Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

"Thanatos" Assault Vessel
Myrmidon 7 Jul, 2022 @ 8:33pm 
Nice to see this one upgraded. :steamthumbsup:
Aristacah 26 Nov, 2021 @ 9:41pm 
Still the best!
MrCrow 9 Sep, 2021 @ 9:21am 
love this HV but it needs updating with cpu added plz
iBOzzy 7 Dec, 2020 @ 4:31am 
Ok I built it on my server but it spawned with out a cpu! Imnew..I don’t know how to fix that
Nasty Llama 28 Mar, 2020 @ 4:04am 
Thanks for the nice hover combat ship, well worth trying out
RedScourge 19 Mar, 2020 @ 11:26pm 
I created a slight tweak of this one featuring shields and T4 for Alpha 11.5 available here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2028135306
HushedDispatch 6 Mar, 2020 @ 2:23pm 
I made a tank today that was heavily inspired by this one and a few others on the workshop. It is called the UED Garmr Light Tank. Fully updated to 11.5. I think it makes for a good predecessor to the Thanatos. =)
Wolves Hero 22 Dec, 2019 @ 1:11pm 
This mod bit old don't have shield, I put installed shield
Roush 14 Aug, 2019 @ 11:28am 
The cockpit seat needs to be updated. It uses "Cockpit 2" instead of "Cockpit 1." The second cockpit causes the view to be obscured in first person.
Chris Almere 8 Aug, 2019 @ 5:32am 
dude, this is a abolute BEAST. when all else fails i roll out this machine, its expencive to operate but it gets the job done.
Ifeelsooblue 3 Aug, 2019 @ 8:47pm 
does any one have a improved version of this build? and are willing to share the blueprint? thanks!
Bar0th 29 Jul, 2019 @ 4:07am 
I switched it to hardened steel (can use prefab 6a if you don't want to use the replaceblocks command - same thing, minus the sensors/switch, and different textures), removed all 4 cargo boxes and the constructor, then moved the fridge to the opposite side along with a container controller + 2 extensions.

On the back left added a polarized hull shield. I then removed the right side passenger seat and "pipes" that were behind it, and added a medic station and pentaxid tank. In the front left corner near the cockpit added wifi, and in the front right corner added an additional heavy mass block for balance.

Less than half the cargo volume, 1 less seat, and no constructor.. But better handling, and much tougher. There is a 2 block empty space behind the shield, which I left empty - but could add more hidden cargo there. Oh yeah, I also updated the LCD's so they say 130mm H-MSL instead of 135 :)
Michalas 6 Jun, 2019 @ 10:38am 
I moved the pilot seat over to the right side to remedy the leaving the cockpit seat issue. If the vehicle is at all tilted when you get out you will get stuck I noticed. I also put a minigun turret on the front and a health station in place of one of the screens. I like the design, it stays in the fight.
strange99z 14 Mar, 2019 @ 1:00pm 
having issues getting out of cockpit, when docked it wont let me around the seat.
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 11:32pm 
Ok so I decided to play a bit more cautious tonight. This time I decided to engage a power station. Man this tank totally destroys enemy bases. In about 6 shots from the arty it totally nuked the front left 1/4 of the building. All that was left was a few loot boxes.

I am going to have to tweek the targeting on this thing to avoid total destruction of the POI. I like dismantling them manually for the blocks and materials.
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 6:33pm 
So the good news is, this take has massive firepower. It took me about 3 min to take out a weapons bunker, armory and a colony all at the same time. It blow the top part of the tower on the colony clean off and cut the armor building in half. It also took out at least 4-5 foot patrols at the same time and every predator for a 5 mile perimeter. There were so many gore filled craters in the area from the patrols I lost my lunch on the spot.

