Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Parallax Concepts
558 comentarios
Katsuya76 24 JUN a las 1:35 p. m. 
turn off your Antennas and personal Signal would make it a bit easier at early game
Omegaron 15 JUN a las 5:26 p. m. 
New game and the first spawns will come and and hunt you down even with owning no grids. Unplayable.
Goldenman 5 JUN a las 1:37 p. m. 
unplayable in survival. 30 minutes in i don't even have a cargo container and I start getting constantly swarmed by a literal armada of parallax ships that don't leave me alone.
Commander Brisk 20 MAY a las 3:20 p. m. 
Thee fact these ships randomly charge you now is quite annoying. if its on purpose or you accidentally dropped some reaver code in there doesn't matter. what makes it worse is the inhibitor field spawn killing me inside my base when they do so. or just wiping me out early game so im forced to reload a save or restart losing progress either way. AT LEAST make the personnel inhibitors optional, i can over look the others but this one is just stupid.
Scar der Verrückte [PZ] 18 MAY a las 12:55 a. m. 
okay i used this mod back then and the vessels where like: okay we pass by and when something comes in gun range we shoot but not really engage exept if it shoots back. now it is like this. yo derek you see this F*cker over there on his 10 steelplate grid platform ? lets fuck him up. the ships are somehow extremely agressive and chase you down because you.. exist. and they sealclubber you. back then the mod was more like yeah they basicly ignoredd you as long as you ddid not attack them Back or attack in the first place.
gigglelamer 20 ABR a las 9:12 a. m. 
Great mod. Thanks for your hard work and time on it Lucas.

If anyone is having issues with any of the MES mods, just take some time to learn the admin settings (@github) and adjust the spawning behavior to your preferences.
Pastel_Sad 17 ABR a las 7:04 p. m. 
Having a situation where they fly over my base, early in, and they decide to attack, because i merely existed, trying to build.

Makes sense.
Virsteinn 8 ABR a las 7:49 a. m. 
Apparently provoking them is as simple as merely being present as they fly by.

Yes, this definitely makes sense.
Nature 11 MAR a las 3:49 a. m. 
I've been using this mod on earth for awhile and they never attack unless provoked. So you can just avoid them, always. And by the time you're strong enough to pick a fight with them they are relatively easy. They spawn too many bases that do nothing. And they spawn ships that always fly by safely out of weapons range.
It's a good mod that makes the planet feel alive but they aren't really much of a threat. I enjoyed the mod for early to mid game but i'm removing it now and looking for something harder.
Kouwan Seiki 28 FEB a las 2:29 p. m. 
i wont lie but i actually hate these ships because lately they decide on ramming themselves into every asteroid im mining or trying to build a base in after spotting me from like 2 planets away which would not be so bad if not for the personell inhibitors which kill me while i try to disable this thrashing wreck slammed into the other side of the asteroid still trying to kill me
Cc8tv 16 FEB a las 4:02 a. m. 
this is just eating all my pcu any tips to help with that? i quite like building my own base i have max pcu at 200k and it just disapears
Heelvy 8 ENE a las 4:38 a. m. 
Oban Tide Mk2 make game crush
LazyTrain 2 DIC 2023 a las 10:58 a. m. 
The inertia dampener field was a fun countermeasure that made it a bit tougher to board these ships. The "nearly instant kill field" is just kinda lame now.
tlupe 29 NOV 2023 a las 11:13 p. m. 
Why when Im installing mods for NPS it's not working anyhow, can you say me installation guide or smth, pls help im tired T_T
The Custodians of The Cosmos 28 OCT 2023 a las 9:45 a. m. 
"While they do not prefer violence or conflict," "These encounters are hostile by default towards players and other NPCs."

This faction makes ZERO sense...was going to download until I saw this.
Guts the Black Maulman 2 OCT 2023 a las 12:59 a. m. 
I'm wondering now if the spawning is okay anymore as well, may want to look into that
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 7 SEP 2023 a las 7:12 p. m. 
They can be used to purchase Suit Upgrades at the stations in the Trade Operators Coalition mod
tony.kerr813 7 SEP 2023 a las 6:40 p. m. 
What are the research points that you get from those butens do?
RaVe 7 SEP 2023 a las 8:27 a. m. 
are abses still spawning for anyone after the opdate a few mins ago? our playthrough has stopped spawning htem
ATF_Coldblooded Carebear || 21 AGO 2023 a las 3:54 p. m. 
Can you use the crew enable mod with this mod considering the inhibitor?

