

XR-1 Prototype Railgun
Johnnyballs 10 Feb, 2019 @ 11:47am 
Immortal_Machine 2 Jan, 2019 @ 9:29pm 
Я олд
the traveler 31 Dec, 2018 @ 11:12am 
Kitten 31 Jul, 2018 @ 3:02pm 
try a railgun with very high damage and very low speed
The Strong Sperm 21 Jan, 2018 @ 11:30am 
kaboom!  [author] 21 Jan, 2018 @ 8:11am 
I actually intend on fixing issues with my mods.. I put the time and effort into making them well, if people can't use them because of something I may have possibly overlooked, it would just be ignorant and rude of me :)
The Strong Sperm 20 Jan, 2018 @ 11:39pm 
K, thanks. I'll try. (Holy shit u looked into this with alot of detail, thanks!)
kaboom!  [author] 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:41pm 
I can't seem to get the issue to be replicated on my end, which is why I'm asking for this ^^ if you don't want to try it I can totally understand, but I do want to figure this out as somebody else couldn't spawn it either.
kaboom!  [author] 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:40pm 
Hmm very odd. I don't quite get that. I think I'll delve into the recipe files and fix it up. But this is actually a good chance to get some data for this. Try doing this: Make a New Character, try making a Novakid because I know for sure you can make this on them. Then open up the chat menu and type "/admin" (without quotation marks) Then type "/spawnitem XR-1 1" --- if for whatever reason the item doesn't spawn perhaps it wasn't installed properly or isn't working. If it does then type /spawnitem anvil 1 then if you are still in admin mode you should be able to upgrade the anvil for free as well as check if the recipe is in there. Basically what we're doing here is giving you admin on that profile temporarily, and spawning the items in to see if they are there or not. If they are there and not showing up I wouldn't mind seeing if it's some weird computer issue I overlooked or simply just a spawn menu issue because I need to broaden the terms for crafting it.
The Strong Sperm 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:34pm 
Thing is, i am a human character. It doesnt show up. :(
kaboom!  [author] 20 Jan, 2018 @ 2:57pm 
@Mark the Chinese Lawyer Some people have been having this but I can't determine it but I do have to ask... do you have an Avian Character? I think Avains can't craft it. I could craft it using a bunch of my characters except for Avian.
I think it's based from the game's internal crafting stuff.. I might need to re organize it to be able to do that.
The Strong Sperm 20 Jan, 2018 @ 1:51pm 
I can't seem to find the crafting recipe. Any help?
Jase Vendor 2 Jan, 2018 @ 2:00pm 
And best of luck, i lack in experience of .lua coding, all i know is how to edit coding.
Jase Vendor 2 Jan, 2018 @ 1:58pm 
Alrighty, well thank you very much.
kaboom!  [author] 1 Jan, 2018 @ 9:52pm 
No, no it is actually really easy to make a gun in this game, the lua is really easy to understand. I'm just an idiot for being lazy haha. Yeah I'll give you a shout when I get that pack done. I actually already have a basic pistol and assault rifle Coded, fully funtional I just haven't put 'em up yet. I'm really trying to get some cool concept weapons out soon too. Anyways I need to get going on this stuff since it seems like people want them.. :D
Jase Vendor 1 Jan, 2018 @ 9:48pm 
And when you get it done, mind giving me a yell? or not really?
Jase Vendor 1 Jan, 2018 @ 9:45pm 
Alrighty, i certainly am not a coding genius and certainly would know how bad it is just to make a weapon.
kaboom!  [author] 1 Jan, 2018 @ 1:31pm 
But like I said I intend on making a charge rifle at some point. I just need to sit down and do it.. and stop putting it off like a Moron :p
