Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Harpoon (Rope)
469 commenti
Space Ace 21 giu, ore 6:01 
is this mod functional for a dedicated server? seeing lots of reports of bugs
Freki 15 giu, ore 16:56 
At the moment, this mod works in multiplayer but does not visually appear for clientside. Any possibility of fixes?
Seric Alturez 7 mag, ore 18:26 
still waiting on a fix I assume
happyaxolotl189 28 apr, ore 1:03 
can someone fix this :3
Deapri 15 feb, ore 10:43 
It certainly does.
Hethan757 4 gen, ore 15:49 
Does anyone know if this uses scripts and if it doesn’t could I have permission to upload it on mod io
EternalToast 9 dic 2023, ore 6:08 
I wanted to have an ROV-like small ship attached to my large ship in Water Mod, so I could have something go below the Crush Depth of 400 meters and mine. This mod might do it? If anything else, having a rope would be helpful from keeping small ships from drifting too far from port.
CaveDweller 7 nov 2023, ore 20:04 
I like the demo ship in the video. Is that on the workshop as well or would it be possible to get access to it?
Panzerwiesel 28 ott 2023, ore 12:55 
The mod once again works. Sometimes you just have to turn your large ship into a station for it to work again or you have to dock your small grid to a station.
CaptainCaveman 25 set 2023, ore 10:10 
Loved this MOD when i found it, but had issues in multiplayer worlds and it would stop working for anyone who joined my world. Anyone know if this is still a thing? Might not get to test it with friends for a few days
The Real Boot 21 set 2023, ore 11:18 
Through personal experimentation, I have found a way to reel it in very quickly. Set a timer block with the two actions: Reel in / Timer Block Trigger in that order (The same timer block as the reel, so it triggers itself). In the toolbar, set up 2 actions: Trigger now and stop, so you can reel it in quickly and stop it whenever. You need another timer to unreel it in. Set a delay if that is too fast for you.
BetterBooty 13 set 2023, ore 21:07 
so... the harpoon fires, but when i tell it to reel in, it will only ever go .1 meters.... any way to get it to reel faster?
[SE] Bean 10 set 2023, ore 1:14 
For something so cool, I'm surprised it hasn't been updated in 19 months. Also that it still apparently works :martini: (per comments below).
Turret problems 8 set 2023, ore 21:09 
its definitely working, just wish there was more qol additions
Valhalla 3 set 2023, ore 11:04 
is not working?
SKATT 18 ago 2023, ore 3:51 
@maxwindude , mod is working
maxwindude 3 ago 2023, ore 16:40 
The mod is no longer working. Will there be an update?
aTruckgril Beverly ✿ 8 lug 2023, ore 2:52 
Please do take a moment to peruse my other comments on your alternate rope modification . As you can observe, I possess remarkable ideas, considering you have already incorporated a rendition of my rope gun. 🧐💭✉️
SKATT 25 giu 2023, ore 0:26 
hello, we have been using your harpoon for several servers in a row, especially well suited for airships and naval ships. There is such a question: can you make a hand harpoon? so that the character has a cannon that shoots the same rope, and adjust the length by q e
Calmaria 22 giu 2023, ore 7:34 
Custom Turret controller, doesn't see it as a weapon, so not gonna be useful to me.
joe lasagna 14 giu 2023, ore 14:29 
is there anyway to make it so where its not absolute aids to reel in?
KDG_Industries 9 giu 2023, ore 15:30 
alright I restarted my game and it worked for a little bit, bit quickly stooped working when I transferred nexus server nodes
KDG_Industries 9 giu 2023, ore 12:57 
hey, does it not work in space? or does it work in space? im trying to get it work on this server i'm playing on (which is heavily modded so yeah might be some conflict there)

