Torchlight II

Torchlight II

The Dread Pirate (v.98)
Evinkar 3 Apr, 2020 @ 5:09am 
Gangplank's mood!
Yubelrus 16 Jul, 2019 @ 8:12am 
Nice Class with the Firecannon-build, but early multiplayergame is a bit unfair in contrast with other classes because of the not available skill level cap.
Andreichik 31 Jan, 2019 @ 11:41am 
add me.go play party)wanna 100 lvl on synergies mod)
Foundationer 6 Oct, 2018 @ 2:05pm 
Thank you very much for the reply :) I was trying out modded classes and I was confused by how easy some of them were. I am glad that you explicitly tried to stick to vanilla classes when adjusting the power.
BemusedBear  [author] 6 Oct, 2018 @ 1:29pm 
Hope that helps explain my thoughts. If you still think it is overpowered, I am always happy to consider balance adjustments. I want the Dread Pirate to be a vanilla balanced class.
BemusedBear  [author] 6 Oct, 2018 @ 1:29pm 
@Foundationer - To get the extra 60% dps on the dread pirate you mentioned, you need to invest in a second passive. The Corsair passive will give you 60% ranged damage (along with boosts to mele and charge), but it will limit you to only pistols and only one pistol (you need a sword in the other hand). In comparisson, the Outlander could take Akimbo to get 30% damage and 30% execute with 2 pistols or Poison Burst to add +92% poinson damage to all weapon attacks. Either of these passives will improve your ranged damage output by more than the Corsair passive, so Outlander is the better ranged pistol wielder by a fair ammount. The gap grows if you take both Akimbo and Poinson Burst or combo Poison Burst with Elemental Master. Even adding Gunpowder Specialist to the Dread Pirate won't compete because it just boosts fire damage, doesn't add bonus damage on top like Poison Burst.
BemusedBear  [author] 6 Oct, 2018 @ 1:23pm 
@Foundationer - The Dread Pirate class is intended to be balanced against the Vanilla classes, different stregths, weaknesses and play styles, but otherwise equal in power level.

The Spyglass passive, when maxed, adds +24% crit chance, + 48% crit damage and +5 m range. The closest comparison is the "Long Range Master" outlander passive which adds 30% damage and +5 m range. Spyglass will result in more burst damage, Long Range Master is better consistent dps. They have the same ranged bonus. I though crit fit with the idea of a spyglass targetting weak spots better and I didn't want to just rename the outlander passive.
Foundationer 4 Oct, 2018 @ 2:21pm 
How dos the power level compare to vanilla heroes? I noticed that the passives provide you with a total of +24% crit chance, +48% crit dmg, +60% dps and +5m range, which is clearly mroe than the 5m range, 30% dps of the vanilla Outlander (not counting the Outlander's poison burst, shotgun debuffs, etc).
BemusedBear  [author] 3 Jul, 2018 @ 6:55pm 
I would look at mods that remove class restrictions on armor because those can give you a lot of variety with custom classes. I also personally like mods that add new loot and maps/chunks to the game.
EBM | STEEL 23 Jun, 2018 @ 9:51am 
You welcome, in the other hand, any personal advice on how should I enjoy Dread Pirate like extra mods etc ?
BemusedBear  [author] 23 Jun, 2018 @ 9:34am 
@Steel - Fixed now with v.98. The "requires dual wielding" tag had been marked, which caused it to require a melee weapon in both hands rather than either. The skill will now work so long as you have a melee weapon in either hand. It should also work with 2handed weapons now, and not just a sword and pistol/shield set up. Let me know if you run into any other issues.
BemusedBear  [author] 23 Jun, 2018 @ 9:12am 
@Steel - I will take a look. Seems like the requirement I thought was an either/or is actually a both. This may be a situation where I have to remove the requirement entirely and abandon the flavor element.
EBM | STEEL 19 Jun, 2018 @ 5:34am 
Not left-handed skill isn't working while equipped with a pistol/sword, only with 2 melee weapons (while only a melee weapon is requiped in accord to it's description) tried without any mods except yous
BemusedBear  [author] 21 May, 2018 @ 6:21pm 
If you are interested, integrating the mods isn't that hard. Though personally, I finid it easier to work in the file explorer and notepad than in GUTS for merging mods. GUTS comes with a mod unpacker tool that you can use to open up any modfile on steam into its component parts, then all you would have to do is find the files that differ and then deal with those. For the DP mod it would just be adding the few new files I added and swapping out some changed DP specific ones.
BemusedBear  [author] 21 May, 2018 @ 6:17pm 
In Torchlight II, the top mod on the list thakes priority. To make sure the update from the standalone dread pirate mod, I believe all you need to do is make sure it is above the Additional Classes mod packs. It shouldn't have any overlap with any other mods so the rest of the order is up to you (or those recommended by other mod authors). Let me know if you have any issues, good luck!
Flame Noir 21 May, 2018 @ 8:05am 
At the moment I do have room for the standalone mod. How should I place it in load order? In normal mod manager programs, the bottom mod is the last to be loaded, and therefore overwrites whatever came before it. But I have read things in torchlight forums that made it seem different here. Should I put it before or after Additional Classes? And what about Addon to Additional Classes?

