Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

Everything Has a Price.
Jackdaw Mask 10 Jan, 2022 @ 3:29am 
I assume this is one of those "not finished but still pretty good" mods?
🔥💚☲ 9 Apr, 2021 @ 9:42am 
Necessary-to-defeat enemies do not consistently spawn, making this unplayable in 2021. As an additional comment, the Matrix sections I saw were interesting designs that look like socially occupied spaces, and the item-granting locker spawner for equipping new characters worked perfectly.
DrWilyeCoyote 30 Jun, 2018 @ 8:21pm 
do you have an estimate when this will be done?
Ridley12, Knight of God 28 Jun, 2018 @ 7:52am 
"Everyone has a price." - Tyber Zann, Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption
Morty679 24 Aug, 2017 @ 5:58am 
i cannot get my weapon i got from my do i get it?
chris.s.clevenger 14 May, 2017 @ 11:20am 
Good question, still alive?
Sleeping Viper 12 Jul, 2015 @ 8:02pm 
Is this still being worked on?
Doc Scratch 4 Aug, 2014 @ 8:25am 
What did you "writt"? My Immortal?
Cuddle Cock 18 May, 2014 @ 1:30pm 
Jimm, I hope you're joking about being a "writter". Or, at least, I hope you have a good editor.
jimmiexjames 5 May, 2014 @ 1:11pm a writter....ive written short stories wrote a screen play write music...I wrote a few songs when i was just 16 (im 26 now) for some pretty big bands....anyways....friend me and talk if you want to collaberatee.....i can make you some sick characters and amazing storys if you can come up with thte hard stuff (meaning hard as in hard copy) (not as in hard drug) ps (or hardest of the two tasks) anyways...i hope you do
Zane Grey 20 Mar, 2014 @ 10:31am 
Terrible. There has been way too much effort put into this for the grievous flaws it displays. It's like Jacked Up all over again, with the same downfalls.

1) I can tell from the start that this is going to take a lot of time to accomplish very little. a) Wait for a loading screen. b) Go to the Jump House and wait for another loading screen. c) Go see Mr. Johnson *inside* the Jump House. d) Wait for another loading screen, then pick up a package and deliver it. e) If you want to go get another mission, wait for two loading screens to have one.

This engine wasn't built for this type of setup.

2) The other flaw is simple. It seems that a lot of UGC writers think that leaving me alone without karma against 4 gangers better armed than me is an alright thing to do. It isn't. The rest of the story isn't worth it if I'm dead before I've begun.
pokerface_666 13 Feb, 2014 @ 3:43am 
I like what I see so far. The repetitive Milk Runs for Johnson etc are very nice to make a little Moolah. I have not approached the main story yet, because I will need quite some Karma in order to boost my Charisma, Decking, Quickness and Ranged Combat.... but I will approach it once I have a good amount of it.

I am really intrigued by this Adventure...I really am and I hope it will be not one of those endless "Chapter 1" Adventures.
Mizaroth 1 Jan, 2014 @ 1:16pm 
lostwaldo: wetwire has given permission for anyone to carry on working on this mod providing he is given credit as the original author. this was in his (sadly) last post in this thread. Truly a shame tho, as this is one of the best mods out there =)
lostwaldo 18 Dec, 2013 @ 9:14am 
Have not gotten too far into this yet but I have to say so far I love it. I love the way the map is set up to mirror the map in the Sega Version of the game. I love how it starts you off super weak and having to do random runs for a guy to get what you need to move the story forward, just like the Sega version. That is as far as I have gotten, but still, loving it so far. I saw that you only have one other "zone" done and am severely disappointed you may not continue this project. If there is anything I can do to help you move this project forward please let me know. I was considering creating something similar to this once I finished playing through all the UGCs, which will likely take me a while, but instead I could just help you with this if that would be ok. Let me know.
Ebhra 13 Dec, 2013 @ 4:14pm 
Wow this stealth mode is great. Nice job !
SimCoder 8 Dec, 2013 @ 8:50am 
Great intro and the character personalities that I did see but for me, it is too laborious of a crawl to get out from that far underwater with so few Run options.
maxi1.1 7 Dec, 2013 @ 1:37pm 
Your content is very good and a lot of fun. Please make more of it!
josephdw106 6 Dec, 2013 @ 11:38am 
haha Grand Theft Auto has put this game mod on hold for months to be quit most likely for the same reason GTA lol.
Partycrasher 5 Dec, 2013 @ 6:24pm 
Hope the author can get back to this as it's very promising - the visuals are really atmospheric in this module, and the random encounters do add life to the place. However it doesn't make sense for your character to be completely unarmed (unless it's an adept or mage), and it's a bit frustrating having to fight successive random encounters with nothing but your bare hands! Needs some basic weapon/gear vendors in the starting area (the Ares vending machine doesn't help if your Ranged Combat is less than 3).
WetWire  [author] 22 Nov, 2013 @ 6:04pm 
Thank's everyone for the positive and negative comments. I would love to return to his mod, but real world has prevented me from devoting the focused time i would like. Making a mod like this is never a 1 or 2 hour's per day sort of thing. This release took me many 8 hour days to compile. I had allot of fun making and testing new concepts.
As of right now this mod will be suspended by me. I give free rights to any who want to expand upon it, only please mention me as the original author.
If my life can get back in order, perhaps if expanding this game was my job it would be finished by now. But untill i can get things straight, i want to let everyone here know i really enjoyed seeing the comments on this mod and i hope i can return to is soon.
MrTea777 22 Nov, 2013 @ 5:55pm 
Has this fine work of art been updated lately?
Mizaroth 7 Nov, 2013 @ 1:36pm 
hey wetwire, this is a great mod, and id be lying if i said i wasnt eagerly awaiting more from you... still working on this? any guesses on when you might have more content? thanks for this mod, it's excellent!
lukeko 2 Nov, 2013 @ 11:03pm 
nice mod really enjoy itthere are only to types of mission available? 1 milk run and ghoul kills? or am I missing something?
Reist 31 Oct, 2013 @ 11:18am 
Seriously, this mod has huge potential. It's a great openworld, but it needs some bug fixes (for example, citizens are wandering but NOT walking...) also, I think you should add more fixers to find jobs, and perhaps new district, beaucoup it's a pleasure to wander in the city that you made but two district isn't enough in my opinion.

