Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

1946 - Unthinkable Option
188 comentários
Marco 10 set. 2024 às 22:05 
i got crash on frist defend can someone tell me
sammy.hajjar 31 ago. 2024 às 16:29 
best mod i have ever played for mowas 2
Antony 30 jul. 2024 às 21:29 
play call to arms ostfront mow as2 is so buggy in general
Skelebro 31 jan. 2024 às 12:44 
buffer is set to 32
Skelebro 31 jan. 2024 às 12:43 
it doesnt start idk what the hell makes it crash
benedikt801 20 nov. 2022 às 23:00 
i get an error when i try to start it any1 know whats wrong
SydWad 2 ago. 2022 às 10:15 
Will there be more to this mod? Maybe in CTA i guess.
I want to see America nuke Moscow.
ElChaosGamerSL 14 jul. 2022 às 19:53 
i dont know what happens
ElChaosGamerSL 14 jul. 2022 às 19:53 
i cant even if i got all nice it says (t34) or something then body human idk
SoloMasterChief 11 jun. 2022 às 23:07 
This is a awesome mod same with the other two, i just think its funny that americans are helping germans fight russians
Courier Six 11 mai. 2022 às 7:48 
Wiga is trully a awesome guy to make these mods/missions
Hobby Feldherr 21 abr. 2022 às 14:09 
Played it with my friend, he said "WHAT THE HELL THIS IS THE GODDAM BEST MOD OF THE WORLD"
Lee Enfield 7 abr. 2022 às 3:40 
Just finished your amazing 1946 mod, all 3 have been very challenging, at times I wanted to tell you to go F*** yourself for making it so lob sided, at times I just went "WOW", at times I was like "OMG", most of the time I was like FFS, Help me someone 😂 But for the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, it was sensational to see the work you put into it, I am putting this at No 1 in my all time favourite mods for MOWAS 2. Well done and thanks 👍
Fentatron 12 mar. 2022 às 22:59 
What is the music in the loading screen of the mission?
Wiga  [autor] 18 dez. 2021 às 17:53 
Hi. Memory error means that game ran out of memory. It's issue due to old engine memory limitations. Save often and load when game crash. Good luck.
Elmer 18 dez. 2021 às 14:04 
Hey , this mod is not working when trying to lunch the mission i get a memory error ( not related my device space ) could you pleas take a look as this mods are really cooooollllllll love them
𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓴𝓮𝓷 14 nov. 2021 às 15:59 
keep getting error when starting it
Wiga  [autor] 25 ago. 2021 às 20:49 
49. Farewell To Earth [No Choir] by Audiomachine
OFrostUwU 25 ago. 2021 às 17:51 
what is the background music
runcajs12 26 mai. 2021 às 17:55 
compatible with robz?
RItzGilakk 30 abr. 2021 às 9:27 
yeah just realized that if you shot the turret ring, it just go BOOM
jj would not have done that 27 abr. 2021 às 2:01 
don't listen to this guy VVV
I completed it with the tiger on the first try just shoot the turret ring dude... play warthunder and you'll learn little baby
warriorhobo3 1 abr. 2021 às 7:08 
this map is also kinda shit at the last defense part you get 1 fucking tank and the allied soldiers just sit at the back of the map and are useless. then you are forced to kill is-3's and is-2s with 1 tiger that doesn't have enough ammo to even last. the positioning is also horrible its a shitty trench that gives no cover. atleast more than 1 fucking tank dude come on what the fuck is that
76561199069439610 6 fev. 2021 às 0:09 
This has been tested before your response, still a error, regardless, this is normal for me because most of the time the mods I subscribe would have a texture pack error with the distorted blue soldiers, and etc. But this is something new because its in a checkered format type of texture error, so I have no idea how to solve this issue, regardless I tried what you said. Same goes for random crashes with texture packs.