Also, I AM interested in learning about Torchlight 2 Guts, so maybe I will integrate it into the Additional Classes mod xD
Then again, I have no idea how hard that would be :0
BemusedBear  [author] 20 May, 2018 @ 6:32pm 
If you aren't running the stand-alone dread pirate mod, you can still get the benefit of this update by loading up the dread pirate mod with your other mods (if you have the room). Otherwise, you can do some manual updating to pull the added files.
BemusedBear  [author] 20 May, 2018 @ 6:29pm 
New update - version .97 fixes the issue with the passive stun chance. I have used a hidden passive skill that checks the charge level so that you don't have to start a new character. I have also added an animation effect to make it more clear when the stun has been caused by the charge bar passive (similar to the coup de grace animation). I also added some additional debuff visuals to the enemies stunned by the charge bar passive so you know which ones were stunned by the passive versus other effects.
Flame Noir 15 May, 2018 @ 7:49pm 
Ok cool. Thank you for looking into it--I did not reply before because I had not yet tried your suggestion, and thus i had nothing new to contribute to the discussion. Even if it takes a while, I think it is admirable that you have the intent and desire to fix it.
BemusedBear  [author] 15 May, 2018 @ 7:30pm 
@Flame Noir - I did a little play testing, and the no stun problem seems to be happening regardless of mod order (when I tried DP and/or Additional Classes with Synergies). I'm going to need to find some time to dig into GUTS to see whats going on, but even if I find the problem and make the change it may be awhile before any mod packs update with the fix. That being said, the stun bonus from the charge mechanic isn't integral to the class and is a stand alone file so you should be able to do a full playthrough without it mucking up any of the skills.
BemusedBear  [author] 14 May, 2018 @ 7:40pm 
For some background: I modeled the DP charge mechanic off of the outlander's very closesly, and at this point I don't remember exactly how I coded it. It's possible that if I forgot to creat a custom entry and just pointed the charge bar to the Outlander files, anything else that modified those could mess it up. I tried to make sure I used unique files and naming for all the parts of the mod, but I may have missed something or someone else could have used the same name by happenstance. In all honesty, the charge bar alwyas gave me trouble. This is the only game I modded extensively for, and I did a lot of it before Runic released the GUTS modding tool, when everything was trial and error in text files.
BemusedBear  [author] 14 May, 2018 @ 7:40pm 
@Flame Noir - Even if you started the class with a mod pack, you could also use the standalone Dread Pirate mod and give that priority. This will avoid the issue of conflicts that could be caused by other class mods while still letting you continue playing any character you had started. On the downside, you eat up an extra mod slot as you may need to have both the Dread Pirate and the Additional Classes mod loaded up (IIRC).

