Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Ryukyu Kingdom (Brave New World)
BansheeHowl 27 Aug, 2016 @ 7:51pm 
For whatever reason Steam refuses to download this to my mods folder. Do you have a direct download link for the mod file(s)?
Rez09 8 Nov, 2015 @ 7:35pm 
I like this civ quite a lot. It's generally hard to find custom civs that are well balanced for a multiplayer environment, especially science focused ones, but I am quite satisfied with what has been done here.

The two extra trade routes provide a lot of additional early flexibility for the civ, as you can run more internal food trade routes sooner than anyone else, allowing heavier production-based tile or specialist allocation.

The UB only provides a flat 1 or 4 science, depending on if it is worked or not, but the additional scientist slot gives you the potential to get out more great scientists than anyone that isn't Babylon, so it balances out well enough.

Regarding the Pechin, I find the unit more situationally strong than weak. With proper planning it is quite possible to pull extra Great Generals via faith, Brandenburg, and the Honor tree for late game bulbing, with the former being especially powerful if part of your game strategy was built around it.
Mojave Neon 4 Jun, 2015 @ 12:11am 
This one was okay. The Gusuku is a solid UB. The UA is nothing special, but it's decent enough. The Pechin was underwhelming though. A great general replacement just doesn't synergize well with the UA and UB for this one. Since great scientists are a lot easier to get than great generals, expending the Pechin for a technology adds very little value. It'd be a lot better if the Pechin replaced a different great person, and if it had added value beyond just a normal expenditure to discover technology. Maybe triple the amount it researches when expended, so that it really adds some value to the civ. Or add something else to it, since right now it's not that good of a unique. Overall, decent civ, but nothing great.
Faysal 17 Feb, 2015 @ 7:58pm 
YNAWMP compatible?
norwalkvirus 8 Sep, 2014 @ 11:30am 
So it doesn't. My Civilopedia isn't updated then, for some reason. Now I have to dig out what mod modifies the Harbor. Sorry about that.
Hiram  [author] 7 Sep, 2014 @ 9:44pm 
-Harbors don't provide production from sea resources in BNW.
-Carthage gets free harbors in all coastal cities. 'Free' refers to getting the building immediately, not it having no maintanence cost.
norwalkvirus 7 Sep, 2014 @ 4:08am 
So, I thought I'd give playing this Civ a try. The "Free" Harbor you get isn't Free (2G Maintenance nearly crippled me early game) and, for some reason, didn't give its bonus to Sea Resource production (until I sold it and rebuilt it with Compass). Is it supposed to be a handicap (a poor one, because if you sell it on the 1st turn, it becomes an unfair advantage).
Orangechrisy 18 Aug, 2014 @ 8:52am 
compare this to korea for science, who would win
Kellen 1 Jul, 2014 @ 9:42am 
ah, the good times trying to conquer the world as this in EU4...
Just_Nerd 24 Jun, 2014 @ 6:54am 
What if you conquer the world? Do you get the three mountians achievemment.
jccohen 21 Jun, 2014 @ 1:28pm 
I really enjoyed this civilization. Wound up sort of on my own continent, but Sumer (another mod) was just across the straights and we never saw eye to eye. But I showed him...
MrsTittles 26 May, 2014 @ 9:36am 
Just downloaded and beat this civ, and I have to say, it really shines in the early game, but tends to fall off pretty hard later.

The additional trade routes and trade route money can put you at 100+ gold before any other player, allowing you to instantly purchase some of your missing buildings, or bribe city states to your side. The science from the Gusuku was unimpressive, and though it has a slot for a scientist, the population is generally better off being put to other uses, like improvements, or other specialists.

I never got a chance to use the UU due to me keeping the peace all game, but I'm sure it would have been okay.
SheikhAbdullah 14 May, 2014 @ 10:50am 
I don't think you can say this UA is that OP, if you consider the amount of science one normally receives from trade routes, along with the gold you get from them in early game when this boost will be most effective, and the fact that by the time you get over 5 trade routes in the game (admittedly it will be earlier with the extra routes) that science boost won't count for too much, and the same goes for the Gusuku. However I must admit that the Pechin is a rather strange UU. What gave you the idea for that?
Thanks again for another great mod.
Alfe Fyr 14 May, 2014 @ 7:19am 
@mrktucson and @MooZedong I think it's overpowered in science.
Alfe Fyr 10 May, 2014 @ 4:58pm 
Moo Zedong 18 Apr, 2014 @ 12:48pm 
It doesn't seem overpowered at all to me, looks pretty balanced compared to vanilla. The trait is basically a late game gold boost that requires you to put production into it. As far as the UU goes, I really like it. It finally makes the general useful, and encourages a bit of warmongering. The Gusuku is a strong building, very strong. But I wouldn't say its too much so.
Doctor G 7 Apr, 2014 @ 10:42pm 
2 extra trade and +2 gold is a bit over powered, this mod will allow 11 trade routes in total with wonders.
skaz88 27 Feb, 2014 @ 2:06pm 
Is Nara a misprint? When I was looking them up on Wikipedia the major port of Naha was mentioned but I found no mention of a Nara in Ryukyu.
Hiram  [author] 25 Feb, 2014 @ 12:23am 
The Gusuku has the same defensive traits as the castle. The only difference is the science specialist and science yield. Having tested it in-game I've found it doesn't really unbalance things. The UA is geared towards either a science or diplomatic victory.
Rough 24 Feb, 2014 @ 7:49pm 
I think this civ could use some changes, Hiram. The UB is a tougher castle with more bonus science than usual and a science specialist slot(!?) Then you have 3 different UA abilities, all of which seem to point towards naval warfare, but then your UU is a Great I'm left wondering if I should be building for naval warfare to defend my trade routes or for ground combat to generate Pechins towards a science victory? Should I build wide to take advantage of multiple Gusuku or tall to make a bigger, better capital for better trading?

I don't know anything about Ryuku's history or anything, but I'm just saying that you should focus this civ in more. The UU should jive with something more, I think. The UB is way OP. Maybe with a new UA you could tie them all together or something? Anyway, just my $0.02
Brother Henry 6 Feb, 2014 @ 6:10pm 
all the same, it's nice to see an obscure civ like this getting a shout out, especially given Okinawa's intriguing history
Silverfishv9 21 Jan, 2014 @ 4:38pm 
The iron mountians will conquer the world! But seriously, nice shout out.
fishoak 21 Jan, 2014 @ 2:32pm 
Yeah. Overpowered. A lot. Seems like a mix of Carthage, Venice, and Moracco without adding new stuff to either three of the mix. The 4+ gold is too much.
Obi Wan Cannoli 21 Jan, 2014 @ 1:04pm 
Seems pretty overpowered.