Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Road to 56
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Oppdatering: 9. mars @ 13.09

March 2024 Update!

Greetings Citizens!

Our official ToA patch is here! As with all DLC updates, expect the unexpected. Let us know about any issues or bugs you find!

Relax, enjoy, and don't forget to high-five your local feline!

-Gxp & Co.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know on Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Trial of Allegiance compatibility.
  • Rework of the Road to 56 Turkish Focus tree has been completed, breathing life across the entire tree.

  • Added a Baltic Research Group for those wishing to scientifically cooperate with Lithuania.
  • Added Zanzibar to the map.
  • Decision for both Tanganyika and Zanzibar to unite and form Tanzania.
  • United States aviation has been reworked with ~1,600 aircraft, up from 968 in vanilla.

Adjustments and Balance
  • Removed starting efficiency debuff from equality ideas, as it could start production lines at 0 efficiency.
  • Half of the miscalculated bombers have been removed from the Soviet Union. (Not sorry)
  • Marie-Pierre Koenig will not meet his doppelganger if the struggle of Free French (Empire) continues.
  • Charles De Gaulle should appropriately receive his long expected general post in a Free French army.
  • Aleksander Yegorov now carries a bigger target on his back.
  • R56 German 3-sided civil war now let's you keep all your ship/plane/tank designs and previews the civil war areas pre-war.
  • Sinkiang can now join United Front only after the issue of Tunganistan has been dealt with.
  • Improved the reward for setting up a provisional capital for China.
  • Made a Tibetan state impassable.
  • Changed the separate PRC-Japanese peace deal from event to decision, it now also removes PRC from United Front.
  • Improved timings of Cultural Revolution and Economic Reform focuses for PRC.
  • Death of Stalin will not happen earlier just because PRC is at war.
  • Removed PRC buff if they start gaining momentum in civil war.
  • Added a buff to both KMT and PRC if the civil war breaks out.
  • Removed the KMT focus to spawn an arbitrary uprising in PRC-controlled territory.
  • Spirits obtained during the Chinese planning of the civil war are now less overpowered.
  • Removed events providing free buffs to KMT if warlords are eliminated.
  • French national spirit "Reforms Failed" will now be removed only through focus tree or upon capitulation.
  • French economy will not magically fix itself if the country is at war.
  • Improved the timing of Costa Rican and Panaman 1936 elections.
  • [LaR] Republican Spain will now has dominance over seas upon the SCW start.
  • [LaR] If Brazil is a player, Portugal will get a wargoal on them instead of being able to severely sabotage them.

  • Prevented R56 Denmark fixing its army on historical, which blocked the event where they capitulate "instantly" as historical.
  • Allowed PRC's infiltration decisions on more states, which were likely missing unintentionally, hid this focus for WtT non-owners who already could not do it.
  • Jaeger trait for Finnish generals is now applied correctly.
  • Adel Shehab, Wellington Bassey, Eyolf Mattsson and Aarne Juutilainen now have their proper traits applied.
  • San To trait is back to being superficial modernizer.
  • Sapper Teams combat tactics are now working correctly.
  • Fixed a missing icon about attack on Caribbean.
  • Hiring opportunities of Juan Oropeza are now correctly displayed in the focus tree.
  • Disabled an inactive Georgia tree being a copy of Armenia.
  • Alf Landon rise to oligarchy should occur correctly.
  • Fixed a broken news event picture when Vietnam is willing to join the fascist alliance.
  • Fixed some of the country flags not being properly reset during the generic civil war begin.
  • Fixed Finnish division names not working properly.
  • Northern Ireland can now properly rename one of its cities.
  • Fixed a number of (semi)democratic reactions to the end of various civil wars.
  • Fixed a trigger preventing Finland from initiating the Continuation War.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the promotion of new president during Cuban elections.
  • Masters of the Atom are back!
  • Operation Mindaugas decision of Lithuania made available to monarchists.
  • Bolivia will now correctly receive a factory from Peruvian investments.
  • Gibraltar strait should be more appealing to Republican Spain without breaking the game for everybody else.
  • Winter War and White Death in Karelia should trigger more consistently.
  • Fixed a few misspelled tooltips for Ethiopian advisors.
  • Resolved an issue where Franco could be selected as advisor for Spain if things went very messy.
  • Stocznia-Gdansk Organization will now be properly available if Danzig is the subject of Poland.
  • Starting Lithuanian motorized units use the most up-to-date motorized equipment.
  • Fixed a number of decisions featuring the incorrect fighter architype (Soviet aid to Sinkiang, Manchurian arms seizing, buying fighters from countries).
  • Fixed an issue where "Divine Inspiration" was unavailable even though selection conditions were seemingly met.
  • [non-BBA] Fear the technological advances of Laos - correct early fighters are now included on starting tech menu.
  • [non-AAT] Improved tooltips for Swedish Baltic wargoals.
  • [non-AAT] Fixed tooltips about Belgian and Walloon connection to brossel designer.
  • [WTT] Tooltip featuring Itagaki Seishiro should now be correctly displayed.
  • [MtG] Abdication crisis mission should properly hide itself if king decides to fulfil it early on.
  • [BftB] Fatherland Front should approach factions more consistently.
  • [NSB] International brigades should work correctly in subtracting manpower from countries.
  • [NSB] Kalinin is now properly renamed to Tver after decommunisation is achieved.
  • [NSB] Fixed a missing event picture when fascist Russia begins to spread influence in Central America.
  • [AAT] Kyosti Kallio will now properly push his personal agenda.
  • [AAT, non-MtG] Danish purchase of ships now work correctly for non-MtG owners. They are still bad, but at least you get something.
  • [AAT] Quisling can now correctly reach the worst psychic condition. Poor collaborator, I guess?
  • [AAT] Denmark can no longer appoint a democratic government if democratic parties were banned.
  • [AAT] Event pictures featuring Norwegian investments and exile of Royal family should now work correctly.