kaboom!  [author] 1 Jan, 2018 @ 1:30pm 
Take a look at my gravity gun Mod. That one already uses the coding as a base. What's annoying is the fact that it doesn't quite function the same and basically uses a modified code to become a mash of both the standard rifle code and staff code. What I mean by extra work is the extra frames and animations and mapping them. You have to remember this railgun Mod is my first Mod.. ever. So I wanted something easy to create.
Jase Vendor 1 Jan, 2018 @ 9:50am 
Couldn't you just use a staff in the game's coding as a base? or would that not work?
kaboom!  [author] 31 Dec, 2017 @ 11:33am 
I originally had the idea of making the railgun with a chargup fire rather than a sniper like this is. However It's somewhat annoying to do and requires a bit of extra work so I decided against it lol besides that it isn't really all that accurate to how railguns function in real life. But fret not! I'm eventually going to get working more on my weapons pack which will include a heavy chargetype weapon :D
Jase Vendor 31 Dec, 2017 @ 6:39am 
Say, could you possibly make a Railgun based on Metal Gear Solid 4 or PW with the charge up that staffs have?
kaboom!  [author] 16 Dec, 2017 @ 11:56am 
@Fireblaze7 You can't are you sure? Is the recipe not even there?
kaboom!  [author] 9 Dec, 2017 @ 9:19am 
@r.hollands nope haven't played RF seen lots of gameplay though. The railgun is based off of an american M2 .50 cal, with a body formed around it. It also takes some inspiration from Eve's Dust 514. If you look at just the black part of the gun you'll see what I mean. The idea was to have a gun wrapped by some kind of armour like structure.
Chi-0 9 Dec, 2017 @ 8:44am 
are the looks based off of the nanite gun from red faction gurilla
kaboom!  [author] 2 Dec, 2017 @ 2:30pm 
@TimeSageX13 THey are in-game wings. 'God Avian Wings' I believe. I've been thinking of making a mod that allows you to glide wit hthem, but I don't know where to start with coding those :P
Leon 2 Dec, 2017 @ 2:26am 
What mod are you using for those wings?
kaboom!  [author] 28 Nov, 2017 @ 6:23pm 
@TheProcrastinator Already in development ;) but first I need to finish my tesla cannon gun (different than the one already in the game)
PyreStarite 28 Nov, 2017 @ 12:10pm 
Sure, a sniper weapon, but can you please make a minigun? I just want a gun that spits out a lot of bullets for a lot of damage. I would balance this with initial spin-up and a low debuff when being used.
Snow-fox 26 Nov, 2017 @ 3:50pm 
Ah, Okay. Thanks for the Explanation. It's still fun to play with, overall.
kaboom!  [author] 26 Nov, 2017 @ 10:24am 
@Snow-fox At first I had the projectile so fast you could barely see it. But after playtesting it for a while I found it was way to hard to shoot. So after a while I lowered it down to the level it is now, which is still faster than most other projectiles in the game (in fact I think it's still the fastest) pretty much once you click on something it is going to die. But it just feels much more natural to shoot with the speed being slightly slower.
Snow-fox 26 Nov, 2017 @ 12:33am 
So, I saw this from the Gravity Gun mod, And I'm curious, if this is a Railgun, What's with the slow projectile speed?
Gryzzli 25 Nov, 2017 @ 12:08pm 
for some reason when i see the gun i think of an aggressive question mark, like that famous line from Taxi Driver "You looking at me?"
kaboom!  [author] 24 Nov, 2017 @ 8:54pm 
@737 Garrus Thanks, even though railguns don't have this I was actually kind of inspired by the idea of electricity arcing between the rails. If you've ever seen electricity arc up tesla coils you can see how they travel up the rails in a line and then kind of shoot off. I was thinking of something like that.

