

Pachy's Rimworld Pack 1.1 (Currently Broken)
Majston 19 Apr, 2020 @ 11:09am 
Cheers Pachy, keep up the good work!
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 19 Apr, 2020 @ 2:01am 
I'm re-building it from scratch, so I will have an updated collection at some point but I couldn't give an ETA
Schmiddy 19 Apr, 2020 @ 1:59am 
any updates to the status of this collection?
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 11 Apr, 2020 @ 8:08pm 
@Drakons, I was running it on my gaming laptop with 8gb of Ram and an Intel i7 without to much lag.
Seeja 11 Apr, 2020 @ 6:22am 
Hey, for me the modpack is more or less working, however I have huge performance issues (down to 20FPS on x2 etc.). Is this expected behaviour or not? What specs do you have run this without issues? :D
Majston 10 Apr, 2020 @ 1:17pm 
I dont know how but I reinstalled everything and now it works. This time I did delete all the ludeon files etc, like you recommended pachy :)
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 9 Apr, 2020 @ 8:17pm 
Ok, I'll try and sort some of it out later and reduce some of the bloat after I finish my uni classes for the day
Erikkustrife 9 Apr, 2020 @ 5:26pm 
Well I have narrowed it down, now all i need is for @majston to know for sure whats going on. Also theres a few mods that throw up so many red errors that they can actually slow the game down,

1 of these is I clearly have enough doesnt actually contain info about a few of the items and keeps trying to interact with them over and over.
Erikkustrife 9 Apr, 2020 @ 9:59am 
Iv found that psychology shoots out errors when ever you see an enemy but thats not causing the crash what ever is isnt being listed in the ingame pause log. Ill try to figure more out when i wake up because i really want to play the game with these mods (except for pschology not my type of thing since i got a useless degree in it and all.)
Erikkustrife 9 Apr, 2020 @ 8:46am 
Yea i have no idea, besides for the whiole 50% chance of crashing on map gen, everything was going fine, now its crash eveytime i take damage.
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 9 Apr, 2020 @ 8:16am 
That's odd, I had been playing for the last few hours with no issues, I honestly have no idea with what's going on with other peoples version. Like I said, I'm no modder, but I'm trying to narrow down what's causing this, but I honestly have no clue
Erikkustrife 9 Apr, 2020 @ 8:09am 
Brand new install using only your collection and the first fight i had game crashed :( im thinking the update last night broke something in one of them.
Erikkustrife 9 Apr, 2020 @ 7:26am 
I am currently having the same problems, reinstalling now with a fresh install (also getting rid of the folder in appdata. Hoping this fixes it. I noticed the crashing 50% of the time on map gen but after crashing in my 2nd fight im really hoping this fixes it as i like using all these mods

Also note im using rim of maddness mods along with RJW.
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 9 Apr, 2020 @ 4:53am 
So I did a completely fresh re-install to test these issues and the only issue I had was the Spike Trap crash. I could load a new map and tested combat with no issues.

My suggestion would be to completely clear everything Rimworld from the computer before re-installing. I deleted my "Ludeon Studios" folder in %appdata%, as well as the folder relating to Rimworld, "294100", in the Workshop/Content section of the Steamapps files.
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 9 Apr, 2020 @ 3:49am 
I haven't been having those issues last I played, but maybe the new update has changed something. I'll do a complete clean install of Rimworld and this pack and see if the issues still persist.
Majston 9 Apr, 2020 @ 1:06am 
Man I'm having real issues with this modpack. At first I just subscribed to everything and it all worked, exept that it always crashed whenever I got into a fight.

I unistalled the game and unsubscribed to all the mods, and then followed the guidelines in the description. Now everytime I start a colony (after choosing location and crew and all that) it crashes before I get into the map. Any of you have experience with this?

