Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Penetrating Debuffs
58 comentários
Spiner909 9 nov. 2018 às 18:48 
Does this work with Definitive Edition?
bass_shovel 26 mar. 2018 às 16:15 
I disagree with bleeding. Just from a common sense poin of view - if you manage to penetrate the armor and make an enemy bleed, they loose vitality. Or as another example, the idea that bleeding from blood rain is somehow affected by the type of armor someone is wearing is kinda ridiculous.
Meatbang 6 fev. 2018 às 21:37 
Only one I disagree with on this list is bleeding.
j dub 4 jan. 2018 às 4:49 
cool mod homie.
Damashi The Kaotic 15 nov. 2017 às 1:14 
Is it possible to make it so electric surfaces only turn off if any gets stunned? This mod makes electricity rain combo worthless.
lightninggrimm3 14 nov. 2017 às 18:05 
Is it possible for you to add decaying to this list? It would make Necro/Resto builds more fun and it doesn't seem like it would be too OP, as the Decay status isn't a very frequent status. Either way, thanks for this mod!
God 27 out. 2017 às 15:28 
Casting rain on a shocked or chilled enemy with some remaining magic armor removes the debuff, without applying wet. Is it possible to fix it?
Xaelyn  [autor] 22 out. 2017 às 5:12 
@amblingalong I haven't noticed that one myself but I'll look into it
jred250 21 out. 2017 às 22:03 
@Xaelyn You are totally right!
amblingalong 21 out. 2017 às 16:36 
To clarify, I mean on enemies with no magic armor remaining. So the mod works perfectly re: allowing a character with 10 magic armor to be chilled by a frost spell, but if the same character has 0 magic armor remaining, they're instantly frozen.
amblingalong 21 out. 2017 às 16:36 
I love the concept behind this mod, but unfortunately there seems to be a bug that makes the game far too easy: using a spell that would normally cause shocked or chilled now causes stunned or frozen immediately when cast (whereas normally it would take two seperate effects).
Xaelyn  [autor] 18 out. 2017 às 22:07 
@jred250 Shocked doesn't keep a character from acting, you may be confusing it with stunned
jred250 18 out. 2017 às 10:34 
I would recommend Shocked being removed from the list. Any status that keeps a character from acting (Knocked Down, Shocked, etc) should have the Armor buffer.
Aedrion 18 out. 2017 às 9:44 
I quite like that! Glass Cannon was very bad, now it's pretty sweet for a burst characters if you can support him. I really like this mod, it brings back strategy in super hard fights by allowing you to control situations through smart moves. The game really missed the ball there by forcing the first attacks on enemies to be a waste of time or skills just to break the armour!
Kudos to you!
Xaelyn  [autor] 17 out. 2017 às 22:52 
@Pizza Gator I considered it but I think it would be too strong, healing tends to be a fair bit more potent than damage in my expierience. I suppose I could make it penterate but also reduce the multiplier to make it less powerful.
MuffinMous 17 out. 2017 às 21:42 
I think it'd be really nice if you made a version of this that had decaying touch added... I never seem to be able to get much use out of that really cool spell.
Xaelyn  [autor] 17 out. 2017 às 9:32 
@Aedrion It certainly makes it a bit more viable, but I wouldn't say OP. It still makes you susceptible to the worst effects that would otherwise still be blocked by your amour.
Aedrion 17 out. 2017 às 5:54 
Does this make Glass Cannon Talent OP? I mean, what's the drawback now of having effetcs penetrate your armours? Other than GC allowed ALL of them passed? :)
Damashi The Kaotic 9 out. 2017 às 11:49 
Do you think you could give a small tutorial on how to edit this mod? I'd like to make shocked, and diseased blocked by magic armor, but leave everything else you did as is.
atletikus 6 out. 2017 às 16:49 
Will AI actually know that their debuffs now penetrate armor and more actively use them? What effect does it have on difficulty? Easier, harder or mostly about more RNG?
The Pants 4 out. 2017 às 18:01 
I wish they would've tried this in the beta. The lesser statuses still being useful and dangerous while your armor's up changes a lot, and makes poison and fire and bleeding scary again; they gnaw at your ability to avoid getting stunned to death.
Xaelyn  [autor] 1 out. 2017 às 19:06 
@Smarmbot I know of no way to change them. I even tried creating a manual entry to see it would override, unfortunately it did not.

@你走是个弟弟!I think they were also hardcoded, but I'll check again
Pencey 1 out. 2017 às 17:01 
So I'm trying to find all the abilities with hardcoded or otherwise hard to access saves vs armor. Status effects that can't just be made to bypass armor via the stats editor. So far I count Charmed, Infect, Decaying Touch, Shackles of Pain, and Forced Exchange. Do you know of any others, or any way to change the ones I've listed?
papiko 1 out. 2017 às 15:52 
Yeah agreed that Diseased ignore armour is a bit too much. -35% Damage is A LOT.
papiko 1 out. 2017 às 15:42 
@Xaelyn Would it be possible to add acid and suffocating to this list? They are not hard CC and really need a buff too.
Pencey 30 set. 2017 às 16:18 
@Sadface Just open up the status entries in the stats editor and change the 'saving throw' dropdown to blank.
TryHappy 30 set. 2017 às 2:08 
Hey, I am just wondering where exactly did you manage to change the Armor checks? I am trying to figure this one out myself.
Damashi The Kaotic 29 set. 2017 às 16:00 
I think Diseased ignoring armor might be a bit much. Everything looks fine.
Nitsah 25 set. 2017 às 12:59 
Yeah I think necro is fine. late game its not that bad compared to the decay and taunting.
Xaelyn  [autor] 24 set. 2017 às 17:04 
I already tried to add both infectious disease and shackles of pain, but they are hardcoded. The spells are there but the status effects (which is where you set armor resistance) do not exist in the game files.
Bromantic 24 set. 2017 às 8:35 
Shackles of Pain is too good imo to pierce the armor, but i do agree with infect, if disease pass the armor, infect should too...but doesnt infect apply disease? i'm not sure how it works

