods3054 3 Dec, 2020 @ 4:02pm 
Is there anything in your mod that increases imperium for certain factions even if they only have one settlement? I couldn't figure out why Sparta/Athens/Macedon have 5 armies and only one settlement. I set the "fame" level to 3 armies for the base imperium and 5 armies for imperium 1. Only other mods I am using is Ancient Combat, Ancient Women, Anethsios (sp) Ultimate fixes, AAA Generals and Skidvars stuff. Rest are graphics and unit mods.
AveMetal  [author] 30 Nov, 2020 @ 2:55pm 
I recommend to include Para Bellum - Factions, it tweaks the initial armies, so Carthage has better chances:

Also you could opt between this mod or the main Para Bellum - Campaign:
But just choose one, the main difference is PB - AI Campaign is more dynamic, and PB - Campaign is more conservative, but also dangerous ¬¬
jwoods3054 30 Nov, 2020 @ 2:43pm 
Good job with the AI. I have not played RTW2 for a couple years and was surprised to see some newer very good mods... I am also using your battle mod.

Question: Is it possible to make Carthage keep an army in their capitol? Syracuse takes it by turn 15 all the time. I see certain factions i.e. Sparta, Insubres always have a full stack near their capital. Possibly because of ZOC?

AveMetal  [author] 22 Nov, 2020 @ 8:06am 
Noniac brings us a port of his Roman Legions to the Para Bellum mods collection:

AveMetal  [author] 21 Nov, 2020 @ 4:04am 
Yes, for 4TPY check in the comments a bit below my answer to martyn.lavender