Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

The Lazy Hoarder
阎枫 5 Aug, 2023 @ 8:10pm 
Sir, I can't change my skin anymore
Nuke Crow 26 Apr, 2022 @ 8:48pm 
cool mod but when will you update witching hour
nog 24 May, 2020 @ 7:29am 
i can't destroy it even with the staff
vian 7 Feb, 2020 @ 3:45am 
They all look great, I prefer marble, thank u for your creation
Jack 3 Nov, 2019 @ 11:53pm 
Are you responsible for the wonderful looking chest skins for this mod? Id like to use them in a mod i have created, if i may have your permission.
prophet神 3 Nov, 2019 @ 2:52am 
where do i find an ancient chest :c
Unari 18 Aug, 2019 @ 6:18am 
It works ! Thank you very much!
Blanc  [author] 17 Aug, 2019 @ 8:43am 
@Unari So now it should be fixed!
Unari 12 Aug, 2019 @ 5:42pm 
I replayed the game and the problem is still present ^^'. However thank you for trying to correct it ^^
Blanc  [author] 10 Aug, 2019 @ 3:26pm 
@Unari Think I fixed it! Lmk if you still encounter problems.
Unari 8 Aug, 2019 @ 10:36am 
Hey thx for this mods ! But your mods make some icon on map disappear like gold rock or gigantic beehive can you solve it ?
Xunme 20 Jul, 2019 @ 4:10am 
一个古老的箱子,会为你捡起附近的物品。 通过将铥矿勋章(两个铥矿,两个噩梦燃料做的那个),铥矿,大理石,噩梦燃料,橙宝石和噩梦燃料按顺序放入古老的箱子中解锁配方。 这个箱子不可以被怪物和锤子摧毁,只能用解构法杖摧毁。 如果发生了错误,请在评论中发布它们,我会尽快修复它们。

本模组是在由"I'm a Ghost  "发布的FORKED版的"Vacuum Chest"这个模组的基础上改编的。 最初的模组来自于"Taryn"。 这一切完全归功于他们,我只是做了一些改变,并加入了一些修复。:)


告诉我你最喜欢的4种箱子类型中的哪一种! 我很感兴趣。

A better translation, nice mod, nice day.
Blanc  [author] 19 Jul, 2019 @ 3:17am 
@纯属意外 thanks for translating the description to Chinese for the Chinese-speaking player base. :) I'll add it to the description.
流光 19 Jul, 2019 @ 2:34am 

我是鬼 编辑的分叉版真空箱。Taryn原创mod。完全归功于他们,我只是做了一些改变,给VFX增添了趣味。:)


Blanc  [author] 16 Jul, 2019 @ 7:18am 
Sounds cool, let's do it!
Terra B Welch 16 Jul, 2019 @ 5:27am 
I always wanted an auto pickup chest that was more friendly to DST lore.
How about a better name for it though, like instead of "Sacret Chest" it can be called "The Lazy Hoarder"
Blanc  [author] 15 Jul, 2019 @ 2:10pm 
I fixed the bugged icons in the recipetab for the skinned variants and I added in two different configurable recipes that are a bit easier, but still on the tougher side ;). Have fun!
Blanc  [author] 15 Jul, 2019 @ 2:07pm 
@Shame I specifically used the Ancient Chest model and icon (the one that's in the Ruins) for a lore-friendly chest. I didn't use the model of the chest skin.
I believe the chest skin also has a different clasp than the original Ancient Chest (and my variants). :)
Shame 15 Jul, 2019 @ 1:35pm 
At least one of these chests are a bit too like the original ancient chest skin, hope you don't get into trouble for this. It is of loyal rarity though, and is easy to get, I believe, so it shouldn't be too big a problem.
Blanc  [author] 13 Jul, 2019 @ 4:48am 
I will add some easier configurable recipes later today, I also chose for it not to be hammerable (you can still deconstruct it with the deconstructionstaff). Let me know if you want that changed. I could also look into the Wormwood thing.
ADM 13 Jul, 2019 @ 3:07am 
Damn, i like how you designed them, pretty cool
云冱寒 13 Jul, 2019 @ 2:12am 
I want to make some advice
1.The material to make the chest is a little expensive,I think using living-woods and nightmare fuel is more acceptable
2.the chest can't be broken,which means that I can't remove it if I placed it at a wrong place
3.If the chest can pick up grown crops in the field,this mod will become more friendly to those player who use Wormwood