Arma 3
22 件のコメント
BarLo-FuriousPinguin 4月14日 5時52分 
same issue as rozdelta, rpk dudes spawn with invisible weapon that also causes supression to go over the entire map. small bug, other then that really like the mod, its super small and often is more balanced then some of the bigger mods.
rozdelta 2022年11月21日 22時09分 
Hey chief how come whenever i spawn an insurgent with an RPK the weapon is invisible?
[ACPL] Jon  [作成者] 2022年5月21日 9時22分 
Try CTRL+Y, in general when playing press Escape -> Comtrols -> Configue Addons -> CBA Weapons. The bind you're interested in is Next Optics State.

@MichaelPatriot21 - I don't think it will work like that.
180conas 2021年12月28日 9時58分 
Hi how do i use magnifier?
MichaelPatriot21 2021年7月18日 17時50分 
@PSZ Mod Team is this mod server side?
PSZ Mod Team  [作成者] 2021年3月15日 13時18分 
@Opozniac Thank you, we will fix them some time in future.
COCKMEISTER 2021年2月3日 14時55分 
The masked units don't have masks in the looters?
kuloodporny  [作成者] 2020年11月17日 7時46分 
@B6ix it works with Zeus, but you have to configure Zeus module to allow the new factions.
wrtxt 2020年10月3日 18時50分 
Does this work with Zeus or only in the editor?
PSZ Mod Team  [作成者] 2020年9月20日 5時37分 
@peppermint: Out mission pack for PSZ requires OP4.
Linxu 2020年9月19日 19時53分 
I'd also love to know: why is this a requirement for the PSZ faction?
[ACPL] Jon  [作成者] 2020年7月3日 20時17分 
Roque, no unless you plan to adjust "attributes" or "type" of every spawned unit to force AK's on them. "Katiba" is a real gun (KH2002) though and we're keeping it as lore-wise ISA grew to power thanks to CSAT (and is supplied by them), which was using them to keep NATO occupied (and spending). That's why they use both Katibas and CAR95's.
Roque_THE_GAMER 2020年7月3日 18時58分 
Is it possible to remove the Katiba?
[ACPL] Jon  [作成者] 2020年6月29日 9時21分 
NF_F16, it's almost 100 % related to other mods you're using. So the sensible thing to do would be to make screenshots of the "masks", look for them in the arsenal, check what mod does that, get rid of the broken mod. Normally, the units should get only head and face gear from vanilla.

Btw, is your game lagging heavily, is it on for a long time? I remember head \ masks following units issue being when something HEAVILY bugged out in my ArmA, restart solved it.

Lemme know how this goes.
NF_F16 2020年6月29日 8時39分 
Im getting a bug where the units from every faction included in this mod have these masks under their bodies that just float and follow them everywhere, any clue?
[ACPL] Jon  [作成者] 2020年5月30日 7時03分 
@ConCon - perhaps, problem is that especially with AI mods, AI can be pretty unpredictable with their equipment use and enemies running with pistols for no reason would be problematic for gameplay. We already had an issue with soldiers rushing towards enemy with binoculars in their hands. Also remember that lore-wise the equipment has been mostly stolen \ bought in bulk \ delivered by CSAT so noone asked eventual users if they'll have handguns to put in there :P and thus, given the limited ability to fix it (can't edit these models), I'm afraid it'll stay like this for now (and sadly, possibly forever).

Still, thanks for your opinion \ report and we're happy you like :)

@Halcyon @MrStregatto - thanks!
a white girl 2020年5月19日 6時13分 
Great mod so far! I do dislike the fact that some of them spawn with a chest rig that has a holster, when the people only have 1 primary weapon, and such, have an empty handgun holster.
It'd be great if they all spawned with some sort of handgun or secondary, to fill that slot.
But with the amount of ammo they get, it would be useless and more-so for show. But it'd look quite good none the less.

Other than that little peeve, the mod is absolutely amazing. Loving it and it'll surely be a must-have in the future.
✘TIMER✘ 2020年5月18日 11時13分 
POLISH ARMED FORCES (ENGISH) =----== (PL) Polskie siły zbrojne
[ACPL] Jon  [作成者] 2020年5月18日 4時37分 
Because of the SP & COOP scenarios which are packed within the mod.
ærømagnetica 2020年5月17日 23時30分 
Arthur Bomber Harris 2020年5月17日 19時57分 
why is this a requirement for PSZ
MrStregatto 2020年5月17日 1時48分 
Testing Asap!