Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Nanobot Build and Repair System
114件中 11-20 を表示
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更新: 2019年6月21日 @ 11時20分

V 2.0.7_1:
-Fix: Creating of settings object to late

更新: 2019年6月21日 @ 7時29分

V 2.0.7:
-Fix: Creating of settings object to late
-Fix: Update of CustomInfo in case of Enabled/IsWorking changed

更新: 2019年6月21日 @ 3時04分

V 2.0.6:
-Fix: Now all changed settings inside settings file will also change settings of allready build blocks. (Has been at least not the case for power settings)

更新: 2019年6月20日 @ 11時05分

V 2.0.5:

-New: Show current mod settings folders in help screen.

更新: 2019年6月18日 @ 11時12分

V 2.0.4:
-Fix: Assembler queuing now ignores assemblers in "Disassembly" mode

更新: 2019年6月17日 @ 9時59分

V 2.0.3:

-New: Use new api function IsWithinWorldLimits / Build with buildByInfo
-Fixed: Priority all IMyPowerProducer handled as PowerBlock (before only reactor)
-Fixed: Priority Thrusters, Wheels, Motors handled as Thruster (before only thruster)

更新: 2019年5月3日 @ 17時17分


-Fixed Client/Server not correctly sync Ignore and Grind color

更新: 2019年5月3日 @ 12時58分


-Fixed Exception if Server and Client using different Mod Versions.

更新: 2019年5月3日 @ 11時04分


- Rearranged GUI Controls, new grouping
- command format from /xx to -xx e.g. /nanobars /cwsf -> /nanobars -cwsf
- Weld option "Weld to functional only"
- Area Offset (Changed AreaWidthLeft/Right,AreaWidthTop/Bottom, AreaWidthFront/Rear to AreaWidth, AreaHeight, AreaDepth and add Horizontal offset, Vertical offset, Forward offset)
- Detailed GUI Info in case of not working block (switched off, damaged/incomplete, not enought power)
- Model added orientation indicators (left, right, front, back, down)
New Settings:
- MaxBackgroundTasks
- MaximumOffset
- MaximumRequiredElectricPowerStandby
- AllowedEffects (WeldingVisualEffect WeldingSoundEffect GrindingVisualEffect GrindingSoundEffect TransportVisualEffect)
- Ignore/Grind Color not allways found equal to block color (as Keen converted color to uint and back to float loosing significant precision)

New approach to set work area. The previous version had six values to set the working area, these values set the maximum working distance in each of the six direction measured from the center of the block.
With this approch it has not been possible to reduce the range behind the block and use the 'saved' range to extend the range in front.
The new approch now also uses six values, three do define the size of the workarea (Width, Height, Depth) and three to set the offset of the center of working area. With this approach it is now possible to keep the total working area constant (CPU,PCU relavant!), but define 'freely' where the area is (has no effect to CPU, PCU usage). This is a compromise between more working range and CPU usage.
While upgrading to the new version the existing area settings will be recalculated to the new system.

It is now possible to control via setting file which kind of effects should be shown/played.

Weld to functional only:
With this option switched on the BaR only builds block up to there functional level (not to the complete level). Might sound strange but has two effects, in critical situations you might save a lot of components and time to get you construction to live, on the other side you could use this to earn your progression three points very easy. Let the BaR build the block up to its functional level and then tickle it a little bit with you angle grinder. Afterwards weld it manual to get the progression and this without having to carry tons of components to do so or grind tons of components until the block is none functioning and reweld afterwards.

更新: 2019年4月7日 @ 4時26分


-Refixed the endless loop while checking ownership of wheels