Any other fix would require diggin into GUTS to see what is conflicting between Synergies, the DP class and possibly something else in the Additional Class pack. I will see if I have some time to hop in and do some testing, but let me know if any of the above suggestions helped or made it worse.
Flame Noir 13 May, 2018 @ 5:25pm 
@BemusedBear nice to get a response from you! Unfortunately I can't give Dread Pirate priority without giving the entire Additional Classes AND Addon to Additional Classes mods priority over synergies, which is not the reccomended load order; I'm open to trying it, but I am concerned it may cause other, unrelated problems. Any advice?
BemusedBear  [author] 13 May, 2018 @ 3:46pm 
@SimTabouretski - Here is the link to the non-steam version of the mod. Link used to be in the description, but was removed: {LINK REMOVED}
BemusedBear  [author] 13 May, 2018 @ 3:43pm 
@ Flame Noir, Not long gone, but definitly lurking with no active development. I try to hop on and update glitches or bugs when they are reported. Unfortunately, the problem you are running into is one I haven't been able to figure out.

Back in the day this mod was Synergies compatable, but it is possible something has changed in that mod that has introduced a conflict. It is very likely this has affected the charge stun effect (assuming you are referring to the stun-charge passive), which has always been a bit finicky. My biggest suggestion is to give the Dread Pirate mod priority so that its related files don't get changed by Synergies or other mods.
Flame Noir 12 May, 2018 @ 2:06pm 
Well it looks like the mod author is long gone, but I'm having an issue where the charge stun effetc doesn't work. I'm seeing no stuns on any enemies whatsoever. This may be the fault of synergies or something, because nobody else seems to have had this issue...
Miniahunter 7 Apr, 2018 @ 2:21pm 
LeTabouret 19 Feb, 2018 @ 7:31pm 
Hello, where can I download this mod for the GoG version? :)
BemusedBear  [author] 25 Nov, 2017 @ 3:03pm 
@Thomas Roderick, you are right that Greek Fire is the inspiration for the skill name as I thought ancient napalm would be a more thematically appropriate basis than modern terminology like "flamethrower." Since I don't know if the ancient Greeks exist in the world of Torchlight and because I was basing the class on less ancient seafaring warriors I went with "liquid fire" a slightly more generic synonym for Greek Fire.
Thomas Roderick 26 Oct, 2017 @ 11:46pm 
Would it be more fitting if the "liquid fire" skill is renamed "Greek fire""?
doudley 9 Jun, 2017 @ 4:05am 
I'm sorry I didn't noticed your response earlier. Surprisingly, there still lots of people who desire these class mods, so rest assured, enjoyment were/are being expressed! :)
BemusedBear  [author] 6 Jun, 2017 @ 11:09pm 
@Hurryheathen - Not sure if that is a bug or not. The starting skill is supposed to be one of the Dread Pirates staple survivability skills. It "pillages" armor on use. You should see a little icon pop up in to corner indicating the armor you have stolen. Usually, you will run out of mana and/or incoming damage comes in fast enough to whittle down the armor pretty quick. Depending on the difficulty setting, your weapons/stats/build and the DPS of the enemies you are facingI suppose it is possible to be stacking armor fast enough to outpace an elite enemy. I haven't tested the class in Synergies in a long time, so not sure if something is making the skill better than it should be there.

Could you let me know your level and how many points you have invested in the skill? There have been bugs in some skills at specific levels/point investments befor, so that might be the culprit.
Hurryheathen 4 Jun, 2017 @ 7:37pm 
Hey I'm not sure if I found a bug or not but when I was using his default skill I could stand there with 2 purple enemies and take no damage for around 30 seconds. This was using synergies.
BemusedBear  [author] 24 May, 2017 @ 8:07am 
@doudley, happy to have the class mod included with up to date compilations. Hope people enjoy all the awesome work put into the class mods for Torchlight 2!
BemusedBear  [author] 24 May, 2017 @ 8:05am 
@ Prince Oceanus - It does not "come with an immunity to Iocane Powder." But starting at level 14 you can spec into a passive skill that does. :steamhappy: IMMUNITY: "For the past several yhears you have been developing an immunity to iocane powder, among other poisons and elements" granting resistances to ice, fire, and electric starting at 2% and poison starting at 4%.
steffire3 6 May, 2017 @ 11:45pm 
Yet we all know that every dead character in Torchlight is "slightly" alive. ^_^

Just press the chocolate flavored "New Game" button!
nailholes 6 May, 2017 @ 3:18pm 
Well, now I know that, if I die, I'll only be mostly dead.
doudley 25 Apr, 2017 @ 6:46pm 
On behalf of my fellow modder, Viz []

I asked kindly for your attention and to inform you that your brilliant mod have been included in a class mod compilation entitled Variant .