Yeah I've gotten a few comments on my name in the past, it's quite fitting now that I've started making guns... or at least mod ones. :steammocking:
Vash56 24 Nov, 2017 @ 6:17am 
There is a considerable lack of railguns in this game, isn't there? This mod was made for me!
737✈Garrus 24 Nov, 2017 @ 1:36am 
I love that little dot of light that moves forward in the firing part of the gun! (can’t say barrel because a railgun doesn’t propel its projectile by a powder charge) LoL

PS.Nice name!
kaboom!  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 5:13pm 
Wow thanks for all of the support guys! I'm currently working on making all of my weaponbs into some kind of pack, so stay tuned :steamhappy:
Naro Cal 23 Nov, 2017 @ 4:44pm 
animation and states are freakin beautiful! keep it up man!
737✈Garrus 23 Nov, 2017 @ 4:20pm 
That's a beautiful gun! I love this modern StarBound Apex-style or Mass Effect-style, can't decipher which but really d*ng nice!
kaboom!  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:36pm 
or I could just say it's a plasma railgun ;)

Also please excuse my awful typing, I don't always proofread my comments.
kaboom!  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:22pm 
The ammo is generated by the player, in the same way that the ammo for all other guns is generated. generating this kind of ammo would be much easier anyways, because there would be no need for propellant.

The bullet cal is similar to that of a .50 cal, though you could argue anything at this point really. I could say it's a 30mi or any cal really. For the sake of this mod it doesn't really matter too much.
kaboom!  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:18pm 
To answer a few more of your questions the conductive material is silver, (used in the crafting recipe), though the thermals aren't good on them it's probably the best material to describe the white rails. Otherwise it would probably have to be molybdenum because it has a metling point of 2623 degrees C.

The battery is not located in the gun but rather on the person. So it's whatever starbound has as it's battery system I suppose. I didn't really think of the power nees while making this, just how it would balance within the game. The muzzle flash is caused, once again by the intense heating caused by the pellet. The gun and pellet are both incredibly hot so the would certainly glow... but it also fits the theme is silver gray and blue I'm going for.
kaboom!  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:12pm 
I figured people in the future must have come up with a way of dissapating that heat quickly enough before the next shot, but regardless that's the reason why I didn't make a railgun assault rifle anyways.

Then again I made a gravity gun so real physics is out the window in this gun series.

--- TL;DR SCI-Fi tropes and Heat dissspation
kaboom!  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:10pm 
Wow DoritosTacos12, you certainly seem frustrated by this. So here is an explanatiion: At first I had thought of making a coil gun, however I thought that a railgun is more of a general "sci-fi" trope. Regardless of whether it exists in real life or not, railguns are quite often seen as the general "sniper" of sci-fi weapons.

Besides that taking the physical nature of how railguns work makiung a railgun into a regular rifle isn't actually as easy as it seems. If you've ever seen videos of railguns firing you'll see that there is a great deal of fire involved. The reason is not because of any propellant but rather because of the intense friction and heating caused by the pellet being accelerated to such incredible speeds. In fact with most railguns the rails are ... I guess plasmafied is the right word? Material along the rail turns into plasma with each shot. Thus eroding the gun and shredding the inside.
Someone 23 Nov, 2017 @ 12:42pm 
Nice graphics
Dorito_tRF 23 Nov, 2017 @ 11:50am 
some other things what kind of conductive metal do the rails use, whats the lifespan of the battery pack, how many joules of power do the capacators hold, why is there a muzzle flash does that mean it uses conventional charges too, what kind of metal does it shoot that is glowing blue, does it just have leds or something, whats the ammo feed system in place, and lastly whats the caliber of the slug it fires
Dorito_tRF 23 Nov, 2017 @ 11:40am 
i never got why railguns are all anti matierial rifles, they can just as easily be made to fire like normal guns and if anything are more practical that way, and why people dont see that coilguns are superior to railguns, railguns break easy, also railguns arent sci-fi, that implies they dont exist, at least this one doesnt have the stupid 'charge before you shoot' they charge AFTER they shoot
kaboom!  [author] 22 Nov, 2017 @ 9:46pm 
That doesn't mean yo ustill can't make one. There's always room for more ;)
Ribs 22 Nov, 2017 @ 7:57pm 
Awww man, i was going to make a rail gun but it seems like you did it first. Good stuff!
Tikks 21 Nov, 2017 @ 1:39pm 
I'm interested! Definetly will be keeping up with this mod!