Maxon 31 jan. 2021 às 8:40 
For some reason the game crashes after a short while when the tanks roll in. at the 2nd crash,the crash code said something about the jagdpanzer texture
Wiga  [autor] 24 jan. 2021 às 14:40 
Redownload mod or extract backup copy from workshop steam folder. Usualy this issue happends when mod is not properly extracted by game during launch.
76561199069439610 24 jan. 2021 às 7:40 
Something is wrong with the textures, and I can't find or figure out why and whats wrong, not sure if I am missing a texture pack or something that might go with this mod or high quality details.
Brunswic 22 jan. 2021 às 18:15 
Stunning And Based
Xyyxyx B Bck 5 dez. 2020 às 10:57 
whats the background/theme music called?
COLONEL-098 16 out. 2020 às 13:24 
BeliaDeviluke 30 mai. 2020 às 3:22 
this is really a extremely long epic battle
Jules Winnfield 24 mai. 2020 às 20:30 
+No reinforcements or unit spawning makes the game so harder
Jules Winnfield 24 mai. 2020 às 14:55 
Americans arrived during the fighting.And dead game is over
Wiga  [autor] 29 abr. 2020 às 23:15 
I used hartmann and krause in my missions (1946 is canonical) to keep dialogues in missions. They are main characters for 1946 campaign but im gonna develop better story at my 1946 for gates of hell if ever will be released.
Salém 29 abr. 2020 às 7:25 
What is the cannonical ending? Krause and Hartmann died?
All the way from Stalingrad to here...
man, i will write something about these Two brave soldiers
Wiga  [autor] 6 mar. 2020 às 16:27 
Sorry but it's current game engine issue and right now people with special hardware will crash on my missions (intel hd/apu/ integrated vga graphics mostly.
Pyroo4ever 6 mar. 2020 às 6:22 
i keep getting allocated memory crash on this mission, even if i have used Large Address Aware to fix the memory useage, and when i didnt crash couse of memory ,it was couse of unable to load a shader pixel and that happend once so i forgot to save the message
able 17 fev. 2020 às 21:28 
@Chris Brown will punch you you must be fucking stupid lmao
izik10 16 jan. 2020 às 0:50 
Wigga man you do such amazing jobs on the maps bro but makeing a video wood help on how you made them or are they just that hard that it will take you for ever to do a video
Xyyxyx B Bck 11 dez. 2019 às 16:54 
whats the song
Bisoso 20 nov. 2019 às 6:02 
Hello, do you know how to create squads?, I would like to create a Chindits squads adding also the scoped boys at rifle, do you know someone who can help me ?
Leutnant Gustav Klaebisch 10 nov. 2019 às 20:35 
Wow this mission was so shit. When the 4th scene was over a friendly ai tank pushed a destroyed tank and killed all my medics...Great mod.
Arctic 23 ago. 2019 às 18:06 
nice name
Wiga  [autor] 6 ago. 2019 às 21:55 
You cant deal with that. This mod require to run better hardware than iGPU, otherwise it will crash.
Clunk 6 ago. 2019 às 20:16 
Not sure if this is just me, but my game keeps crashing at the beginning. The error is "CreateIndexBuffer" FAILED. Not sure if this is a problem on my part/computers fault. Currently i have no other mods installed and its pops up every time. If anyone could tell me whats up with this, that'd be great.
Warrior250 5 ago. 2019 às 17:46 
You know, it freaking grieves me if Krause and Hartmann canonically dies, because I managed to spare them in my playthrough, and the previous 1946 maps.
Chicken 5 ago. 2019 às 0:27 
hello dis mod best yis download pls yis bye
Pito Paez 4 ago. 2019 às 18:42 
i will love to donate but i dont have money :c
you are a very great modder and i love your work
Imperial Imp 28 jul. 2019 às 15:42 
Awesome Mod, thank you for putting in the work. By far the greatest mod(s) you have made. Amazing series
Ratalian 24 jun. 2019 às 3:17 
You have cured my erectile disfunction