Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

56 commenti
24岁离异少妇 13 mag 2023, ore 7:17 
Sephrajin  [autore] 12 lug 2019, ore 12:51 
Thank you Thrashaero!

* More Weapons: Nope -> it's a cargo & production ship + has already all (by default) allowed turrets.
* The only battle station that are, are for the artillery (though, you could use any other turret of your choice)
* That extra switch has now been done (with the increased signal slots in P menu) - but i'm not happy with the the Ship's overall A10 adjustments just yet.. I need to do more.

But I'll consider to leave the LCD scripting for another - much later update, as I wanted to have that done 'at the same time' - and working.

Ok, i'm doing an early update - as seperate BP as I also use a script mod for dynamic LCD's in A10 play.
Karl Pilkington 12 lug 2019, ore 10:52 
This ship is super impressive inside and out. Absolutely awesome interior. Excellent officer quarters. The biggest hangar door 14x7 and outside landing areas are great to have.

My only complaints is that the size class being 31 makes it unavailable to spawn in most servers. :(
Other than that it needs more fixed guns like pulse lasers, as well as a combat battlestation, unless I missed it. Also, drill turret shutter doors need a switch in CP instead of just on the wall near them.

At first it turns like a planet but after flipping thruster switches in the CP it turns just fine.
Havockk 30 giu 2019, ore 10:48 
Glad I could help Kinda lol.
Sephrajin  [autore] 30 giu 2019, ore 5:13 
This was not inteded, thank you for telling me!

No wonder it got so many downvotes... :(

Since I released her, I could spawn her as a regular player on 2 servers.
How is that possible - all of a sudden a 2nd core?!?


* only 1 core now...
Havockk 29 giu 2019, ore 23:35 
The Blueprint had two Cpu's I took one out to make it work with server requirements.
Sephrajin  [autore] 29 giu 2019, ore 19:54 
Thank you Havockk.
What do you mean by 'changed the cpu and now works'?
Havockk 29 giu 2019, ore 16:46 
Very Smooth, changed the cpu and now works on my server Great Job.
Senitro 11 giu 2019, ore 10:23 
Hey hey, I feel you on that man. No problem, I am glad your still knocking out designs. I took a break since last year August. So I missed mid Alpha 8, all of 9 so I got some research to do. Thanks for the awesome renovation on this ship.
Sephrajin  [autore] 11 giu 2019, ore 9:15 
Thank you Archgod.

Of course, but I'd prefer to wait until the release of the A10 itself - so that there are less updates after it's release.
(the logic switch-change just after its introduction of the NPC-may-pass-doors was a painfull experience at the start of the A9, thus I wait a bit this time)
Senitro 11 giu 2019, ore 8:15 
Sephrajin, This is a nice rework you did to this ship. I feel right at home after a hard days work. This is so luxurious and organized! Kodos to Goons and well done Sephrajin. Will there be any future additions like a shield Gen? I wanted to know before I go make any renovations.
Sephrajin  [autore] 6 giu 2019, ore 10:57 
Glad to hear :)
Duke 6 giu 2019, ore 9:46 
unsubscribe - subscribe to new version - all cool and fresh air ;)
Sephrajin  [autore] 6 giu 2019, ore 9:20 
Or just check if you have a green light (enabled) at both:
* Oxygen (left)
* Ventilation ('middle')
Sephrajin  [autore] 6 giu 2019, ore 9:19 
What is your issue with the O2?

But first off, somewhere between the initial release and the first update some ventilation shafts got stucked, thus it required a 2nd update.

Could you please start a creative session, spawn in Mirai and see if you still have the o2 issue?
(after filling the o2 tanks and re-enable the o2 of course)

If you dont (expected), then you had the bad luck of 'produced' such a version of Mirai with the stucked vents - in the actual game :(
Then the blueprint in the library has updated itself, but of course the produced ingame ship havent.

Otherwise, please be more elaborate.
Duke 6 giu 2019, ore 8:35 
OK, i was mistaken :steamfacepalm:
I revoke my comment of the maneuverible. To many things to look at it and my less experience!
But there is a problem with the O2 or is it just my fault again?
Sephrajin  [autore] 18 mag 2019, ore 15:39 
Updated (in MP dailyusage):
* Alot of textures/colors
* Food/Medic got its own group in the "P" menu
* Food/Medic fridges replaced next to their according Food Processor
* Renamed the SC Hydrogen Bottles to Promethium Pellets
* Renamed the AC Player Ammo to Hydrogen Bottles
Sephrajin  [autore] 4 mag 2019, ore 16:16 
* Fixed: Wifi list should now be easier
* Moved all RCS of Group 'thrust_extra' to the Group 'thrust_planet' so M/V Players get the use of those 'counters' vs the Cargo load.
* Fixed some symtetry issues with 'flaps'
* Fixed some missing textures and alignments
* Removed some remaining markers from while Building
* Colored constructors
Sephrajin  [autore] 4 mag 2019, ore 15:32 
Thank you Praetorian :)

Long Story short:
You dont expect a truck to turn like a Ferrari, Porsche or whatnot, do you?