I have fulled restored the tank now and plan to give it another go. I am going to adjust the targeting so I am not blowing the POIs all to hell and back. I do want to loot them for goodies.
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 6:33pm 
Lateral movement was not so good either and that bothered me. So I decided I will move forward at a right angle from the POI hence exposing my side armor(((BIG BIG MISTAKE))). One of the POI guns managed to break through the side armor right where the lower fuel cell is and that started a chain reaction for everything else that can go BOOM in that area. It took out ALL of the fuel cells and O2 tanks and pretty much wrecked(i mean damage) most of the other stuff inside the tank. It nearly cut the tank in half.

The resulting explosions did not kill me as the pilot seat seems to have taken most of the damage before it got to me and took half my health. I was able to get some more fuel cells installed and finish off the POIs head on then limp back to base to see about doing a repair bay restore. The armor where the side spot light is was were the armor was penetrated .

******one more post to finish*****
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 6:33pm 
So I had this tank for about an hour before it got blowed up.

I'm sure it is my own fault as I was probably not using it as intended.

Here's what happened.
I spend about 5 min puttering about in it on the lava planet where rocks are sticking up from the ground all over the place. I was at max hover height but kept getting stuck on rocks. I't really sucked. I didn't blame the tank though. It was the first time I tried to use an HV on this planet. I wonder if the HV mechanics have changed in the past week or so.

Anyway while puttering about I found the forward movement to be just fine while reverse was not so good. I din't really care about revers though.

****continue next post****
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 1:02pm 
I will say this this tank will gut a poi in a matter of seconds as long as you're facing it head on
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 12:58pm 
I really just need to use the tank more get used to driving it
MisterCrow  [author] 11 Feb, 2019 @ 11:53am 
Works fine - raise the hover height to max (3 metres) and it'll work as well as pretty much any other HV :)
Palladin888 11 Feb, 2019 @ 8:13am 
Okay so everybody seems to think this tank is great it hasn't been for me in the past day or so tried it last night and it gets stuck any little bump in the ground
MisterCrow  [author] 12 Jan, 2019 @ 1:16am 
Thanks! No, unfortunately not. I've looked into it and without drastically redesigning it, there isn't really room
Legion 11 Jan, 2019 @ 7:40pm 
Looks great! Any plans to update it with a med/clone chamber?
MisterCrow  [author] 3 Sep, 2018 @ 10:45am 
@Semi-abominable snowman:
Noted. Thanks for letting me know :)
Icewolf 3 Sep, 2018 @ 9:29am 
FYI you may want to have a chat with [DCDF] joker4440 as it appears he is using your "Thanatos" Assault Vessel as the basis for “His” Titan-(HV) found here : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1468518232&searchtext=Titan-%28HV%29

While I am not keen on being a tattletale I really dislike blatant plagiarism. Maybe he can just add a line giving you credit for the base design? Just thought you should be aware.

Snake Plissken 14 Aug, 2018 @ 5:25am 
I still use it
Tak 1 Aug, 2018 @ 10:38pm 
Is this still a pretty good HV, despite not being updated since 8.0? It looks amazing.
tact 25 Jul, 2018 @ 3:04pm 
oh sry my bad i didnt know
MisterCrow  [author] 25 Jul, 2018 @ 2:45am 
@tact - please do your homework before jumping to conclusions: https://steamproxy.net/games/383120/announcements/detail/1439317496965483184

All - I promise to update this vehicle for the latest version of the game soon. Thanks for all your support :)
Eric·G 18 Apr, 2018 @ 3:48am 
Salex Zee 17 Apr, 2018 @ 9:31pm 
This thing is fun to ride around in killing stuff.
jds 12 Apr, 2018 @ 8:31am 
it is simply great! against Fortres a it is a big help.
Andbrew 9 Apr, 2018 @ 12:58pm 
thought about adding sensors to the back doors?
Andbrew 5 Apr, 2018 @ 4:47am 
I believe this got added into the game blueprints, right?
Etack 31 Mar, 2018 @ 7:39pm 
It gets the job done, just approach with turrets ignoring predators, and at an angle that whatever base you are trying to breach, can use the minimum amount of turrets. Only gripe is that the rear door is un-enterable when the thing is on an incline. Same for exiting, or moving about the cabin. Otherwise, this thing is a whole lot of fun to take on, most any POI.
SuperKilln 28 Jan, 2018 @ 1:23pm 
Just have to say... I spawned this after I forgot about it and, it hit me like a present:) Your HV looks great and I was very impressed with the design. Great Job man..
ThaFatha 7 Jan, 2018 @ 8:17am 
Materials requirement is different now from what can be seen in screenshots. Very different :(
Fate (-{SoH}-) 2 Dec, 2017 @ 8:39am 
@diche i totaly agree using a hovercraft or ship to siege feels reckless due to how easy they are to destroy.

