Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic

The Modpack Invisible
SCSR 2 Apr @ 11:21am 
Does this mod contain invisible block or are there just parts?
Durf  [author] 13 Jun, 2022 @ 11:35am 
If I get back into mod making I will remake this concept into a new mod that will include more parts and a different way of doing this idea
IDK about upgrading though..
Durf  [author] 13 Jun, 2022 @ 11:32am 
ShrooToo, I say that because you literally started arguing, I didn't. You have no reason to be having this argument on someone else's mod and it's just being toxic for no reason.
I ask "what are you trying to accomplish" because this isn't going to change anyone's mind about anything, even if what you said was true.
And I can point to the Day/Night cycle mod or tone generator which were broken immediately after being released by a game update (an update that didn't do anything else for the game, no content, no other fixes). Axolot definitely broke those mods with a game update.
There is no option to talk or coordinate with Axolot either. So what's the point?
No shroo, you haven't seen my conversations with the devs. There haven't been very many of them and I know what I've said to the devs. Stop lying.
Grub 13 Jun, 2022 @ 11:14am 
please, in this new pack of parts, add some parts that cannot be upgraded because it pisses me off that I cannot make nice things through these upgrades

i.e. ordinary models but which cannot be upgraded
ShrooToo 13 Jun, 2022 @ 9:15am 
Why do every single one of your arguments with everyone and anyone end up you going "everyone is toxic apart from me, you're trolling, what are you trying to gain? this is just a smear campaign" talk about projecting... You yourself literally said "I'm pretty certain at this point that Axolot breaks mods they don't like It's happened way too many times for it to be a coincidence" that's exactly what I responded to, you are trying to claim the devs are personally targeting your mods and breaking them on purpose, that's delusional. I've seen some your discussions with devs before (don't ask from where) and there are plenty of times you insult the devs publicly, there is no reason in trying to deny it when it's in your videos, Discord messages, and rants everywhere.
Vajdani 13 Jun, 2022 @ 1:37am 
You have been saying that the community is bad and toxic for years, why are you still here?
Durf  [author] 13 Jun, 2022 @ 12:40am 
You guys saying that I treat the devs like shit or sling insults simply isn't true. I haven't spoke with the devs in any of those ways and idk where you would even get those ideas from.

This also isn't the place for you to spread these kinds of lies either..and for what? Just because I said I wasn't going to be updating this mod?
What exactly were you hoping to get from this? Why are you making up a bunch of lies?

Shroo, even your questions aren't what I said, so the point of delusion has no foundation either; you played yourself.
None of this makes sense and it seems like a PR stunt where you guys are out to make someone look bad, literally for no reason. If you want me out of the SM community, I'm sure that will happen eventually. I don't want to be part of such a toxic community.
I have never treated the devs poorly; quite the contrary.
Stop making the game look worse with this toxicity.
Vajdani 12 Jun, 2022 @ 11:16pm 
"TLDR: no u"
Thanks for listening to any of what we have said. Why should the devs listen to *you* if you dont do that yourself?

Oh and, if you want them to talk to you, dont treat them like shit. That may be a good place to start.
ShrooToo 12 Jun, 2022 @ 10:00pm 
You should probably work on your usage of buzzwords, nothing in my comment has anything to do with projecting. Are mods broken by updates? Yes. Are there things the devs can do better about it? Yes. Should the devs do those things? Yes. Are the devs perusing the workshop for "mods they don't like" and dissecting them to find ways to break them? No, that's delusional. And if a mod is "guaranteed" to break every single update, how do so many mods, including all but one of my own stay functional through updates? And if all mods were actually broken every single update, that's fixing your mod once every 2 years? "This is the situation that needs to change for any mod maker to see this as a worthwhile endeavor", stop speaking for everyone. I've seen quite a few of your conversations with devs, but I see exactly why they wouldn't want to have a conversation with you, if that's true. You sling insults, question their competence, and belittle them straight to their face constantly.
Durf  [author] 12 Jun, 2022 @ 7:31pm 
Being toxic and projecting isn't going to change the situation or my mind about it
The problem is that there's no point in fixing old mods when backwards compatibility is an easy thing to add to the game; mods don't have to break
The time spent fixing could instead be spent on new ideas, but even new ideas aren't worth creating when they are guaranteed to break. This is the situation that needs to change for any mod maker to see this as a worthwhile endeavor
I've tried to talk to Axolot about this and other things; they don't want to talk, let alone about any individual topic
It's out of my hands. Decision made
The number of times a game update has broken my mods, right after releasing it, shows Axolot's intent more than avoiding a conversation or not changing also does
The condition here is that things need to change for you to get what you want, which isn't even for this pack to be updated
It's the new version of this mod to be made
Talk to Axolot about it

TLDR no u
ShrooToo 12 Jun, 2022 @ 2:27pm 
Durf bro you seriously need to calm down and quit being so weird. The devs aren't out to get you, no one is out to get you, no one cares, the devs don't care. You keep making weird outlandish assumptions about anything and everything saying people are doing things all around you, don't flatter yourself. You'd probably trip on the edge of a rug in real life and say it was planted there by someone in the mod community because they are out to get you. Yes, a good amount of people you interact with don't like you, you're egotistical; but I don't think there is a single person in this world devoting their life to messing up a silly mod you made for a video game. One of my mods stopped working in the recent update, guess I'm next on their hit list hu? Anyways, you can delete this comment after ignoring everything I said and continue on with your goofy paranoia mindset, as you do.
Vajdani 12 Jun, 2022 @ 2:12pm 
For christ's sake, this thing hasnt been updated in 3 YEARS. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Vajdani 12 Jun, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
You cant expect the devs to always make old mods work on new versions. Instead of constantly complaining, how about you get your shit together and fix these mods?
Vajdani 12 Jun, 2022 @ 2:07pm 
Durf please stop being dumb
Durf  [author] 12 Jun, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
I'm pretty certain at this point that Axolot breaks mods they don't like
It's happened way too many times for it to be a coincidence, and specifically with my mods
🤷‍♂️ idk what to tell there a point in trying to fix it? Not if I'm working against Axolot.
Things need to change with these devs or there just isn't a point in making all the cool mods I had planned, or even fixing the old ones since it doesn't last. It really seems like Axolot doesn't want me to make mods for their game.

