Processor Unit - Robotic Pack Mule
Virplexer 14 Jul @ 9:29pm 
I wish the Skeleton Nomads would also sell the tanks separately, trying to get a tank for the Unique processor but outside of attacking them or looting one off them not sure where to get one.
Pastor pyro 29 Jun @ 8:00pm 
i can not for the life of me find a vendor selling these or in the wild.
Pachin 23 Jun @ 8:28am 
Do you know if you can still getting the unique processor?
Dangalf 4 Jun @ 5:47am 
Those belonging to the skeleton sultans will eat my unconsious resting squadmates and I cant stop that lmao. I'll have to attack them but then the entire city attacks me.. Cant see a way around that so I'll have to disable the mod.

I have Beep resting in Black Desert City right now, and a Processor Unit is eating him alive.. If I try to kill it I'll have all the shop guards on my ass
CaptainBragd 11 Apr @ 10:39am 
Oooh they're SUPOSED to eat people :) I was about to report that as a bug lmao. Thats... Charming :p fucked up. One started eating a prisoner in the town I'm squatting in and dudes been screaming for Days.
Mr. NoSleep 27 Mar @ 5:52pm 
these bots can eat body while my beak army were aimlessly standing while starving.
Dvatrij 10 Feb @ 12:28pm 
It's for carrying stuff... prisoners are usually not so mobile... so they actually shouldn't meet each other :P
Anyway - tasks to follow/guard anyone will keep them off corpse-eating :-) *and also lvl them up a little bit... farmers are running a lot..
steinar 10 Feb @ 11:33am 
btw little heads up these guys can and WILL eat prisoners alive
steinar 10 Feb @ 10:42am 
chompy runs to eat the corpses made my beakthings when they are still there and i cant get him to stop :(
Dvatrij 8 Feb @ 3:40am 
Can't find anyone to buy these dudes from
Maybe someone knows or can make some patch for TameBeasties or smth like that? Catch & recruit would be much better than running around for Skeleton Spepherds....)
M_Roberts82 28 Jan @ 10:38am 
I can't get all my Processor Units to eat corpses. I bought a small herd to leave at my base & cleanup for my farmers. But only one eats bodies, the rest are aimless... even though there's like 30 bodies at my gate. Is this a bug? Working as intended? Something else?
mititdoll 1 Jan @ 10:01am 
Processor Tanker-chan kawaii!! >ワ<)b 一年四ヶ月のあいだ妊婦の商人はソロプレイヤーでしたが、はじめて友人ができました。kawaii-vultureのためにたくさんの友人を用意したいと思います…ところでガトリングやレールガンはどこに付ければ良いのでしょうか?
Casual Contender 21 Dec, 2023 @ 7:10am 
Don't want the processors to eat everyone? Here is the corpse only mod, fixes the issue . If they still cause issues with eating important people and causing a town to turn hostile toward you try assigning them to guard a character, it overrides the eating thing.
Phoenixghost 20 Dec, 2023 @ 8:47am 
So I recently downloaded this mod I have to say it's a very good mod but they are very op when it comes to damage. Is there a problem with the robots going rogue? I had the city of Heft wiped out by them. Not a soul left just a dead City. Is this a sort of bug or does this happen
a quality meme 12 Dec, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
Can someone please explain to me why a mechanical creature with no hunger need is EATING UC PRISONERS ALIVE?
|_| Clyax 10 Dec, 2023 @ 6:34pm 
Is it just me, or does the model look like it's walking backwards? Shouldn't the processor "nozzle" and the feet signify it walks in that direction instead?
bullet bait 28 Oct, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
Skeleton Shepherd visited town, his vultures walked into the tavern, walked upstairs, past the guards and tavern keeper, and started an all-you-can-eat buffet on my wounded, recovering soldiers... Why?
Jacob 30 Sep, 2023 @ 11:24am 
Literally ran around to every UC town and didnt find single one....
Sex Defender 10 Sep, 2023 @ 5:44pm 
"F- g Me- Ar- overrunning comm t- wer! Supplies are l- w! Req- shipment imm-" — as you heard abrupt radio transmission you understood that communication tower personal are having hard time defending off Fogmen in the Fog Isles. You can't sacrifice much more of your men to the Fog, but also you can't just leave people to their fate, so processor unit comes in handy with humanitarian aid. And maybe some gasoline to burn corpses so that more Fogmen won't be attracted by the carrion.

A short story where I would like to see processor units, hehe
prangleyjohn 9 Aug, 2023 @ 5:51pm 
i'm just saying it looks similar to a paintball gun i'm just saying can't help it
CaptainZocra 11 Jun, 2023 @ 6:11am 
Guys, lore wise, those packs are supposed to eat bodies? Would there be a way to stop them doing so?
Casual Contender 25 May, 2023 @ 7:34am 
@FlammingBlitz glad you found them, usually the units without tanks are stronger. If you haven't tried the Skeleton Sultan app its pretty cool. You have to download the Sailback and Thrasher mode from IdeaDork too (the mods add a cool pack robot that is kind of useless but a fun addition visually and a bolt throwing robot that is crazy strong. Watch out for the Thrashers in the swamp and floodlands they can kill with one shot). The Sultan mod adds a few wandering traders with related equipment (at a big markup). The traders also have a new lantern for skeletons that adds a blue/green lantern, I add this to all my skeletons to be able to tell them apart at night. MOD:
FlammingBlitz 24 May, 2023 @ 5:52pm 
@casual contender, i found the best place to get them was at farm shops, they sell a lot of them in fact
Casual Contender 24 May, 2023 @ 8:12am 
@Pacha there are traders in the desert that have them. Also there is an NPC in UC towns that has one for free, its a bit OP. See my comment below.