now theres Necrofire, i havent seen it much so far to give proper feedback, but is it really that stronger than burning beside the fact that it cannot be extinguished except from bless?
Kouwin 23 set. 2017 às 19:12 
A couple more things crossed my mind after playing some more: Shackles of pain and infect.

I feel like shackle should absolutely pierce due to the fact that enemies will actively go out of your way to ignore you while it's active which means taunt is the only real way to make it work reliably and that only lasts a single turn, having to also deal with armor first is really the nail in the coffin on its usability.

Infect of course is just another form of disease, albeit one that could potentially affect every enemy on the map. The facts of it costing 3 AP and the risk of it spreading to allies is likely plenty enough reason to allow it to go through armor though, very high risk high reward ability.

That's just my opinion though but I'd certainly say it's worth thinking about putting in, necro's early game could really use some more love outside of its passive lifesteal.
Xaelyn  [autor] 23 set. 2017 às 17:57 
@Nisah I hear you, but it would be weird for armour to protect from necrofire but not regular fire. I'll leave it for now and see what everyone else thinks.

@☯ 𝕾𝖍𝖞𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 It would depend on how exactly it is programmed. It knows it can pentrate the armour of glass cannons, so depending on whether it is checking specifically for glass cannon or just whether the target is currently 'immune' to an effect it could adapt to these changes quite easily

@Matex That would indeed be a miracle, as the combat side of the game is sadly nowhere near scriptable enough (for modders) to be able to do that.
Bromantic 22 set. 2017 às 19:05 
@☯ 𝕾𝖍𝖞𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 the AI is making uses of the change somehow, because they are casting curse when i am Full magical Armor, and much more
Nitsah 22 set. 2017 às 11:51 
That and it cannot be put out easily like fie and spreads quite common because of the cursed blood. But then again I just got past the shock void frogs with the ring.
Nitsah 22 set. 2017 às 11:41 
Necro will fire won't*
Nitsah 22 set. 2017 às 11:40 
I don't think necro should penetrate. Its very strong and common later in the game. I know it won't make sense fire will but fire.
Shyning 22 set. 2017 às 10:50 
AI doesn't make use of the change as the AI is hardcoded and not adaptative.
Not sure "hardcoded" the dev's term for it but you'll understand what I mean.
Matex 22 set. 2017 às 5:43 
Would be a miracle if you manage to create a new option ingame that lets us toggle which effect penetrates and which does not. Fixes your issue of "what should penetrate?" by letting people choose for themselves.
Naturally, you are affected by this as well, not just the enemy.
VoidInsanity 22 set. 2017 às 0:52 
Shame mods disable achievements as I'd love to use this. How armour currently works is extremely silly.
Xaelyn  [autor] 21 set. 2017 às 23:48 
I'm told that the AI does make use of the changes
Kouwin 21 set. 2017 às 23:47 
Wiping the files and redownloading fixed it, thanks a bunch, you're a saint. One thing of note though is that mousing over the mod name in the in-game mod loader still shows the outdated description, just a heads up in case you're interested in updating it.
TsunAmiK 21 set. 2017 às 23:12 
What I am now curious is if AI can make use of these effects now, so it doesnt give too much power to player :)
TsunAmiK 21 set. 2017 às 23:11 
You sure, are true hero of the day :))

If the game shipped with this already, it would be perfect.
Xaelyn  [autor] 21 set. 2017 às 23:01 
I just downloaded it from the workshop to check and it is the correct version, so it's on your end. Check Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\435150\1139858748\ and delete it, also delete the .PAK in Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\Mods
Kouwin 21 set. 2017 às 22:45 
The mod is stuck on the original version and won't update to the newer one without cripple, even trying to direct download the nexus version doesn't solve it. Is this on your end or did something break on my side that I need to fix?
Poop Smoocher 21 set. 2017 às 20:34 
This is really good. I'm not a fan of enemies having this untouchable forcefield just because they have magic armor.
Xaelyn  [autor] 21 set. 2017 às 19:21 
Reverted Curse as well, I think bless costing a source point makes curse too strong to allow to penetrate
Xaelyn  [autor] 21 set. 2017 às 16:38 
Ok guys, I have reverted Blind, Crippled, Atrophy, Entangled and silenced.
Xaelyn  [autor] 21 set. 2017 às 16:35 
@MM74 I don't really want to needlessly clutter up the workshop with separate tiny mods tbh.