Don't take it as a negative comment, this content is great. With work, it will be awesome. More than the real campain made by the studio. Keep on working dude :D
LuckyFlower 30 Oct, 2013 @ 4:14pm 
This sure needs an import char feature, gotta try it without it too tough.
thelebk 30 Oct, 2013 @ 5:43am 
Would love to see you do more work on this Wetwire... It has such ptential... just not enough content at presemt...
Toni-technaclaw 27 Oct, 2013 @ 4:14am 
Needs Import Character feature.
Praefectus 25 Oct, 2013 @ 1:02am 
Gr8 Stuf!!

I enjoyed the gameplay and hope to see more.* Have* you thought of a group effort from some of the others? Sounds like a wonderful idea for SRR UGC !
Mizaroth 24 Oct, 2013 @ 2:55pm 
thumbs up and favourited! this is excellent wetwire... please keep it comin!! (by the way, i intentionlly left out the g in coming... so grammar nazis can have some fun too ;) )
WetWire  [author] 24 Oct, 2013 @ 10:54am 
Thank you for the comments, most very positive. I understand I never got A+ in grammer. The mod is far from polished and i do plan on expanding upon it. Wanted to convay the idea of the story and mechanics before proceeding.
Thanks again for the positive feed back, really helps me know I'm on the right path.
Plastic Mohawk 24 Oct, 2013 @ 10:19am 
"When I enter my apartment, I'm sent back to the city. Also, as I previously stated, get you're grammar correct. Know the difference between They're, There, and Their; along with several other mistakes."

Yes, get your grammar correct - like Scotty. :P
Fingalf 22 Oct, 2013 @ 7:05am 
good job, go on
Verrix 20 Oct, 2013 @ 3:01pm 
Excellent job! Keep it up!
thelebk 15 Oct, 2013 @ 7:36pm 
Great game. I can tell, unlike the developers, you have actually played some Shadowrun before. I look forward to the next installment. I especially liked your work on the player lair.
MrTea777 13 Oct, 2013 @ 12:07pm 
@adamlin747. WetWire and southwind working together.... i believe that would be pretty damn epic
MrTea777 13 Oct, 2013 @ 9:21am 
This already has a good feel to it and there is a lot of potential. Can't wait for it to be expanded more.
DogTheMighty 12 Oct, 2013 @ 5:41pm 
Great job man, I love the mod and hope to see more from you soon.
Don't pay attention to those haters you've done well and I feel the same, this is more like what we expected.
sirchet 12 Oct, 2013 @ 4:24pm 
nzguzzi 10 Oct, 2013 @ 1:19pm 
scotty_900 Quote " Also, as I previously stated, get you're grammar correct. Know the difference between They're, There, and Their; along with several other mistakes "

