Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Wars Of The Gods - Ancient Wars Mod Part 1 for Patch 20
GorbashSmash 3 Jul @ 11:57am 
I have a weird issue. So the game will crash after a certain amount of turns but it is always when it is a Slave faction's turn. Don't know if it is like a bug or something else.
BRAN MAC BORN 13 Jun @ 7:59pm 
You have to to do tech research to make the correct buildings. Marian reforms about 85 turns as this is 4tpy.
loleyloleyloley 12 Jun @ 12:41pm 
How many turns should i wait as Rome to get cohorts and etc?I mean the Reforms and smt like that
BRAN MAC BORN 10 Jun @ 6:18pm 
Elite unit usually means they have better morale and hit points and better formations. There are some 18000 units in the mod and that is toons realm. I do not mess with that stuff. He culled about 5000 units from the mod back in 2019. What you are seeing as unbalanced is probably the Ai combat stat bonuses. Use the sub mod that does not give the ai forces any stat bonus.
Lace 8 Jun @ 6:53pm 
I second qwerty, so many units that have way better stats and are cheaper than "elite" units. Also, how many units that are the same but has a reskin this mod has?
qwerty 4 Jun @ 12:10pm 
even with softcore submod the ai is too aggressive
also this mod is really really unbalanced
BRAN MAC BORN 29 May @ 9:56pm 
Lets see what do you mean by unbalanced? Since you do not state any details- your statement is just NOISE.
xxJD190xx 28 May @ 11:09am 
The most unbalanced mod there is
BRAN MAC BORN 6 Apr @ 11:26pm 
Hoplites are very easy to kill with slinger units from the rear and or arrows from the side and rear. Javelins will destroy them also. General Bodyguard units are Elite units and will be hard to bring down. I recommend playing battles on normal difficulty.
ariabagheri2 6 Apr @ 8:52pm 
I have encountered what I have to believe is a glitch. Playing as rome. The Etruscan army I fought on turn one. The general (Samnite Hoplites) are invincible. The general unit alone killed >1000 of my men. What the fuck is going on?

Let me be very clear about what happened: I killed the entire army, only the general was left. I surrounded the general with my principes, hastati, and triarii. I outnumbered him 10 to 1. The Samnite Hoplite general unit killed them all. He did not lose a single troop to melee. Only my velites killed some of his units. When the velites ran out of javlins, I was unable to kill any more. This has to be an unintended glitch, as it is incredibly historically inaccurate.

Hoplites are incredibly useless when not deployed rigidly, and are easily crushed when flanked.
BRAN MAC BORN 4 Apr @ 11:25pm 
Reilian-USE the Harder Rome submod or the Hard economy submod.
Reilian 4 Apr @ 12:31am 
It's normal 30K income every turn for Rome?
Hakka 26 Mar @ 8:23pm 
I don't know if this is the game or mod mistake but I've noticed that for Rome, the unit Cohors Legionaria is better than the Cohors Evocata. I don't know if it's a bug but in theory the Evocata should be better because they are the veterans and the Cohors Legionaria are just regular units, also they are more expensive which doesn't make any sense if their stats are worse.
BRAN MAC BORN 25 Mar @ 7:58pm 
Nick Have you removed ALL other mods from you Rome 2 folder??? You have do to that! If you do not there will be conflicts and weird behaviors.! I find it amusing to see these things that I have never ever seen in hundreds of hours of play testing. So remove all the other mods and unsub from them so there is no trace. The only thing in you mod launcher should be Wars of the Gods part 1-4 and any Wars of the Gods sub mods loading above it. That goes for ALL overhaul mods-same instructions-you have to have a clean Rome 2 workshop folder and a clean data folder too.
Nick V1 25 Mar @ 8:01am 
Just been trying out these mods and right away I have Knosses sending over 2 full suicide stacks of slingers? Eh?
BRAN MAC BORN 21 Feb @ 8:47pm 
EL MURO-that is Toon Total War stuff and he is out of the modding thing.
El muro supremo del trump 21 Feb @ 3:01pm 
no way to just get the xml files? its a small change, im just adding one resource and starting building.
BRAN MAC BORN 21 Feb @ 1:00am 
UPDATE: Newer Combat Sub mod updated with improved hoplite behavior.
BRAN MAC BORN 20 Feb @ 10:31pm 
You will have to unpack the startpos file yourself ...goodluck with that.
El muro supremo del trump 20 Feb @ 8:48pm 
Is there any way to get ahold of the raw startpos data for this mod? im trying to build a submod that adds silphium as a resource for cyrene.
BRAN MAC BORN 19 Feb @ 1:42am 
How is that even possible????????????? WIll have to look into that submod.
wankstain 18 Feb @ 7:46am 
regarding my earlier comments, it's only on the "harder rome "(for the player, not Ai) submod that has the financial mistake
wankstain 17 Feb @ 8:29am 
i figured it out - getting married adds 4,000 to unit upkeep lol
wankstain 16 Feb @ 5:37pm 
whenever one of my generals gets a new skill / trait, or one of my family members gets married, the unit upkeep jumps like 10k. makes it completely unplayable unfortunately.