For every enemie on my world i just whent in with breach charges, enhanced t2 rifle with 2k ammo and a motor bike "along with heavy armor with 2 armor moduals"

The only one to put up any real fights was the abandoned mine due to not knowing what i was walking into and the drone base due to those very deadly turrets.

In the end for that base tho you can just dig under it and use 30 explosives to breach the floor in the core room or get a cheapo hovercraft near it with enough ammo to break 3 layers of heavy armor.
mikeadams1053 29 Oct, 2017 @ 5:10am 
very nice!! Cant wait to try it
dichebach 23 Oct, 2017 @ 12:17pm 
My "assault vessel" is a T2 drill and a "base construction kit" including a sentry gun and 1000 rounds of ammo == perfectly sufficient to breach one block in the floor of any POI :steammocking: Then it is merely a matter of either farming the spawners or blasting the core at one's discretion.

Risk of death? Virtually nil. Risk of lost equipment? Also virtually nil. Risk of lost loot/XP? As low as possible without cheating.

Seriously, very aesthetic looking machine. Probably much fun to blast POIs to smithereens with it. But end of the day, frontal assaults are wasteful and risky. Sapping is hands down the best method to take out POIs. By best I mean: least risky, least costly, most efficient at harvesting XP and resources.
MisterCrow  [author] 19 Oct, 2017 @ 2:12am 
Dev's didn't ask me if they could use it, but I'm flattered that they chose to!
FleshTorpedo 18 Oct, 2017 @ 11:18pm 
OminSpecter - Triangle counts are very different. I wouldnt be suprised if the devs asked the author to use his design (check the changelogs and youll see this happens often) and made it smaller for general blueprint use. Size class 2 vs 1. Salt belongs in the ocean, broh.
OmniSpecter 18 Oct, 2017 @ 7:03pm 
just throwing this out there but does no one realize this exact HV is built into the game by default, and has been for quite awhile now. making a copy blueprint and upping it as your own work doesn't mean it's actually yours and just steals credit from the real author(s).

Lyrancat 18 Oct, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
This is one "bad a**" hover vessel. I'm glad I subscribed to this. I got all my ingots together to spawn it. I love it.! It really does the job to blow out alien bases weapons. It's helped me to take over the rest of the bases on Omicron,(except an abandoned factory, cause I can't locate the core.! I need this on Ningues now, where I started a more recent game there. Only thing so far that I didn't like about this, and maybe not the fault of the hover itself is it would shoot at everything else other than alien bases, even when the other things were turned off.
CatTank 16 Oct, 2017 @ 7:36am 
Gets wrecked in HWS direct POI takeover not an option
Dex 14 Oct, 2017 @ 4:21am 
Trying this out in 7.3.
hos1982 11 Oct, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
Nice hover tank,
Airomis 11 Oct, 2017 @ 1:39am 
I was going for a nice look
AH-1 Cobra 10 Oct, 2017 @ 6:15am 
- Airomis. Technically ANY CV can carry this. All you gotta do is have a docking pad placed in any location touching any location on a CV to dock it. Depending on the CV, it might look sorta goofy having a behemoth like this docked in an odd position, but it'll be docked nonetheless. If the intention is simply to tow it to another planet and drop it off, that works.