There's a better way to do this idea though, and that was planned as a new pack of parts.
I wouldn't hold your breath for anything in this game anymore. Even vanilla updates.
Unless things change...but I've been trying to talk to Axolot about that for years now; it's not happening.
ShrooToo 12 Jun, 2022 @ 10:55am 
so many broken things in such a popular mod
Grub 11 Jun, 2022 @ 10:46am 
fix engine
unknown81311 23 Aug, 2021 @ 10:59am 
this mod conflicts with destructible parts and blocks and some people have the older versions so its fine for them. really annoying.
EJ.2048 21 Jun, 2021 @ 9:50pm 
MrColoret 17 Jul, 2020 @ 8:29am 
the motors are broken
obsolete gaming 8 May, 2020 @ 8:52am 
cool mod:steamhappy:
Durf  [author] 8 May, 2020 @ 6:30am 
This mod intentionally conflicts with it's counterpart.
same parts, but you choose how to load them: visible or invisible.
turrit hugger 8 May, 2020 @ 3:25am 
It says it conflicts with the visible version when loaded in the new version. Will be removing from my worlds until it gets updated.
ractii7 19 Apr, 2020 @ 11:12am 
Hi durf big fan i love the. Invisible car race u guys did
pato 13 Apr, 2020 @ 10:10am 
the invisible block its in the modpack
Toothless 30 Jan, 2020 @ 6:22pm 
Kind of big because the bug was so for a while
Toothless 30 Jan, 2020 @ 6:21pm 
I guess not very little
Toothless 30 Jan, 2020 @ 6:19pm 
I did that but it's working now maybe just a little bug
Durf  [author] 30 Nov, 2019 @ 7:32pm 
if you subscribed to a mod, it will appear in the mod selection menu (which is just before you enter a creative world, you will see the list). In case this is your first time, you need to select the mods you want to use before entering the world.

You may need to quit the game for steam to fully download the mod (sometimes steam does this to "conserve bandwidth" for online gaming), in case the game was running at the same time.

Toothless 30 Nov, 2019 @ 2:24pm 
it gives me an error massage unable to locate texture
Toothless 30 Nov, 2019 @ 2:20pm 
and i know im subscribed to it
Toothless 30 Nov, 2019 @ 2:14pm 
so i can subscribe to the mod but when i open the game its like i didnt sub to it
duende 5 Nov, 2019 @ 4:02pm 
WhY iS it iNvISiBle
Grumman<3 6 Sep, 2019 @ 2:18am 
u the man durf, i love ur content! tell kAN that i want to build something really cool with him one day... (idk what yet) :steamhappy:
Durf  [author] 19 Aug, 2019 @ 8:23am 
you can make the parts visible / invisible on demand by switching between the mods
read the description
Suppagappa 19 Aug, 2019 @ 7:28am 
Maybe you could add some sort of tool that helps show the invisible parts? Like with an outline?
Durf  [author] 6 Aug, 2019 @ 11:14am 
@Blob06: this mod is invisible!
stynkysnare 6 Aug, 2019 @ 8:19am 
but how do they become invisible?
N30g5 10 Jul, 2019 @ 4:44pm 
why cant they jus say nicely that theres a problem
N30g5 10 Jul, 2019 @ 4:44pm 
im sorry so many people post you bad comments
Durf  [author] 3 Jul, 2019 @ 12:40pm 
Thanks! :steamhappy: Glad you like it!
N30g5 3 Jul, 2019 @ 12:26pm 
durf i like ur mod it works amazingly
Durf  [author] 11 May, 2019 @ 3:09pm 
If this is about the ID conflict between the visible and invisible modpacks: it is intentional.
They are the same mod, same parts, with a different appearance.
You can never load them both at the same time because they are the exact same mod.

Build with visible, exit world, disable the mod, enable invisible and load world.
The same parts will load with the new invisible appearance, as intended.
The only reason why the visible version exists is so you can see what you're doing when building.
Darbbo 11 May, 2019 @ 11:02am 
How many months go by before patience runs out. Feb, Mar, Apr, May....Agh I just got this game and I wanna play. Wah.
DogeisCut 14 Mar, 2019 @ 5:06pm 
update this please
DarkSquid 23 Feb, 2019 @ 12:05am 
oh ok thx for your hard work guys!! :D

Durf  [author] 22 Feb, 2019 @ 1:29pm 
This mod, as well as other mods, need to be updated for 0.3.5, please be patient for the update
Dorrivix 22 Feb, 2019 @ 9:57am 
throwing error on startup
w a k 1 y a 22 Feb, 2019 @ 7:53am 
I have error i cant get in my world please help
DarkSquid 22 Feb, 2019 @ 6:55am 
i cant get in my world even though its completely empty and theres an error concerning the modpack invisible