Nanu's Bretonnia Overhaul
thegradyfiles 24 Jul, 2023 @ 10:10am 
Any plans to move it to Warhammer 3?
rustoutlaw 23 Aug, 2022 @ 4:57pm 
sadly outdated
LeCapt_Rage 30 Jul, 2022 @ 11:07am 
Cant play it, the game crash.
HughJanus69 4 Jul, 2022 @ 2:33pm 
needs update?
Esteban Winsmore 15 Nov, 2021 @ 11:51pm 
I see you removed armored man-at-arms? Shame, they looked beutifull.
Royal Malteser 13 Nov, 2021 @ 9:59pm 
Which ones? My city is fully levelled...
Nanu  [author] 13 Nov, 2021 @ 12:12pm 
@Royal Malstesar Late game technologies
Nanu  [author] 13 Nov, 2021 @ 12:12pm 
Its intentional, Grail knights are rare and powerful, not fancy Knights of the Realm. As for foot squires idk what you mean
TsunamiWombat 6 Nov, 2021 @ 9:30am 
Excellent looking mod, won't be using it right away because of concerns over the squires redline buffs and grail units being reduced in size (need to know if this is intentional or a bug) but i'll be doing the usual like sub and award
Royal Malteser 30 Oct, 2021 @ 8:00am 
How do you get veteran peasant units? It keeps saying 0/0
Gorwe 23 Oct, 2021 @ 12:55am 
Yes, I noticed the same thing about Grails. But let's be honest. They should have less members than other cav.

Another idea. How about a further refinement of Fay Enchantress? First, Nanu do you think she should be a 100% life caster?
Father Jeck 10 Oct, 2021 @ 7:38am 
This mod seems to be reducing the grail units to one third. Is it intentional? Because in the pictures it shows them having the same number as other cavalry units. I have yet to identify another mod that might be causing this.
cuntosaurus 28 Sep, 2021 @ 9:35pm 
Everything about this mod is great, except that it changes foot squires to not count as peasants.

The problem is, foot squires benefit from a lot of techs and redline skills that only affect peasant units. By making them no longer count as peasants, you are preventing them from receiving these buffs. In other words, you are debuffing foot squires unintentionally.

Please change this mod to re-enable foot squires as peasants.
Shepherd Bemeu 15 Sep, 2021 @ 1:36pm 
Hey, would you be willing to add in some options for mod configuration tool? Reason being, is that over-all this mod is amazing, but I'd like to disable a few units for my own playthrough (Namely, I have the Brigands mod, and want to disable the Squire Archers and Mounted Squires, to give the Brigands more weight and value). It also may be nice to be able to impliment any tweaks to taste that you might hear people want tuned, regarding your changes. Overall, one of my top three mods for this game, you gave Bretonnia the love they always deserved.
Patzay 8 Aug, 2021 @ 1:39pm 
Hi can u update? :D
Gorwe 7 Aug, 2021 @ 10:29am 
I was told to ctrl c this here, so here you have a ctrl v:

" I have a small request if you don't mind Nanu. See, I love Bretonnia and Repanse and what you did with them...fantastic, really, but...

...can you pretty please make a mod that lowers the Chivalry required for Errantry War to 1000 points? 2000 is entirely too much for Vortex map.

Thank you in any case! "
Quinnigo Montoya 4 Aug, 2021 @ 5:57am 
pretty sure it doesnt need an update
YinYangTW 22 Jul, 2021 @ 8:24am 
I hope you get around to updating this one too. I cant imagine it doesnt need one.
奉天承命 6 Jul, 2021 @ 12:34pm 
I don't think the blue skill line of the female prophet should be removed to hide the passion. The knight can also rely on the new skills to support the supplement members. There are too few supplement members for the female prophet.
Nanu  [author] 16 Apr, 2021 @ 4:45pm 
its cus mixu changed his keys, i'll have to patch for that
Buzz Cagney 16 Apr, 2021 @ 4:38pm 
Not sure why but this mod removes all the skills except the blessing skill line from Sir John Tyreweld of Mixu's Legendary Lords 2.
Nanu  [author] 12 Apr, 2021 @ 4:34am 
@TheDrunkenLegion there is an SFO version, it should still work too, unless sfo has undergone some massive changes i wasn’t made aware of. And you’re right they are a nightmare to keep updated
TheDrunkenLegion 12 Apr, 2021 @ 12:13am 
Easily the best Bretonnia rework mod available. My favorite feature is the ability to recruit non-peasant units later in the campaign. It feels good to go from struggling to balance the peasant economy with army strength to having a batallion of valiant knights and squires while your farmers are where they belong. On the farm.

The extra units added by this mod apart from that are a massive boon. I'm a sucker for options. Feeling like I have legitimate ones always makes me a happy player.