If you have objection or any opinion on the matter, we will take it with great respect and we will abide to your wishes.

Thank you and best regards!
Prince Oceanus 20 Mar, 2017 @ 4:02pm 
Does this come with an immunity to Iocane powder?
steffire3 31 Jan, 2017 @ 2:07am 
Could you write your opinion on an important question I have which I wrote on the page in the link below:

Is a Torchlight Character defined by Class or Skills?

This has to do with the way any and every mod class is built.

Thank you for your time. ^_^
Archandria 21 Nov, 2016 @ 6:02am 
If you add Monkey Island to the list of Inspirations I'll be totally sold.
BemusedBear  [author] 23 Oct, 2016 @ 9:46am 
@kaplow21 - You were right. Somehow Not-Left Handed got switched to requiring dual wielding melee. I have fixed this. Now the skill should work so long as you have a melee weapon in either hand. While i suppose thematically it should only work if you have a melee in the right hand (i.e. not the left hand), I felt this was a bit too restrictive for the skill.
Streetfighter01 14 Oct, 2016 @ 11:06am 
Hello @BemusedBear,

I had done multiple checks and found out that the bug had nothing to do with your content. Sorry for the late response didn't notice your message. Keep up the good work!

jkaplow21 11 Oct, 2016 @ 7:05am 
I think the update for Not Left Handed broke Not Left Handed. Not sure if you are updating this anymore, but now the skill requires you to dual wield melee weapons. Even just a 1 handed weapon and nothing in your other hand works.
BemusedBear  [author] 10 Sep, 2016 @ 8:30am 
@Thirsty Vader - you may find Dread Pirate items on a Wanderer run the same way you would find embermage or berserker items.

@Ryksa - sadly I am not really actively modding this anymore after graduating law school and working full time. It is unlikely that a really BIG update will happen, but if you point out any grammar mistakes or glitches I will try to fix them.
BemusedBear  [author] 10 Sep, 2016 @ 8:30am 
@bkline - The level 40 break is an unknown bug to me. I never ran across it and its the first I have heard. What other mods are you running? It is possible that there is a conflict that is causing the break, because I can't think of anything in the dread pirate stand alone mod that would cause an issue with skills only at level 40. Does it happen with all skills or just a particular skill? Because if it only happens with one skill (like upgrading Cannon Ball from 10 pts to 11), then there is probably an error in my code for that skill tier that is causing the break. Any additional info would be helpful.

@xSpekken - Thanks for including the Dread Pirate in your Mod Pack with a quest reward fix!
BemusedBear  [author] 10 Sep, 2016 @ 8:30am 
To address specific questions:

@ Crimson - a dual gunner should be viable. I attempted to build the class so you could play sword and board, sword and pistol, dual pistol, rifle, or cannon. The dual pistol, rifle and cannon will rely more on the gunpowder specialist build and the second two skill trees.

@ Panda Dub - Not left-handed requires you to have a melee weapon in your right hand. So if you had pistol in right and sword in left it won't trigger (assuming I coded it correctly). Let me know if that doesn't work.
BemusedBear  [author] 10 Sep, 2016 @ 8:30am 
Hi all, thanks for the amazing support and feedback. Apologies for being MIA for long periods of time. I don't know if I will have the time to do any more big updates on this mod because of life, work, etc. But if anything really breaks I will attempt to carve out time to fix it.
Nova ~I HAVE INTERNET AGAIN!~ 24 Jul, 2016 @ 4:42pm 
Is it viable to be a explosive dual gunner with this class instead of just swoard and board?
Skinshape 24 Jul, 2016 @ 4:40pm 
Hi author and community,

The skill Not left-handed isn't working with a range and a melee weapon, so far I tested, it worked dual wielding melee wepons, dont know about 2H, does it happens with anyone also?
Good Job with the mod, I'm enjoying it a lot.