It is a 290m Long ship, which carry's ~3'500'000 SU or about 244kt of Cargo (CS blocks) -> while the ship itself is only 143kt.
And all that while beeing MV and High gravity capable.

I have bigger CV's, which therefor also use more RCS' (but also have lower turn rates)....
But the sweet spot of RCS' for the Mirai seems to be about 200'ish.
Regardless wether I add - or remove - RCS', the turn rate decreases, getting lower and worse.

Sure, one could remove up to like 3-8 XL thrusters…
What would that bring?
Well, like 0.15° yaw per 2 XL thrusters, so up to 0.6° yaw for 8 XL thrusters.

This is a very important Point to me, because I expect M/V to get more intense, specialy with Docking of HV/SV's that have Cargo as well.

Duke 4 mag 2019, ore 7:49 
the style, the looking and many things are really good, but it is not flyable.. cause it has behavior like a dead whale if you want to turn around, could you do something about of that behavior?
Great Work!
Sephrajin  [autore] 25 apr 2019, ore 17:13 
Thank you very much H.P. Strangelove, big compliment coming from you! :)

PiaPanda, thanks for the outside ^^
But I (did and) do Play bigger ships alone, I guess one needs some game practice to handle such a ship. :p
PiaPanda 25 apr 2019, ore 8:07 
as many other ships looks great but way to big an inpractical to play even as a team of 2 ppl ^^

but i like the out side style
H.P. Strangelove 25 apr 2019, ore 7:08 
#1 slot on the workshop this week - awesome and well deserved.
Sephrajin  [autore] 24 apr 2019, ore 3:24 
You're welcome and thank you Gwyn :)
Gwyn 23 apr 2019, ore 12:36 
@Sephrajin Wow, simply gorgeous!

Spawned her in your Creative Studio(Thank you for this as well.) to take a look.

You and your creative peers are awesome for assembling so many beautiful ships for those of us who are creatively challenged to use. When I try and build a ship, it ends up looking like a cross between a Borg Cube and some sort of exotic welding art you'd find in a gallery.

Except it's really ugly. LOL

I look forward to your future work.

Thank you again!
Sephrajin  [autore] 22 apr 2019, ore 11:43 
hehe no @Knife Bipod that similarity (for you, & other skyrim players) is just coincendtly.
Sephrajin  [autore] 22 apr 2019, ore 11:42 
Updated (Live on Twitch):
* O2 @ public toilets restored
* O2 @ upper ramp entries
* Added textures in upper ramp entries
* Texture issues/orientation in lower maintenance side halls
* Light issues in first maintenance elevator rooms
* fixed textures at stairs
* fixed blocks at stairs

StoryTaleBooks 22 apr 2019, ore 11:04 
Did you name this after Mirak's daughter in skyrim? If so, nice.
Sephrajin  [autore] 22 apr 2019, ore 7:34 
Hehe, thank you very much Goons, but without your initial design of the 'CVX Revenant MK II' I could not have made this ship, not at all!

Jup @Vitani, es ist halt ein 290m langes Schiff, das hat nun mal einen etwas längeren Dreh-Radius -> langsamer.
Ich bin aber auch etwas erstaunt das bei diesem Schiff der 'idale RCS Wert' bei 200 liegt, ich hab ein grösseres CV wo 'dieser Wert' bei 700 verbauten RCS liegt, also 3.5 mal mehr -> dabei ist dort der Gieren-Wert jedoch nur bei 0.3° (yaw).