I loaded it up with like 250 canvas in each harpoon turret, and im pressing "Fire", but no rope comes out, and nothing is really happening. any ideas?
SchmoobledeeDOOM 31 mag 2023, ore 16:00 
klame fix pl0x
Breytac 21 mag 2023, ore 16:43 
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon,,,
Sausage 23 apr 2023, ore 3:11 
Hmmm,.. diabolical application comes to mind ... hmmm : D

YOINK! Fankz!
YungPro 20 apr 2023, ore 1:29 
so apparently, other players in your world/server are unable to see the rope of your harpoon, in other worlds for other players the rope is invisible
DrBossWatson 13 apr 2023, ore 21:48 
What is the range of the harpoons?
Sydy Chan 8 mar 2023, ore 7:44 
omg that'd perfect just what i needed thank you ^^
Rj Danil 9 feb 2023, ore 7:24 
lol. to make it work, craft a parachute and shove it in the harpoon :sefacepalm:
ThePropheticWarrior 8 feb 2023, ore 9:09 
@RandomGuy0400: There is a plugin that gives you camera feeds on LCD's - and yes, it does work. I use it on all my ships!

@Klime: As asked before, are there any plans at all for making a Turret version of this? The reason other than for performance/clang issues with subgrids, is the bulkiness that Rotor Turrets generate.

I did sub to the MP Testing version of this, and waiting for any updates that insue! Great mod, BTW!
bart 2 feb 2023, ore 9:42 
hello, my game tells me that it appears in critical error, someone has a solution
Axel-of-Atheara 15 gen 2023, ore 8:32 
@Klime, are you ever going to make a custom model for this? Would be super cool.
: ) 26 dic 2022, ore 13:48 
Im on multiplayer and only the host is able to shoot
Bombdude2000 9 dic 2022, ore 13:03 
does this remove the azimuth rotor
Diamand_LP 27 nov 2022, ore 2:01 
it works with WC and Industrial overhaul it's just a fixed weapon that needs canvas
Warriorkiller07 23 nov 2022, ore 7:25 
any one used this with industrial over hall and have it work
Kosmoski 22 nov 2022, ore 1:18 
Does this work with WC?
Zensunni 26 ott 2022, ore 17:22 
Works perfectly if you have Canvas as ammunition in the Harpoon.
v.037 23 ott 2022, ore 4:45 
Not working correctly, doesnt fire
max 21 ott 2022, ore 17:06 
Not working correctly, doesnt fire
Spartan 3 ott 2022, ore 6:34 
Not working correctly, doesnt fire
Commodore_Phoenix 19 set 2022, ore 9:50 
how do you control the turrets, as turrets and not as just fixed hardpoints? Can't figure out how to switch to the camera setting in the video
MisterCadrega 16 set 2022, ore 12:16 
weird, I've just restarted the same game and now it works....dafuq
MisterCadrega 16 set 2022, ore 12:11 
@Eff09 I know, that's exactly what I did, I put the launcher on my ship, loaded it with canvas, hit the command on the tool bar and nothing would happen. The toolbar behaved as if I did launch the harpoon but the harpoon wasn't just there
Eff09 4 set 2022, ore 2:30 
@papamobile42: It is not a weapon and never has worked like one - You need the fire command on your tool bar.
MisterCadrega 2 set 2022, ore 15:54 
doesn't seem to work on weaponcore? got canvas loaded but harpoon wouldn't fire
TopSecretPorkChop 1 set 2022, ore 7:33 
There doesn't seem to be a fire/detach button on the small grid harpoon I've added to my boat.
Titan Nya 1 ago 2022, ore 1:20 
Well... It seems like it don't automaticaly pull canvas from the conveyor system and it's resetting custom data (maybe using it as internal info for the rope) sop can't make IIM put them automaticaly in... well... I guess i'll do it manually for now...
Titan Nya 31 lug 2022, ore 17:09 
Was wondering why it didn't shoot... Missed the need canvas to shoot in survival...

Well I guess i won't use it to stop ship or I need to remake pretty much all my front armored part of the ship to make conveyor path to them...