@FlammingBlitz the tanks can be hard to find but i had the best luck in UC towns in the shops. If you down load the Skeleton Sultan mod they have them often.
FlammingBlitz 23 May, 2023 @ 8:54pm 
where to you get the backpack for this creature, i can't find it anywhere
Pachin 22 May, 2023 @ 1:14am 
I cant find any trader with this creatures
Yeah_RIP 15 May, 2023 @ 8:35am 
@Casual Contender Thanks for the info, I just found Chompy with a Greenlander female. Just kept clicking on bar patrons until I saw one with a prosthetic leg, like you said. Appreciate it, mate.
Casual Contender 9 May, 2023 @ 8:57pm 
@Marido you can also have them bodyguard someone and they wont eat anything.
none 9 May, 2023 @ 5:57am 
hey man i think i found your inspiration for this mod on a youtube video called OMEGA short film it highly reminds me of kenshi and of this mod video also came out around the time of kenshis first trailer and real release
Marido 8 May, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
thanks @Casual Contender
Marido 8 May, 2023 @ 2:28pm 
I found a PROBLEM in the mod, these pets are eating the prisioners who are alive. Somtiems after a fight we can put the prisioner in the cage, sometimes the prisioner is unconscious and sometimes is just sitting but still awake... the pets are eating them alive, the are my prisioners and I want to recruit them. So the pets should ignore people who imprisioned and alive
Casual Contender 8 May, 2023 @ 5:52am 
@Paan De God and @Marido there is a mod that fixes this.
Paan De God 7 May, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
Sadly had to remove the rating and the mod.
They eat everyone, even people from My own squad on the ground, my allies who are still alive, and my prisoners who are alive. They also eat and depopulate fallen allies who are healing on the ground.
Also, they never stand where I need them to stand. They always run miles away and eat someone who is sleeping in a sleeping bag lol.

Don't waste time downloading as this will depopulate the world as they eat everyone even important NPCs and the live ones.
Marido 7 May, 2023 @ 10:09am 
they are cool, but sometimes it is hard to control them because they keep going after dead bodies too much
Casual Contender 5 May, 2023 @ 12:42pm 
@Yeah_RIP The processor should be in a UC town. Go to the bars or bakeries and look for an NPC with a economy leg. Talk to them with a skeleton repair kit in your inventory and offer it to them to fix the processor and ask them to join. Then you can go find the processor in the town and it will join. I usually dismiss the owner then as they are junk. FYI, I think if you rename the processor then import you can do it again. The processor is a bit OP, it bites really hard.
Yeah_RIP 4 May, 2023 @ 11:50am 
The unique processor can show up in any non Holy Nation city? I've checked all Empire cities, I just want to know if my game is ok.
gordon fleaman 25 Mar, 2023 @ 10:37pm 
this is cute i love it
✠SIgmaWolf✠999 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
How do you recruit the wild ones
FighterMKII 2 Feb, 2023 @ 4:23am 
Oh and i just remembered, The proceccer units to an awful lot of damage for a robot with no jaws or other appendage they can use for attacking.
FighterMKII 1 Feb, 2023 @ 9:13pm 
Love this mod! Though considering that these robots are meant to be holding material in that tank, I think their legs should be a tad thicker. And some sort of feet because I can't Imagine these robots not sinking in mud or sand with those antenna legs.:lunar2019laughingpig:
Schishne 22 Jan, 2023 @ 1:11pm 
they dont seem to be recruitable through the prison suddenly
KirrieD 28 Dec, 2022 @ 12:29am 
Hi, can I use your work in my project?)
Paragon 15 Dec, 2022 @ 8:12am 
Its a corpse furnace, peeler machine, loot hauler, and decent combatant all rolled up into one hungerless, adorable little murder machine. Whats not to love?

Well, maybe the fact that it'll consume any living flesh that can't run away from it. But lets be honest with each other - the happiness of your robot dog is much more important than the sanctity of life of a starving bandit. Like, if you're hungry, why not just eat food libtard? #TurningPointUnitedCities
firekeeper 23 Nov, 2022 @ 12:43am 
Watching them eat prisoners is pretty horrific-- I left one in town while I was crafting leather and it completely cleared the slave shop next door. Nothing left but discarded clothing and empty cages

In my last playthrough there was one in the prison tower in Squin eating the legs off the prisoners. The guards would heal them about as fast as it could eat so the screaming went on forever-- it was really messy too there was alot of blood

11/10 unintended consequences
Kokorocodon 28 Sep, 2022 @ 7:37pm 
Let me correct myself by saying that these are used as waste disposal processing units. They eat to clean the surroundings.
Kokorocodon 26 Sep, 2022 @ 6:24pm 
You guys dont get. It's a "PROCESSOR" unit. It processes organic matter into ENERGY. It needs to feed on bodies and you limbs to keep going.
ERKEK2000 22 Sep, 2022 @ 3:21pm 
They can eat nearby dead bodies even though they have no hunger.