Daher sage ich ja auch schon langem, die RCS T2 sind (bzw waren) GUT so wie sie sind!
Nur bei kleinen Schiffen sind sie zu stark (bis 'class' ~9, bzw bis ca 100kt).
Jedenfalls ist dies mein Eindruck.
Sephrajin  [autore] 22 apr 2019, ore 7:34 
I'll be starting a live-stream on twitch (german) in about 30minutes (also um 17 uhr) from this post's time.
Where I'll be fixing:
* Oxygen at toilet room (this WAS working once, otherwise I would not have released it!!)
* texture misalignment in maintance corridors
* LCD 'fixes' for the tool-turrets

For anyone who has found other isuses, please hop in and tell me, so it'll be included in the next update!
Thank you for helping me to make this ship perfect (at least that's my goal) :)

Ohhh... just now a possible solution to improve turn rate comes to mind.. we shall see if it's working ;)
Zandy man 22 apr 2019, ore 7:31 
Ok I need help understanding like I know why you should have a few constructors but why so many and why more then 1 armor locker since everyone can use the same one, why put so much excess when its just a power sink.
We3dCraftLP 22 apr 2019, ore 3:06 
ok nice one gut geschrieben hab auch etwas rumgetestet aber was ich geschafft habe war das auf und ab etwas schneller aber das lenken war immer noch etwas sperrig
Art Goblin 21 apr 2019, ore 23:10 
DOPE! Nice alterations man! Keep it up I want more! =D
Sephrajin  [autore] 21 apr 2019, ore 18:44 
Thank you Supay.

Vitani, try adding or removing RCS, you'll figure it'll only get worse -> either way.
The turnrate it has, is the best I could achieve - so far.
And it's using 200 RCS, some consider that too much, yet it's not enough for a decent turnrate :(

This said, if you or anyone else can give me a hint of how to improve the turnrate of this ship without destroying it, please, let me know - I'll happily apply it!

On the other side….
I finaly could spawn it in MP, and for those who didnt watched my stream (german), I got upset, pretty much…
Not sure of the why or how, but I found (again.. argh) texture issues, and even more important/worse.. that one room which had Oxygen, all of sudden has none... :(

So there will be another update Incoming soon (this week)!
Supay 21 apr 2019, ore 15:00 
Awesome build!
We3dCraftLP 21 apr 2019, ore 13:15 
well it looks great and flys good up down forward backward but then comes the turning and this is super slow that is my little problem with that build
Sephrajin  [autore] 21 apr 2019, ore 2:58 
Thank you very much Cinerite! :)
That is what I aim for with all my ships, granted, not all of them look as good as Mirai ;)

Thanks alot Cheecky Shenanigans! o7

Thank you hos1982 & RhodeKill.

Thanks alot Fractalite, means alot for me to hear this from you, as you've been one of those builders that inspired me the most when I had bought the game back in 2017! :)
RhodeKill 20 apr 2019, ore 19:00 
Looks great!
Fractalite 20 apr 2019, ore 14:40 
Jesus. Thats incredible. Stunning build!
hos1982 20 apr 2019, ore 13:02 
Wow, very impressive work.
CheekyShenanigans 20 apr 2019, ore 11:57 
I saw this in the workshop this week video, and I had to take a look for myself. The level of detail and creativity in this design is incredible. You mentioned that the design is inspired by Goon's Revenant, and I can definitely see the similarities; however, you expanded on the design concepts and incorporated additional concepts to help the design grow. Incredible work :steamhappy:
Cinerite 20 apr 2019, ore 9:23 
Massive, majestic, and most importantly, masterful. How can one put this much effort into their work is really beyond me. Very impressive work both on the appearance and the functionality, Sephrajin!
Sephrajin  [autore] 20 apr 2019, ore 7:08 
Thank you Player One!

I thought this might give a nice touch for a ship of this size :)
Player One 20 apr 2019, ore 6:47 
Good work! Looks great and has lot of detail work in it. I like it that you added some screens of the work in progress :)
Sephrajin  [autore] 19 apr 2019, ore 18:50 
* Fixed the Spanji trap
* Fixed textures below the Spanji trap (thx for the review)
* Some textures at the armor for Xcaliber (thx for the review)
* Fewer Pipes at Bridge for Commander/Pilot safety
* Commanders room finaly got an image
* More LCD's for orientation
* Changed LCD's to use 'floor' numbers
* No 'flying' LCD, could get off the Fixation of 'must see full corridor'
* Some more texture/color fixes
Sephrajin  [autore] 19 apr 2019, ore 13:48 
As I was watching Xcalibers and Spanji's review in their stream (thank for that Guys!) I had seem some small issues.
Hope i catched them all, please let me know if you find any texture issues, thank you!

Thank you Wallenstein, McFly, Jrandall, Jepbindawernoch and Ravien_FF! :D
ravien_ff 19 apr 2019, ore 13:44 
jepbindawernoch 19 apr 2019, ore 13:06 
finally finished?! ^^ :cozybethesda:
jrandall 19 apr 2019, ore 13:02 
Amazing looking ship! Excellent work!
McFLY 19 apr 2019, ore 12:44 
Ist dir echt gelungen^^!!!!