Colonist Bar Hiding
74 件のコメント
TSense 4月8日 9時22分 
OMG 1.5
Background character 2023年10月28日 14時49分 
Anyone got a 1.4 capable similar?
Benjamite97 2023年1月24日 15時56分 
OMG i need this for 1.4
Ramonvdm 2022年11月4日 17時19分 
does this mod work for 1.4?
CheeseWheelGuy 2022年8月22日 20時42分 
waiting for Mlie to come along and do his thing so i can use this awesome, but abandoned mod
Dawn Entity 2021年11月18日 8時41分 
the other bar mods are disturbing the game and causing bug some minutes after crashing the game's GUI. So right now there are no more mod for colonist bar that work at all in term of hiding them..
FireDefender 2021年11月12日 14時43分 
People, do not use this in 1.3 please, since it hides a bit more than expected...

It also hides the UI and causes the game to pretty much freeze, and no, this is a bug, not a feature
Dawn Entity 2021年11月2日 6時45分 
@DefenestrateMePls , lol, what about the slaves now, gotta be more.
Dawn Entity 2021年11月2日 6時00分 
An error that doesn't let me opening my game session :

Error in static constructor of ColonistBarHiding.Loader: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'ColonistBarHiding.Loader' threw an exception. ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Ambiguous match for HarmonyMethod[(class=RimWorld.ColonistBarDrawLocsFinder, methodname=CalculateColonistsInGroup, type=Normal, args=undefined)] ---> System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException: Ambiguous match found.
Last in space 2021年9月16日 6時32分 
LTO colonist group mod its kinda like this one but you can group people and hide groups or people
zinapple 2021年9月11日 16時09分 
Are there any similar substitutes?
Shigari 2021年8月15日 5時38分 
Just for the tip, don't use it in 1.3, it disables the UI and freezes the game.
Last in space 2021年8月14日 13時12分 
can you play this in 1,3
DefenestrateMePls 2021年8月13日 14時09分 

Having 100+ colonists in cryptosleep clutters things like crazy
Nekro Philadelphia 2021年7月18日 19時11分 
Can anyone confirm if this is functional as is for 1.3? just wanna make sure i can still use this with the new DLC
Commander Lulz 2021年3月7日 6時42分 
There is a bug with this mod where it hides all colonists and also multiple colonies in the top bar, I have found out how to get around it (at least for me). The issue only happens when starting a new playthrough with the mod enabled.

So to make the mod work, just disable the mod, start the bugged save, save the game without the mod enabled, then go back and enable the mod again and load the save that you made without the mod enabled. Then it works again.

It might be a mod conflict, not sure which one causes it as I have hundreds of mods. I also have the alien framework mod like someone mentioned below.
Tokido Saya 2021年2月8日 4時16分 
why this mod start keep hidding all my colonist?i can only hide one colonist if i hide more than one this mod hide all of my colonist.
i have some outlanders wanker in my colonly now.
glencoe2004 2021年1月30日 23時07分 
I *think* I've found something to do with the hiding the entire bar thing.
I have the same issue as Viper, Arkar1234 and Antisodium do. While I still don't know how to replicate it, I believe I've found what error it throws when it actually happens:


To my absolutely non-existent coding skills, there seems to be an issue with Alien Framework.

To anyone else who has this issue; do you use modded races that use the HAF and, if you do, do you have any in a colony that experiences this issue?
Viper 2021年1月19日 11時26分 
Aaaaand it's related only to that specific savegame. Just like two other people have reported in the comments going back a few months. Seems an elusive and intermittent little bug.