If yes what the effect will be on the crew?

If not is there a workaround?
Doggaebi 19 AGO 2023 a las 4:10 p. m. 
about the personal inhibitor... is that a joke, the inhibitors are already bad and the personal inhibitor... wtf are u guys doing :T
Dudlomudlo 9 AGO 2023 a las 8:34 p. m. 
is this mod compatibile with all this mods you have in collection?
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 7 AGO 2023 a las 10:57 a. m. 
They can spawn on modded planets, but it entirely depends on the planet. If the entire planet surface is covered in harsh terrain (ie no / few flat surfaces) it can be hard for the spawner to find a suitable place for stations.

Same deal for the ships too - if the atmosphere is too shallow, it can prevent spawning of atmospheric ships.
PVT Parts 6 AGO 2023 a las 10:40 p. m. 
Do the structures spawn on modded planets?
|FNN|Democratic Foxx 3 AGO 2023 a las 2:01 a. m. 
It helps a bunch! Thank you!
ATF_Coldblooded Carebear || 3 AGO 2023 a las 1:43 a. m. 
@theonetruefox look in the description under “special thank” the first link will bring you to all the ship collection in this mod with link to the original creator. Hope that help you.
|FNN|Democratic Foxx 2 AGO 2023 a las 11:18 p. m. 
Is there a way to get the blueprints for a specific ship aside from waiting for one to spawn in. I was almost done claiming it when it decided to kamikaze the ground and screw me over and I really wanted it. It's the arrowhead.
Lettucehatcat 2 AGO 2023 a las 10:10 p. m. 
Awesome, thanks for the reply loving the mod so far
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 1 AGO 2023 a las 9:11 p. m. 
The research points can be used at a Suit Upgrade Station to purchase upgrades for your character. If you want to take advantage of that side of things, you'll need to add a mod like Trade Operators Coalition which adds economy stations that include those upgrade facilities.
Lettucehatcat 1 AGO 2023 a las 9:06 p. m. 
Hi, i raided a bunker and found a button that when pressed gave me "1 research point" what is this for i cant seem to find any info on it
[UA] KAA ♂ 9 JUL 2023 a las 6:50 p. m. 
Yeah, decoys, silly mistake. All the rest is clear, thanks!
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 9 JUL 2023 a las 3:12 p. m. 
Howdy. I'm assuming you mean 'decoys' right? If so, I don't do anything special with them. Turret behaviors might be affected by them, but overall they've sorta become less useful ever since the warfare 2 update.

For purchasing ships, you can check out the Trade Operators Coalition mod. While it doesn't allow you to outright purchase a ship in the store, it does have shipyard services that let you construct a ship from a blueprint.
[UA] KAA ♂ 9 JUL 2023 a las 3:04 p. m. 
Have a couple of other questions:
1) Do Encounter Collection mods ships ignore decays at all? I can see they are attacking all blocks but decays stay untouched. Are decays pointless for these mods or do I miss something?

2) Do we have any trading Encounters collection mod where I can buy battleships and not only cargo/miners?

P.S: Still looking for an answer to my long post a couple of lines below.
killerofsouls 7 JUL 2023 a las 12:29 p. m. 
how are u able to steal the ship and make it yours as ive tried everything and carnt do it
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 22 JUN 2023 a las 2:34 p. m. 
Trade Operators Coalition mod provides a way to purchase upgrades that provide immunity to them - both temporary and permanent
TheDerpGeneral 22 JUN 2023 a las 10:04 a. m. 
Is there a way to turn off the health inhibitors? They seem to op for me at the lvl of combat im at rn and I would really like to know if and how to turn them off.
[UA] KAA ♂ 6 JUN 2023 a las 3:54 p. m. 
Hi! I haven't found answers nowhere, so asking here:

1) What are the types of ships that are able to approach my base? I mean, I can see some grinding drones and that's ok, but Parallax Encounters, for example, generates a ship that in my opinion is just a hell of a battleship and can shred everything I build in just a couple of minutes.

If this stuff can fly at my base - I'm in trouble. However, If mod generates it far away so I can avoid it if needed - than it's another case. So, how does this work?

I'm asking because I don't want to come back once to a main base and find it destroyed 'cause my defense was made for grinding drones and not such a hell of a battleships.
Sorry for spoilers.

2) is there a general description somewhere of what events does this mod contain, more detailed than "alot of planet installations and ships"?