BRAN MAC BORN 15 Feb @ 11:56pm 
Zieto yes that is a mistake in the building files it should be 6 turns not 66. I doubt that Toon will uplload a new version of the mod so I suggest that you fix the typo with the Pack file manager yourself. Sorry.
Zietos 15 Feb @ 11:38am 
Ma´in semms buggy, 66 turns for finishing tier 2 building and 10 rounds instead of 3 fot the first military research ^^
Bilgegard von Hinden 6 Feb @ 1:24pm 
Just stumbled upon something I can only assume to be an oversight. All the factions from the desert kingdoms dlc seem to start exclusively with buildings foreign cultures. Having to convert everything at the start is a bit of an issue. Can't even comment on much of the mod since that's the first thing I tried after downloading.
BRAN MAC BORN 1 Feb @ 11:17pm 
Seba - Si crees que la batalla es demasiado larga, usa el submod Bloodier Battles
Seba SPQR 1 Feb @ 2:01pm 
que es esto? que feas son las batallas... se miran 10hs horrible
BRAN MAC BORN 31 Jan @ 6:46pm 
use the harder economy mod
Achilles117 29 Jan @ 2:09am 
I didnt hit an imperium level either
Achilles117 29 Jan @ 2:09am 
Hey I really enjoy the mod. playing as the Romans, 116 turns in my expenditure is 4 million. before the turn I had over 500 thousand and my income was hitting 29,000. I ended the turn and I now owe 4 million. I'm not sure what happened is this a glitch? I don't have other mods installed just the 4 mod patches
Kirenaik 28 Jan @ 7:05pm 
Часто вылетает во время хода
BRAN MAC BORN 11 Jan @ 11:34pm 
Hollywood you should use the New Combat submod with the Deadlier Missiles sub mod and that will destroy the hoplites for you.
BRAN MAC BORN 10 Jan @ 9:33pm 
Hoplites are easy to kill with missiles weapons. Get them in the rear and they will die.
hollywood050169 10 Jan @ 6:28pm 
gothic hoplites and some other units are way op... i had an entire legion wiped out by 2 units not fing cool man
BRAN MAC BORN 24 Dec, 2023 @ 9:23pm 
Ok in your case...but in my case no crashes. You need to REMOVE all other mods from your rome 2 data folder then un subscribe to all other mods so their is no conflicts! Then verify your rome to file in steam properties.
DRDRDR 24 Dec, 2023 @ 2:54am 
So...the idea is super nice it would be the perfect balance between Radious and my case game crashes every 2 turns, there are food/money bug sometimes I have a loss while the game just loaded had an incredible surplus of food/money and then it changes suddenly into a incredible loss. Allies are not steadfast at all and some regions are almost impossible to rule.
BRAN MAC BORN 23 Dec, 2023 @ 11:58pm 
BRAN MAC BORN 21 Dec, 2023 @ 11:40pm 
I have only seen that with navies. So not true.
Spartak 21 Dec, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
There have been so many good reviews, but.....
AI enemy attacks my troops with one unit, every turn comes an army with only one unit in it. Very fun to play, (not really), you still have work and work to improve this mod xDD
Huss1234 16 Dec, 2023 @ 2:34am 
for some reason the game loads in but when i try and get into the grand campaign it loads half way and then just stops. does anyone has and fix for this thanks
BRAN MAC BORN 5 Dec, 2023 @ 11:21pm 
I have no idea what you are talking about.
BRAN MAC BORN 2 Dec, 2023 @ 7:48pm 
Make sure you have no other mods used and unsub from other mods from your rome mod folder. Then verify rome 2 files in your rome 2 steam properties.
BRAN MAC BORN 26 Nov, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
this is 4 turns per year only.
Franz 26 Nov, 2023 @ 10:47am 
is there one on turn compatible?
BRAN MAC BORN 7 Nov, 2023 @ 12:11am 
I could make a sub mod...when I have time.
Hakka 6 Nov, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Yeah I understand that in reality they deployed some defensive counter-measures but the fact that only 3 units have +40 deployables that extend all over the map seems quite excesive to me. Sometimes I like to play the battles to cheese the experience of particular units. Well then, no way to deactivate or tweak it right?
BRAN MAC BORN 6 Nov, 2023 @ 12:13am 
That was the way in ancient warfare-read about it. Defensive battles the AI will always have them. 3 units??? just auto resolve that shit.
Hakka 5 Nov, 2023 @ 8:54am 
Hi, is there any reason with the fact that just 3 enemy units can deploy a map wide defensive line of traps and trenches? It is also very annoying that they are deployed in the middle of the battle map making cavalry almost useless.