My tip for anyone reading this, if your bar disappears for some reason, unhide manually-hidden colonists to see if you get it back.
Viper 2021年1月19日 11時04分 
I am suddenly having problems out of the blue. No idea why - no changes occurred recently and none of my mods than updated in the past 48 hours has anything to do with the colonist bar - but if I hide 2 or more colonists manually it thinks I've hidden the entire bar - the bar disappears and gives the message about re-enabling it through the mod options. I can manually hide ONE colonist now without adverse effect. No red lines thrown in debug log
Viper 2021年1月9日 14時07分 
Saucy I love your mods dude. I browse the workshop constantly and find stuff and I'm like "hm, this seems handy" and I see Created by: Saucy_Pigeon a whole heckuva lot. :)

Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2021年1月5日 15時37分 
Thank you for the suggestion; I plan on adding something like that to the mod. Unfortunately, I cannot give a solid time frame due to other commitments. As this mod is open source, I will gladly add this feature and credit it appropriately should someone create a pull request.
Jdalt40 2021年1月3日 5時20分 
Hey Saucy_Pigeon, would it be possible to have perhaps a sort of "Autohide" mod option for those entering Cryptosleep pods? Just thought it would be useful given my current need to put half of my colonists into Cryptosleep to avoid starvation, manually hiding and unhiding 32 colonists miight be a bit difficult
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年12月17日 21時53分 
There don't appear to be any incompatibilities at first sight.
[RTB] Sarianos 2020年12月16日 22時08分 
Anybody know if this is compatible with the [NL] Dynamic Portraits mod by any chance?
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年10月17日 14時36分 
Don't worry about it, I've had the same problems with RimWorld and other games where sometimes mods break for no reason.
Antisodium 2020年10月17日 7時14分 
Sorry for the late reply...I've investigated "the-last-man-problem" and confirmed that it only appears in one of my saved games. I tried and failed to reproduce this problem in other/new saves with the same mods and same settings. I don't know why, but I think other people are unlikely to encounter the same problem during gameplay.
Considering these, I think the necessity of a fix is minimal (and also has a possibility that it's not this mod's fault). Sorry again for bothering you!
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年10月15日 10時55分 
Sounds similar to a previous issue with transport pods. If possible, please post steps to reproduce the bug, mod list and RimWorld version, and the error log (steps to find these things are in the FAQ above), as otherwise I won't be able to fix the bug.
Arkar1234 2020年10月14日 1時28分 
It looks like there might be problem with colonists being in transport pods/SRTS (mid transit in map) that causes the colonist bar to disappear temporarily until the pods or whatever vehicle reaches their destination.
zzz_Keulkeul 2020年9月21日 12時07分 
I put nice colonists i don't need immediatly on cryptosleep caskets for later and it would be nice if i could hide thems from the others tabs too (work / schedule / ...). But this is already something, thanks for that.
Toby 2020年9月21日 7時08分 
Phew. I thought the whole country was sending you bug info. :steamfacepalm:

I was like NO THANKS ON THIS MOD. (But actually thank you for this mod)
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年9月20日 14時15分 
@[RAID] Bogrin

I will look into making this mod compatible with Puppeteer.


Thank you for providing your reproduction steps. Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate your issue. Are you using any mods beside Harmony and this one? If so, please send your mod list (found at [%AppData%]/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Config/ModsConfig.xml).

Also, thank you for providing your translation; it will be included in the next update.

@The United States of America.

Please include the following via a pastebin link or similar:
- Your mod list and RimWorld version ([%AppData%]/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Config/ModsConfig.xml)
- The log after the error (with Hugslib, press ctrl-F12. Without Hugslib, can be found in [%AppData%]/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Player.log).

These will help me see if there are any mod incompatibilities or error messages.
The United States of America. 2020年9月19日 19時32分 
I ran into an Issue where my Colonist bar went away and I couldn't get it back. I tried flicking the toggle on and off and I tried spawning more colonist pawns. No matter what I did I was unable to get the colonist bar back.
Antisodium 2020年9月11日 9時52分 

When I resume one of the 5 sleeping colonist's icons, the pod's touch down no longer crashes the game. But this means I have to leave at least one colonist behind...

Currently, I can fix this problem by creating a scapegoat using dev mode and abandon the whole colony then, but still very inconvenient. Will be very grateful if you can fix this.