err.... It is " get your grammar " not you're.
So /epicfail to you sir.
scotty_900 10 Oct, 2013 @ 6:02am 
Just finished playing for a while. I really LOVE open world concepts, but SOOOO many glitches. When I enter my apartment, I'm sent back to the city. Also, as I previously stated, get you're grammar correct. Know the difference between They're, There, and Their; along with several other mistakes. Look........ I respect Shadowrun and oneday hope to make some great content. When I do...... I believe the greatest aspects will be starting out with nothing and having to do 'Mr. Johnon' Jobs to build up your bankroll, random missions aside from the main mission, OPEN WORLD!!!!!!!!, and a solid world with basic grammar throughout. Not knocking.... but really.... get your spellcheck in order. Thanks...... and get your shit in order!!.... and thanks again. ;-)
scotty_900 10 Oct, 2013 @ 4:40am 
I appreciate the effort... and it is good on a level. However; please pay more attention to linguistics of the run. "Couldnt affort"...... ????? Really? Use a spellcheck if you need to prior to posting. I am a Shadowrun enthusiast, and I appreciate effort in creating content.... just please be more diligent in your effort.
WetWire  [author] 8 Oct, 2013 @ 11:34pm 
Private Detective. Weapon detection looks to see if a weapon is equipped. Change to fist will put the weapon away.
Weapon detectors should raise suspicion twice, which is one security level. may be a glitch i will have to look at if the level did not raise.
The guards ignore anyone who has the condition of "cover" i know it looks funny some times when hiding behind a chair, but its what i came up with given the game stealth system was never complete.
Some of the dialog options are also random. Wanted to make the same situation slightly different each time.
Charisma options are a chance. it make a opposed roll . Random number between your Charisma and 10, vs Random number between 1-10. Matrix works in a similar manner but some nodes are harder so the random number could be 2-10 or 4-10 etc.
adamlin747 8 Oct, 2013 @ 9:54am 
There is another open world mod on here have you guys talked maybe colloborate your efforts together into one super game? Excellent work that both of you have done would like to see a combination of effort to really see something that can even put developers to shame.
Private Detective 6 Oct, 2013 @ 6:35pm 

- Stealth:
-- is there any case when weapons detectors won't detect weapon, except if you don't have one?
-- weapons detectors didn't raised security level from 3 to 4. Or do it just raise the suspicion? (It says that is raises security level)
-- guards passing by in less than a meter, staring at you and doing nothing look quite strange. Maybe it'd be good to add some effect to the player, like invisibility, I don't know :)
- Random:
-- some actions repeat too often. E.g., I helped my neighbour 3 times.:) Meet magician about 3 or 4 times, etc.
-- I didn't get why in the same situations I have the different options in dialogs. (E.g. in one case I can heal the victim, in other I can take from her; or sometimes I can stop the magician, and sometimes not)
-- I didn't get why in the same conversations Charisma choise sometimes is available and sometimes is not (e.g. Lonestar witness, Jonshon missions). My Charisama was 4
Private Detective 6 Oct, 2013 @ 6:34pm 
Wow! Amazing! Maps are very beautiful and detailed. Consoles, advertizing the items it sells. Main story looks nice so far.


- can't get a pistol until you have ranged combat 3 (ares predator require ranged combat 3). I was running from the gangers until I got enough karma.
- On a "milk run" with BTLs, dumpster dropout doesn't work if PC enters any buildng after the pickup and then returns to the street.

<will continue at the next comment>
HeavyAl 5 Oct, 2013 @ 1:54am 
Like Subsektor said: Amazing effort, but you're missing the mark when it comes to sentence structure and general grammar. I am an English major. If you are interested in having your scripts adjusted feel free to PM me, I'd be happy to help. I must say that even without corrections, your story telling skills appear very polished. I imagine that if you run your own p&p games that your players really enjoy your scenarios. Good stuff!
subsektor 4 Oct, 2013 @ 4:47pm 
Amazing effort, your areas are outstanding, everything is very well thought out and it feels very much like the world of Shadowrun should. Your inventiveness is really note worthy.

If I had to find a fault, I would say the writing needs a bit more attention. I get the impression that english isn't your first language. I'm not an english major or anything, but I did find a few spelling mistakes and the like. That said, it is still better than a lot of other people's content and is very easy to overlook considering the overall strength of your production.

Im patiently waiting for more developement on this. Please keep up the great work!
thegattitude 1 Oct, 2013 @ 1:53pm 
I love what you did with the Matrix. My favorite so far. Feels more like what the PnP spirit is supposed to be. The stealth mission for the briefcase was a hoot as well. Only glich I ran into was after getting ghosted by the 4 gangers in the random encounter. I was mid- Johnson run and after restarting the level it wouldn't let me finish the mission and there was no way to abort the mission. I overcame it by rewinding my save to just before the job started and all was well after that. I never hired any runners so can't speak to Hasiabdul's glitch. Good work! Look forward to more from you.
Praefectus 1 Oct, 2013 @ 12:40pm 
The heal 1 shows, no haste 2.
Praefectus 1 Oct, 2013 @ 12:37pm 
Nice UGC enjoying the "full experience". Got a bug.. hired Slim says he has haste 2, it shows in his inventory but not in his castable spells under combat. The added encounters makes the grind for karma/nyn tolerable so far. Thanks for the work!