Don't Starve Together
Don't Starve Together Fixed
Коментарів: 195
l 10 жовт. о 4:05 
迪迦!!! 27 верес. о 8:38 
孤单的人 15 верес. о 0:03 
Mysterious dream 8 верес. о 18:21 
有岁焦糖助教裙! 2 серп. о 21:34 
很凶哦` 24 лип. о 7:28 
小鸭momo  [автор] 24 лип. о 3:13 
很凶哦` 22 лип. о 4:22 
小鸭momo  [автор] 19 лип. о 22:00 
@有岁焦糖助教裙! @󰀩影筱󰀫 已更新,烦请测试。
有岁焦糖助教裙! 16 лип. о 5:17 
更新吧我的佬 没有这个mod不会玩游戏了呜呜
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:07 
[03:35:19]: SendRemoteExecute(local p=UserToPlayer('KU_54sjc1KE') local m=p and p.userid and p.player_classified and p.player_classified.MapExplorer local w,h = TheWorld.Map:GetSize() for x=-w*2,w*2,10 do for z=-h*2,h*2,10 do if TheWorld.Map:IsValidTileAtPoint(x,0,z) and m then m:RevealArea(x,0,z) end end end, 250.236816, -70.479042)
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:07 
== "deciduoustree" then inst:StartMonster(true) end end if not then if inst.components.perishable then inst.components.perishable:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.finiteuses then inst.components.finiteuses:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.fueled then inst.components.fueled:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.temperature then inst.components.temperature:SetTemperature(0) end if 1 ~= 1 and inst.components.follower then inst.components.follower:SetLeader(player) end if "roseglasseshat" == "moon_altar" then inst._stage =3 inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle3") inst:AddComponent("prototyper") inst.components.prototyper.trees = TUNING.PROTOTYPER_TREES.MOON_ALTAR_FULL inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = onturnon inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = onturnoff inst.components.lootdropper:SetLoot({ "moon_altar_idol", "moon_altar_glass", "moon_altar_seed" }) end end end end end end, 239.412247, -94.034561)
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:07 
~= nil then if player.components and player.components.inventory then player.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst) end else inst.Transform:SetPosition(x,y,z) if "roseglasseshat"
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:07 
< minplayers then minplayers = count spawnx, spawnz = pt.x, pt.z return count <= 0 end return false end) if spawnx == nil then local offset = FindWalkableOffset(pos, math.random() * 2 * PI, 3, 8, false, true) if offset ~= nil then spawnx, spawnz = pos.x + offset.x, pos.z + offset.z end end local klaus = SpawnPrefab("klaus") klaus.Transform:SetPosition(spawnx or pos.x, 0, spawnz or pos.z) klaus:SpawnDeer() klaus.components.knownlocations:RememberLocation("spawnpoint", pos, false) klaus.components.spawnfader:FadeIn() else local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() for i = 1, 1 or 1 do local inst = SpawnPrefab("roseglasseshat", "roseglasseshat", nil, "KU_54sjc1KE") if inst ~= nil and inst.components then if inst.components.skinner ~= nil and IsRestrictedCharacter(inst.prefab) then inst.components.skinner:SetSkinMode("normal_skin") end if inst.components.inventoryitem
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:06 
if "roseglasseshat" == "klaus" then local pos = player:GetPosition() local minplayers = math.huge local spawnx, spawnz FindWalkableOffset(pos, math.random() * 2 * PI, 33, 16, true, true, function(pt) local count = #FindPlayersInRangeSq(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 625) if count
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:06 
[03:35:13]: SendRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_54sjc1KE') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_54sjc1KE").components.talker:Say("璇ョ帺瀹朵笌浣犱笉鍦ㄥ悓涓€涓栫晫锛佸懡浠ゆ棤娉曠敓鏁堛€?) end local function onturnon(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then if inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_pre") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_loop") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("place3") then inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_pre") else inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pre") end inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_loop", true) end end local function onturnoff(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pst") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle3", false) end end if player ~= nil and player.Transform then
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 4:05 
[03:34:29]: Check for write access: TRUE
[03:34:29]: Check for read access: TRUE
[03:34:29]: Available disk space for save files: 204540 MB
[03:34:29]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[03:34:29]: Reset() returning
[03:34:40]: Attempting to send resume request
[03:34:40]: ReceiveResumeNotification
[03:34:40]: Deleting user: session/05616B3FA5E81183/A7GK9MMPG58E/0000000001
[03:34:40]: ValidateCharacterData failed for userid N/A as wormwood: Bad skillname wormwood_butterfly_friend this could be from an official forced respec.
