Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Relative Top Speed
댓글 624
Riko 2024년 7월 15일 오전 3시 29분 
This mod isnt working to change defaults in
Nablabla 2024년 6월 10일 오전 5시 44분 
@NanoTree I think the reason for that jetpack is always a bit higher is that you can actually stay inside a large grid. It's dumb... I whish they made the jetpack speed dependant or relative to the next biggest ship but that can't be done in a mod easily
Nablabla 2024년 6월 10일 오전 5시 40분 
This is nice! Is there any change that you make it possible have different settings in atmosphere and space?
Because for space this does not make sense, so I would set it to something like
cruise=100/max=200 in atmosphere and
cruise=1500/max=1500 in space since there is no friction you know

what I don't understand is why bigger ships can fly slower and have less friction, it should be the other way around, right?
NanoTree 2024년 6월 8일 오전 9시 27분 
@SepticStorm you're really talking about acceleration and force, and not velocity at that point. Adding more engines will add more thrust (force output), which will be more expensive, so that is kind of already a thing in the game. You could calculate how much fuel it would take to get to light speed in the game using only thrusters, but it gets complicated when considering that the mass of your ship is changes as you burn off fuel versus the number of thrusters. But basically, your acceleration should improve as you burn off fuel.

In real life, the amount of fuel needed to reach light speed and the mass of that fuel is what would be impractical and where you get diminishing returns. E.G. more fuel weighs more and takes more force to push which means more thrust which burns more fuel, which means more mass from the thrusters themselves, etc.
quintarbarbarian 2024년 5월 16일 오후 5시 00분 
would love to use this mod but it is not appearing in my mod list, any advice?
SepticStorm 2024년 5월 13일 오후 6시 47분 
I have thought about this a lot, I would really like to find a similar mod. but instead of "boost" mode. make adding velocity more and more expensive. either by decreasing thrust efficiency, or by increasing the required fuel (h2/power). in effect making an in game "light speed' (not actually at that fast) where yes the speed is technically possible, however with diminishing returns the "max speed" would take "infinite thrust" just like reaching light speed in real life. but, I know nothing about modding to make this.
VANCE 2024년 4월 17일 오전 9시 55분 
is it possable to change the top speed in game?
SnowBubble 2024년 4월 12일 오전 11시 16분 
The path you have for the config file is no longer correct. The ID for the mod changed and is now 1359618037. Awesome mod thank you for making this!
JJ 2024년 4월 2일 오전 11시 15분 
What if I want to get rid of how the mass affects the speed? Can I change all the values for mass to 1?
Arkil 2024년 3월 30일 오전 3시 36분 
Oh this could be even simpler. I'm seeing yawing left and pitching up. My grid CoM is to the left and up from *grid combination* CoM.
Arkil 2024년 3월 30일 오전 3시 15분 
Thinking about this I realize that there are a few exploitable use cases...

You could work around exploits by classifying by mass, outer bounds or occlusion, which ever is fastest.
Arkil 2024년 3월 30일 오전 3시 03분 
I'm assuming that the behavior is because of the drag force being applied to the attached grid, which is not countered by main grid gyros (as usual in SE). I would expect that RTS would detect a "main" grid of a combination of grids and apply the drag force to that one only.
Arkil 2024년 3월 30일 오전 2시 59분 
Our server has an issue related to docked/attached grids of different sizes. I have a LG ship with a SG miner attached to a connector slightly off-axis. I'm seeing (and getting reports from players of) that if I'm boosting beyond cruise speed, ship begins to pitch/yaw slightly depending on where the attached grid is.