PS: I've added the Chinese translation to this mod on your GitHub, please confirm.

Again, thanks for creating and maintaining this good mod!
Antisodium 2020年9月11日 9時49分 
Hi, it's me again...bug report:
When you have 2 colonies and your last move makes one of them empty, the game crashes.

And sorry I can't provide the error log because the game just freezes and no log is recorded, but I can provide my operation history (for you to repeat the bug if necessary):

I was moving my colony from one map to another. The old map has 1 last person (namely A) and 5 more in cyrosleeper, with their icons hiding. I send A to the world map by transportation pod. The pod launched and flew successfully, but when it touches down, the game immediately freezes and crashes (which is exactly the time when A's icon should disappear from the old map bar, and appear in world caravan bar).
Bogrin 2020年9月5日 10時52分 
Could this somehow work with Puppeteer?
Proxyer 2020年8月14日 9時54分 
Thank you update!
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年8月14日 8時57分 
Updated to support RimWorld version 1.2.
Proxyer 2020年6月28日 5時32分 
Thank you for update! :HentaiGirlLinda_like:
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年6月28日 5時32分 
Thanks Proxyer, your changes are now merged in the current version.
Antisodium 2020年6月23日 19時15分 
Thank you very much for the quick fix and the whole work ! You're great ! :steamhappy:
Proxyer 2020年6月23日 9時25分 
Hello, author Saucy_Pigeon.
I update the Japanese translation for v1.2.0. So I sent Pull request from GitHub. Please confirm and merge. Thank you.
Proxyer 2020年6月23日 9時08分 
Thank you for your big works!
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年6月23日 7時53分 
A fairly big update with major code changes, as well as some features and fixes.

Most of these changes apply to 1.1 only (marked with *)

- Fixed null argument exception with empty maps.
- Compatibility with Sort Colonist Bar by Joris. Colonist Bar Hiding now disables its right click option when that mod is loaded to avoid confusion.*
- Disabled button to edit colonist bar in main menu which was causing errors.
- Added icon for hidden colonists in the edit menu.*
- Added "hide all" and "show all" buttons to the edit menu.*
- This mod now requires Harmony as an external dependency.*
- This mod lists its incompatibility with Colonist Bar KF.

@Omnibelt I was unable to reproduce your error. Is it possible for you to send your mod list and error log?
Antisodium 2020年6月22日 23時57分 
Bug report:
When you have 2 more maps and one of them is empty (no colonists), the scroll bar will vanish, making me only able to edit the first 10 pawns.

log below:
Exception filling window for ColonistBarHiding.UI.Dialog_ManageColonistBar:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: pawn

at ColonistBarHiding.UI.Dialog_ManageColonistBar.AddButton (UnityEngine.Rect rect, Verse.Listing_Standard list, Verse.Pawn pawn, System.Boolean fromColonistBar) [0x0001e] in <0c9a0fb9b8cb441fbed132c669a843c8>:0

at ColonistBarHiding.UI.Dialog_ManageColonistBar.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x000cf] in <0c9a0fb9b8cb441fbed132c669a843c8>:0

at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x00165] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
Currently I can resolve this problem by sending one colonist to the empty map. Just a little inconvenient for gameplay. Will be very grateful if you can fix this :)
Omnibelt 2020年6月12日 17時20分 
Hey, I think I've found a bug with it. When I hide too many colonists, the whole colonist bar shifts over to the right, hiding some of them off screen. I can hide up to 12 before it bugs out
arkpanda 2020年3月1日 19時41分 
You are pretty good.:lunar2019coolpig:
Proxyer 2020年2月20日 3時21分 
Good news! :HentaiGirlLinda_like:
Saucy_Pigeon  [作成者] 2020年2月20日 2時23分 
The mod has been updated to support RimWorld version 1.1.
Pegasus Device 2020年2月12日 14時39分 
Whatever you did in that last update seems to have fixed the slider issue for me, so well done!