3) Is there any place where people discussing this mod in details? Or is it here the most suitable place for asking questions?
tyreecottman420 30 MAY 2023 a las 7:41 p. m. 
how to you find ai ships on the admin pad? yall know what i mean...
Shaemous 22 MAY 2023 a las 5:02 p. m. 
Please nerf the personnel inhibitor: 850m-1km range while bypassing shields is game breaking.
Bubu DE 14 MAY 2023 a las 5:06 a. m. 
I rly like the ships from "Parallax", but as soon i try to grind the railgun(s) from one of their ships, the game crashes :(
Aszinine 24 ABR 2023 a las 8:46 p. m. 
So far, this is what I've found -

These 3 seems to be floating consistently, though I'm not sure if the AtomHeartStation is intended, as it has thrusters and everything, but they aren't turned on so, I assume it should be grounded.
- Parallax-SpawnGroup-MilitaryInstallation
- Incon-SpawnGroup-AtomHeartStation
- Imber-SpawnGroup-ResourceProcessingStation

The rest here, seem to spawn underground at varying depths. The one's I've listed spawn far enough underground that the doors are inaccessible without drilling, and this is difficult with inhibitors. ))
- Imber-SpawnGroup-FighterDockingStation
- Parallax-SpawnGroup-SecurityOutpost
- Imber-SpawnGroup-FortressTower
- Parallax-SpawnGroup-FrontierOutpost
- Parallax-SpawnGroup-Bunker
- Imber-SpawnGroup-OreProcessingOutpost

There are a few honorable mentions from wasteland encounters, but as they are from a different author, I chose to leave them out. Happy hunting, friend!
Aszinine 24 ABR 2023 a las 8:08 p. m. 
Yeah I looked the troubleshooting section up and down, trying to figure out what was happening, and saw that custom placed planets at longer ranges than around 10k km could show signs of these issues, so I cut literally every mod out, started without plugin loader and started a fresh world with a standard star system. Then I spawned in and TP'd around to a few different planets, spawning via SPI, and there were still quite a few that were floaty.
I will go through and spawn a bunch in and find the floaty ones and get back to you shortly! ))
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 24 ABR 2023 a las 7:21 p. m. 
@Aszinine - If you're are using a custom world with planets placed very far from the world center (ie further than the vanilla solar system planets), the coordinate system starts to lose precision and can cause issues like that.

However, if you're seeing that in the vanilla star system with the planets placed at their normal positions, then definitely let me know the names of specific grids doing this and I'll grab a shovel to do some digging!
Aszinine 24 ABR 2023 a las 7:06 p. m. 
I also had an issue with some of the installations spawning and not being damageable or hackable on my private server with a few friends. This I might have figured out, was due to them not having agreed to the consent thing. None of your mods show up unless that is agreed to by the client apparently, so I think they were joining the private dedicated without the consent agreement, causing their clients to not load the mod. Then when an installation would spawn for their player ID, it was invulnerable unless I copy pasted it.

Not really sure if any of this has already been mentioned or ruled out but, figured I would leave this here for anyone looking for answers. ))

Great work with your mods, though. They add so much to the game! I will continue to use them even if my grids wingardium leviosa and have jetpack inhibitors.
Aszinine 24 ABR 2023 a las 7:06 p. m. 
I've been troubleshooting for pretty much the entire day trying to figure out why some of these planetary installations are spawning in the air above planets.
At first, I thought it was due to my oversized planets, or large world space, or even xml settings or something but, after wiping everything and starting from scratch, I found that even in the base game, with no plugins or mods other than MES and Parallax, things are still spawning in the air on the moon and other planets.
Jek 8 ABR 2023 a las 11:34 p. m. 
can it work with weapon core?
Schraubokopter 7 ABR 2023 a las 5:27 a. m. 
Does this mod measure on your PCU built? Cause most times i start a game less than half an hour in i get bombed by Arrowheads. I don't have any chance to build a base underground that deep, that it doesn't impact me...
Dalten  [autor] 5 MAR 2023 a las 10:53 a. m. 
Since others have decided to republish my work on the workshop, I have uploaded my work and created the official collection, linked it in the description above. Please enjoy, everyone.
[TK] Evermore 28 FEB 2023 a las 4:25 a. m. 
did I have to create a new game ?
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [autor] 22 FEB 2023 a las 5:41 p. m. 
Not on their own no - all vanilla turrets max out at 800m for target range. If something is hitting you from that distance, then you've either got something that increases vanilla ranges, or you're using the NPC Weapon Upgrades / Weapon Randomizer mod in conjunction with something that can shoot that far.