This modpack seems like a blast to play so I'm really sad its not working for me :(
Dr.Peter 4 Apr, 2020 @ 11:30am 
Trap Disable and other mods adding trap are maybe incompatible.
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 4 Apr, 2020 @ 7:07am 
Ahh ok, I'm having the same issue, I'm not sure how to fix it yet tho. My advice would just not use spike traps for the time being. You could try and use the bear traps from Vanilla Security Expanded (?) and see if they work instead. I just don't have the time to test them myself at the moment as it is 1am where I live and I need to sleep :lunar2019piginablanket:
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 4 Apr, 2020 @ 6:03am 
Ok, I'll load up my version and see if it's crashing for me and if it is, i'll see if i can fix it
Kettzer 4 Apr, 2020 @ 5:26am 
Thx for your answer. I reinstall RimWorld +mods+Modlist. I load a new orc colony. I build a struktur with wooden trap. Spawn in a orc fighter. If they step on the trap the game crash.
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 3 Apr, 2020 @ 6:31pm 
@Kettzer I think I got the same combat crash issue initially as well, it's because Simple More Melee mod has been taken off the Workshop but the game still thinks it's installed. I solved it by "Unsubscribe From All" my Rimworld mods, clearing out all my Rimworld folders and doing a fresh re-install and re-subbing to my mods.

As for the RimPy error, as I did not create or maintain the RimPy list myself (since I don't use RimPy) I'm not entirely sure, but those may be mods that have been taken off the workshop.
Kettzer 3 Apr, 2020 @ 5:09am 
Hello i get thsi error, by loading the RimPy list.

There are mods that are in ModsConfig.xml, but not in any mod folder. Mods will be ignored [3]:


Also my game crash, if i get in combat with raids or the raids step on a trap.
Dr.Peter 2 Apr, 2020 @ 6:05pm 
Yup, the mods are compatible.
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 2 Apr, 2020 @ 5:57pm 
I'm pretty sure both are pretty compatible with most mods (I'll probably end up adding them in myself once I'm bored of playing without them). I'd suggest trying to load them around the same place on the list as Genetic Rim & EPOE Forked, as that's the section where I've loaded most gameplay overhaul mods.
Dr.Peter 2 Apr, 2020 @ 9:17am 
Hello Pachy !
Goodjob, it's a great modpack, do you know if RimAtomic and Rimfeller can be safely add ?

(I just want to take care of Middle-earth... and clean it from goblins and hobbits by nuclear force and oil war ! :D)
ShadowWolf579 31 Mar, 2020 @ 2:43pm 
You're welcome Pachy and don't mention it glad to help! Im enjoying the hell outta the pack i gave you a rate and a favorite too!
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 30 Mar, 2020 @ 7:52pm 
Added, credited and the link is working. Thanks for doing that, I hope you enjoy the pack :)
ShadowWolf579 30 Mar, 2020 @ 7:37pm 
Here you go Pachy let me know if the link gives you any trouble

Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 30 Mar, 2020 @ 6:42pm 
If you wanna upload it via whatever site you want, you can send the link to me and I'll put it in the description and credit you
ShadowWolf579 30 Mar, 2020 @ 1:49am 
Oh that makes sense, i didn't consider Fluffy and RimPY load order difference, and no problem how would you like me to send it over?
Goblin-like Tendencies  [author] 29 Mar, 2020 @ 10:14pm 
Thanks @Steelwolf09, I don't use RimPY so wouldn't have known that the XML was an issue :') I use Fluffy's just coz it's easier for me to work on ordering it.

But yeah if you wanna send it through, that'd be great. Thanks :)
ShadowWolf579 29 Mar, 2020 @ 9:39pm 

Pachy i figured out whats going on with your XML mod list.

It is written incorrectly for RimPY to read correctly, so because of that the mod manager would just kick back an error and say none of the mods are downloaded even though they are all currently installed on steam. So i edited you're base mod list via Notepad++ and wrote it in the correct format. After a few adjustments it loads up no problem in the mod manager and pulls the correct order for the mod list right over.

If you want i can send it to you so you add it in the description. Just let me know!
ShadowWolf579 29 Mar, 2020 @ 7:29pm 
I'm not entirely sure whats going on with the mod list document but for myself, its just kicking back an error saying none of the mods are downloaded for me.