Has anyone else experienced this or found a fix? I can see the same issue happening on my private Torch instance that has default RTS settings. It doesn't happen if I remove RTS temporarily from modlist.
unlikeaboss 2024년 3월 16일 오후 3시 05분 
if ships slow down over time it would be very similar to cosmoteer
Cosmos 2024년 3월 6일 오전 1시 48분 
Is there a way to set this per named grid so that you can have say a supersonic bomber and then also a subsonic bomber?
z64555 2024년 1월 28일 오전 11시 13분 
Hey there, Is the RTS API accessible by scripts or only by mods?
Freddy Fazbear 2024년 1월 18일 오전 9시 45분 
Is this mod compatible with Aerodynamic physics?
Darian Stephens 2024년 1월 16일 오전 11시 32분 
I think lowering the jetpack's thrust power is a far better solution. It would prevent you from out-manoeuvring crafts while still making it possible to work with ships at speed.
There was a mod I liked ages ago which added an 'atmospheric suit' with more thrust, but inability to function in space, making it impossible to escape a planet with it.
It also had a space suit, which DID work in space, but had low enough thrust that it couldn't even hover in a gravity well.
You had to build a ship to escape the planet, no two ways about it. You needed to switch your suit to the space version, either on-board or before taking off, in order to use it in space.
I found that it made for quite good balance without hampering gameplay, as you still got the utility of the jetpack without making it overpowered.
Darian Stephens 2024년 1월 16일 오전 11시 31분 
It would also be extremely arbitrary.
You either cap the player's speed at all times, or only while using the jetpack.

It would be jarring in gameplay to suddenly be stopped in your tracks simply because you got out of the vehicle.
Sure, the current speed limits are arbitrary, and this mod introduces some level of resistance, but this would suck.
I know it's bad, because this was a problem in older versions of the game, and is the reason the hardcoded higher jetpack max speed exists now.
Gauge  [작성자] 2024년 1월 16일 오전 10시 51분 
while it is possible to apply force to the player to cap their speed. I am not interested in adding that feature. it will only cause headaches for me when user report the issue Darian explained.
Paladin 2024년 1월 16일 오전 4시 51분 
deskulpa 2024년 1월 14일 오전 3시 55분 
"If you jetpack out, you will never get back in, the ship is gone without remote control or another, faster ship." Thats what i want, if people mess up, lose the ship, Jetpack is overpower in base, mods that reduce jetpack thrust or hydrogen efficiency are still lacking. Maybe someday we can mod this.
Darian Stephens 2024년 1월 13일 오후 11시 24분 
Jetpack speed is hardcoded to be slightly above the highest max grid speed.
Otherwise you splat against the back of a fast-moving ship because you're forced back down to your max speed.
Even if you didn't die, it would be literally impossible to catch up to a ship moving faster than your speed. If you jetpack out, you will never get back in, the ship is gone without remote control or another, faster ship.
deskulpa 2024년 1월 13일 오후 3시 09분 
Hello, can we change jetpack speed with this mod? Exemple: Large Ship 150m/s, Small Ship 200m/s, Jetpack 50m/s.
windshields 2023년 12월 29일 오후 5시 00분 
Anyway to adjust ammunition speeds with this mod? Can't seem to stop outrunning my own artillery shells/rockets/railguns.
Proximus Cosmos 2023년 12월 2일 오전 11시 35분 

Alright. Asking because I DID try to change it and it didn't work
Gauge  [작성자] 2023년 12월 2일 오전 11시 23분 
This mod lets you change the top speed yourself. there is no need for another mod. it will also introduce conflicts
Proximus Cosmos 2023년 11월 30일 오후 12시 07분 

Does this mod work with a higher speed limit from another mod?
Prince of Württemberg 2023년 11월 29일 오전 7시 33분 
thank you i will take a look at the masses of my vics and see what i can do
-DF- Ashes Vargrand 2023년 11월 28일 오후 10시 02분 
Hm on my Server is on every ship the mass 0 with /rts hud
Gauge  [작성자] 2023년 11월 28일 오후 7시 36분 
The mass values are in kg.

A ship with mass equaling max mass will move at the minimum cruise speed.
A ship with mass equaling min mass will move at the maximum cruise speed.

if you have boost enabled ships can travel faster than cruise based on their acceleration.

it sounds like you are dealing with very light vehicles and you need to adjust the numbers down to match the scale you are going for.