[03:35:05]: [ActionQueue] Adding ActionQueuer component
[03:35:05]: Craft Pot ~~~ component loaded with no data
[03:35:06]: Deserializing tile data (425 x 425)
[03:35:06]: Serializing user: session/05616B3FA5E81183/A7GK9MMPG58E/0000000001
[03:35:13]: [TMIR] SpawnPrefab: roseglasseshat
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 3:50 
服务器模组 掉落堆叠(drop&stack) show me(中文) 全球定位-慕凌汉化版

本地 黑色行为学RB3汉化版 Arkninght music pack auto cooking color adjustments
combined status craft pot geometric placement gesture wheel lazy controls
minimap hud show cooldown time skin queue snapping tills snow tile disabler
status announcements telepoof mode on/off too many items revisited
wanda‘s healthbadge zoom+ 模组配置界面汉化 mini sign deployer
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 3:44 
小鸭momo  [автор] 14 лип. о 2:08 
有岁焦糖助教裙! 14 лип. о 1:26 
小鸭momo  [автор] 28 черв. о 3:19 
@󰀩影筱󰀫 请提供启用的模块和日志
󰀩影筱󰀫 27 черв. о 23:46 
新版本会导致女工薇诺娜的暗影线 无法使用虫洞选择路径功能
PrayMyMind 7 трав. о 2:26 
上限已经好了 辛苦tony老师了:goodidea:
Tony  [автор] 4 трав. о 21:09 
@󰀰白令󰀰 @•_• 我把上限限制去掉了,再试试看
PrayMyMind 4 трав. о 19:29 
耐久好像就是之前修亮茄的bug 现在别的在原版有改动的mod全是原版耐久了 如果可以可以出个单独设置
󰀰白令󰀰 4 трав. о 19:20 
小鸭momo  [автор] 6 квіт. о 20:20 
@¿ 耐久怎么个怪法?
Tony  [автор] 6 квіт. о 7:00 
@微光 沃托克斯可以用灵魂跳进旺达的的表里
@¿ 刚刚修了,再试试看
PrayMyMind 5 квіт. о 20:02 
昨天更新了之后 单开纯净也启动不了了
PrayMyMind 4 квіт. о 20:03 
秋一大佬可以单独把耐久设置这个拉出来嘛 有时候莫名其妙别的耐久很怪
微光 30 берез. о 0:08 
Lilith·Blinks 5 берез. о 8:49 
小鸭momo  [автор] 28 лют. о 5:25 
@吕欣小笨蛋 有空看一下
余小熊 28 лют. о 0:42 
小鸭momo  [автор] 26 січ. о 22:39 
@冷情Coldfeeling 本MOD只保证与游戏本体或本人模组的兼容性
冷情Coldfeeling 26 січ. о 5:01 
与装备修复mod 同时使用时会让修复耐久突破上限的装备在重启之后失效,变为原版的最高耐久
小鸭momo  [автор] 20 січ. о 18:08 
@漫步林间 请提供崩溃相关日志
漫步林间 18 січ. о 20:01 
小鸭momo  [автор] 24 груд. 2023 о 0:31 
@1900; 纯净辅助中已经移除了,放在介绍页很久了,没人反映需要保留就移除了。
1900; 23 груд. 2023 о 6:15 
小鸭momo  [автор] 12 груд. 2023 о 2:39 
@DK Axiom Generally players can do at most 2.5 hits per second. QA allows player to do more than 2.5 hits/sec. You still need to handle this yourself or via client mod.
DK Axiom 9 груд. 2023 о 20:30 
What is Quick Attack?
BlackThorn 3 груд. 2023 о 0:32 
Could you make a video showcase of the features of this mod? Half of them are obvious from the name, but another half is not so much. Like Inventory Unwrap, Wortox the Time Traveler, etc.
凉薄暮人心 27 жовт. 2023 о 19:07 
[string "../mods/workshop-1916988643/main/modules/sh..."]:213: attempt to index field 'replica' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
../mods/workshop-1916988643/main/modules/show_bundle.lua:260 in (method) OnShow (Lua) <251-263>
-Roger󰀨 14 жовт. 2023 о 22:07 
小鸭momo  [автор] 14 жовт. 2023 о 6:03 
@-Roger󰀨 Fixed.
-Roger󰀨 2 жовт. 2023 о 6:16 
启迪之冠增强组件中的末尾 其判断中"NS_PLANARENTITY_HACKING"未被定义会导致开启功能后报错
cherry泥麻麻石蜡 29 верес. 2023 о 20:18 
2099 28 верес. 2023 о 6:10 