Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

The Oregon Trail + The Oregon Trail: Hunt for Food
DragonCrystal  [author] 23 Jul, 2022 @ 1:37pm 
@Yunei yeah I should update this one, it's been ages and I've gotten better
Yunei 22 Jul, 2022 @ 9:38pm 
I don't want to sound overly critical since I do appreciate this workshop a lot. But in the interest of constructive feedback, I did notice some things. The rules seem very grainy (poor resolution) which makes some of the rules hard to read. I'm not sure how fixable that is but the rules are easy to find so it's not a deal breaker. Also, just a quality of life feature that I saw on a different Oregon Trail workshop, a line of 10 boxes end-to-end that the cards snap to as a guideline for game progression is a nice touch if you wanted to do any updates. Thanks again for your good work.
DragonCrystal  [author] 21 Jul, 2022 @ 4:33am 
@Yunei hehe well thank you for the kind words!
Yunei 20 Jul, 2022 @ 9:04pm 
Well done. Thank you for this workshop, you're awesome!
DragonCrystal  [author] 4 May, 2022 @ 2:24pm 
@_Thomas_Howard_ my pleasure, glad you like it!
Thomas Howard 4 May, 2022 @ 1:11pm 
Thank you for this mod!