if that is not the problem than its probably that you have boost on and your ships acceleration is very very high. If this is the case, you can turn off boosting or create a mod to reduce the power of your engines.
Darian Stephens 2023년 11월 27일 오전 4시 48분 
Well, what are the actual masses of the vehicles?
Prince of Württemberg 2023년 11월 26일 오후 10시 49분 
So i was wondering what the mass settings actually mean cause my buddies and i are using aircraft in our game save with yur relative speed mod, and i have a jet interceptor based off the Mig-21 going at the max set speed of 300m/s which is no problem but then i have a cargo jet reaching up to the same speed, is there a way i can have the cargo jet be slower than the interceptor?
_mechanic_ 2023년 10월 18일 오후 9시 53분 
Hi! Do you think it is possible to have different speed parameters using gravity and without gravity?
Exmortis 2023년 10월 11일 오전 1시 35분 
Hi all
I am also experiencing the HUD issue that many others are, with my ship HUD showing 100m/s maximum, despite the ship travelling at over 150m/s, and when to does reach over 140m/s, I begin to experience a sort of skipping as it travels.

I've seen several complaints of this issue, but no solutions. Can anyone help?
BlazingImp77151 2023년 9월 22일 오후 4시 11분 
What happens if a ship is heavier than the min cruise or lighter than the max cruise?
Duo 2023년 9월 21일 오전 7시 48분 
Hey! How do I use the boost?
Patrick 2023년 9월 20일 오후 6시 54분 
I've had a strange experience while testing. My large grid ships at the max weights and min weights both reach the max top speeds (without boost), but the ships at the mid weights only hit the mid speed. Can you help? I've modified the config slightly, but the relative relationship between all the numbers is the same. I don't think this is a config issue though, since the largest grids shouldn't be hitting that max speed.
niels2398 2023년 9월 19일 오전 5시 44분 
log file says its loading the config from the file bud it doesn't seem to apply and /rts config still shows default config.
is the server config not used in dedicated servers?
whysomad 2023년 9월 18일 오후 3시 14분 
where i can find the mod id to copy in nitrado?
cepelevvadim100 2023년 9월 17일 오전 5시 36분 
Why doesn't the console respond to commands? The game was purchased on Steam with all add-ons.
NanoTree 2023년 9월 16일 오전 9시 00분 
It would be great to add the option set speed limits on jetpacks only. IMHO, jetpack is overpowered to the point that ground vehicles are pointless besides aesthetics and amusement because its more practical to go back and forth from a mine by jetpack or using an aircraft. And even ships/aircraft only make sense because they can carry more stuff.

Jetpack speed limits would force players to engineer better solutions.. which for a game called Space Engineers, it just seems to make sense; in Survival mode anyway.
Gauge  [작성자] 2023년 9월 10일 오전 10시 31분 
Regarding the server issue. I have also experienced the issue and dont know how to resolve the inconsistency. I managed to always get it to work by continuing the modify / replace the files till it takes. The issue seems to be inconsistent which is making it hard to pin down the exact cause.

@Neocrypter make sure to restart both client and server after making config changes.
Dread Pirate Neo 2023년 9월 10일 오전 5시 30분 
hmm my cockpit speed display only goes to 100 ms even though I am going MUCH faster any ideas on that?
tomaslukes 2023년 9월 7일 오전 8시 33분 
more go go juice:selike:
Dread Pirate Neo 2023년 8월 28일 오전 12시 32분 
I am having the same issue, which is odd as it works on one of my servers but not my ares at war server
Official Zealiux 2023년 8월 25일 오전 11시 07분 
it's not implementing the config on my server it's staying with the default values
NightWolf 2023년 8월 17일 오후 5시 33분 
Does using a max speed increase mod automatically adjust the settings of this mod?
Fleshbits 2023년 8월 17일 오전 10시 01분 
@syphond I did a little googling and a little testing. the problem is not related to this mod. It is a vanilla issue and seems to occur if you have a small mass main grid with a subgrid, i.e piston, or rotor. I had my spawn ship attached to my main ship via a piston and connector. When I hit share inertia tensor on the piston, the pitching problem went away. Very weird that it would effect pitch in the air.
Fleshbits 2023년 8월 17일 오전 9시 00분 

"Having an interesting issue with grids. Certain grids will nose up and turn to the left or the right while thrusting forward or reverse. No subgrids on the grid. Any one else have this problem and figure out what causes it?"

I am also having this issue and can't figure out why. Center of mass doesn't change yaw or pitch in vanilla. I also made sure I have adequate thrust to go all directions while weighed down. Yet, my pitch will change on its own.