The only downside is the lack of an SFO patch. I'm a huge SFO nut. But I've heard those are a nightmare to keep updated.

Great mod regardless! Best on the workshop!

@aegishjalmur It's still functional from what I saw.
aegishjalmur 28 Mar, 2021 @ 1:14am 
are you gonna do the update? amazing mod
maxstevens 12 Feb, 2021 @ 2:44am 
Mod has clearly broken something, Bretonnia is actually playable now /s
cuntosaurus 9 Feb, 2021 @ 5:47am 
AMAZING mod - thank you!
LCDC 2 Feb, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
is this save game compatible?
To infinity and beyond 15 Jan, 2021 @ 7:36am 
Your mod is great, so I made it in Chinese, hope you don't mind
GRabbit 4 Jan, 2021 @ 1:13pm 
My man. This and your Satosa mod make these factions much more fun to play. GG
Nanu  [author] 4 Jan, 2021 @ 10:02am 
it’s good right out of the gate, in fact i believe it already has data tables that add the new units to the tier 4 settlements if you’re using that mod. i’ll have to double check that though
GRabbit 4 Jan, 2021 @ 3:07am 
Is there a patch to make this work for the tier 4 minor settlements like your Sartosa overhaul or is this good right out of the gate?
Deviant 28 Dec, 2020 @ 5:30pm 
Nice mod.
Durance 21 Dec, 2020 @ 2:10pm 
I have been searching for a good mod for the knighthood and here it is. I am gonna try this asap. thanks man!
Nanu  [author] 21 Dec, 2020 @ 7:04am 
No that’s not normal, it’s also not something this mod touches. I’ll look into it but that sounds like another mod doing that
sebk5 21 Dec, 2020 @ 3:29am 
Is it normal that my lord and hero has mount but cant equip the mount? I dont want to watch bretonia lords just run around doing nothing.
Hercules 11 Dec, 2020 @ 6:46am 
Thanks for the update.
Nanu  [author] 5 Dec, 2020 @ 11:29pm 
I haven't checked yet, I'll be looking at updating all my mods starting Monday
Hercules 5 Dec, 2020 @ 10:19pm 
Does this need to be updated for the new patch?
Nanu  [author] 14 Oct, 2020 @ 9:48am 
Yeah, my mod won’t be compatible with other mods that adjust the peasant economy, I overwrite the original code directly, I’ll open up their mod and see if I can make a built in compatibility patch
chazman1189 14 Oct, 2020 @ 9:13am 
Figured out what was causing it. Old World Rites give bretonnia a rite that increases the peasant cap by 10, and it looks like that was causing the issue.
Nanu  [author] 13 Oct, 2020 @ 3:01pm 
It is, if the ui isnt updating that means another mod is messing with the peasant economy, my mod piggybacks off of the vanilla listeners, so it will update whenever the vanilla ui would update, which is after any event that changes the peasant economy. I can assure you it works though, you'll see the negative effect in your factionwide effects if you go over
chazman1189 13 Oct, 2020 @ 2:53pm 
I am noticing that the peasant information on the UI isnt updating as settlements are obtained or upgraded. I started the turn in my current campaign at 10 peasant units out of 14 available, and then confederated Bastonne. Since Bastonne had a level 4 and a level 3 settlement, my available peasants should have updated to 10 out of 21, but remains showing 10 out of 14. Between the UI not updating and the tooltip having been disabled, its hard to tell if the mechanic is working properly.
Noir 12 Oct, 2020 @ 7:18am 
Oh, then I never noticed... Thanks^^
Nanu  [author] 12 Oct, 2020 @ 7:02am 
Yes, the field trebuchets always counted as peasants, mine do too since the vanilla ones do
Noir 12 Oct, 2020 @ 2:28am 
Did the field trebuchets always count as peasants? This doesn´t really make sense to me.
Nanu  [author] 10 Oct, 2020 @ 7:30pm 
The peasant ui tooltip is disabled because it was causing crashes, but the number does reflect your actual peasant economy, you just don't get the tooltip
GrimoireODS 10 Oct, 2020 @ 7:07pm 
Hee when I hover over the peasant thing in UI top it stays stuck at 7 and doesnt show me anything.
Folex 9 Oct, 2020 @ 6:09pm 
Ye I saw his vid on this mod that's how I ended up here in the first place. :D
Nanu  [author] 9 Oct, 2020 @ 10:01am 
Glad to hear it, the YouTube channel GreatBookofGrudges has done videos on both this mod and the sartosa one, you should check out his channel if you like those mods cus he features other great mods too
Folex 9 Oct, 2020 @ 8:56am 
Cool! Great mod otherwise! Loved your Sartosa mod too!