  • Made UK's top priority for political power to invade Iceland, and made Iceland hate the Axis significantly more so they don't join them.
  • UK should now support France against Germany if France holds off and pushes into Germany.
  • Removed some of the outdated AI priorities which sometimes provoked strange behaviour.
  • KMT AI will now prioritize dealing with army corruption much faster.
  • Finland should correctly utilize Scorched Earth tactics against Soviets.
  • Ahistorical Germany will be even less likely to attack Nordics if Czechoslovakia and Austria are still around and not allied/incorporated.
  • Italy would prioritize Mediterranean more and ignore the army "situation" while dealing with Ethiopia.
  • Saudi Arabia will enter a sleepy dream and enjoy peace and prosperity with limited amount of soldiers.
  • Fixed an AI strategy where Soviets will not emphasise the Leningrad defence while having a wargoal against Finland.
  • R56 Denmark should now correctly follow the AI plans.
  • Japanese AI will be eager to befriend Western democracies if civil war breaks out. They love democracy!
  • [MtG] Mexico will ignore a focus that grants them communist support that could make them collapse, the US will also never deny their entry into the Allies on historical.

Oppdatering: 7. feb. @ 10.41

February 2024 Update!

Greetings and Salutations!

Are you ready for a tropical escape from your daily life? We've got some Cuban adventures in store with a new focus tree to explore! Turkey has also seen a few additions, and we're trying out some performance improvements to the mod. Lastly, but not leastly, we've dumped thousands of aircraft onto the starting Soviet Air Force. Don't worry, they're absolutely terrible!

These are just the highlights, and as always you can find the absolute truckload of changes and improvements listed below!

-Gxp & Co.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know on Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

IMPORTANT: Due to map changes old saves will be incompatible. If you want to continue your old game please use the Beta.

  • Focus tree for Cuba.
  • The Road to 56 Turkey focus tree expanded, with more to come!
  • The initial strength of the Soviet Air Force has significantly increased from 1,078 aircraft to 8,473 aircraft. Good luck, comrades!
  • Various adjustments made in hopes of increasing mods performance. (ongoing effort)

  • Added a political branch for Scotland.
  • Added a fascist spy for Britain.
  • Added Latakia as a victory point in Syria.
  • Added a new fourth railway construction tech.

Adjustments and Balance
  • “Anti-Comintern Pact” no longer required for “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact“ in the R56 Germany tree.
  • Prevented the continuous exploitation of the “Lutopan Pit“.
  • Alaska's chromium will be developed only once.
  • “Asymmetrical Warfare“ reworked.
  • The “Legal Status of Women“ has had a rebalance.
  • General reduction and adjustments to stat bloat across techs.
  • Winter/Desert Clothing techs nerfed.
  • Move the Polish “Start the Fifteen Year Plan“ branch to a more logical spot. (bottom of the industry tree)
  • [non-AAT] Removed events about the instantaneous coring of occupied lands by Finland.
  • [DoD] Anti-Germany coup should trigger more consistently.
  • [BFTB] Turkey's “The Fading Father“ decision category has been tweaked to play better with the Road to 56 Turkey focus tree.
  • [MtG] Panzerschiffe has been adjusted to allow for historical designs.
  • [MtG] Deutschland-class has been updated to be historical.
  • [MtG] Germany has a new naval tree that allows for more accurate historical gameplay. It includes focuses to acquire the Bismarck and Tirpitz as well as focuses for the “Plan Z“ fleet.
  • [NSB] Updated the army spirit: “Relief of Command“ to follow the base game upgrade.

  • Fixed Croatia sometimes not becoming a puppet of Germany in “Fate of Yugoslavia“.
  • The annexation event for the Venezuelan focus “Unify Bolivarian Brothers“ will now core the Colombian state of Choco.
  • The Venezuelan focus “Demand Guyana“ will now be bypassed if you own Guyana, or are allied to/at-war with their owner.
  • The conditions for the Turkish focus “Expand Officer Schools“ now work as intended for those using “Mobile Warfare“ and “Superior Firepower“.
  • Fixed the Peruvian-Ecuadorian war happening twice.
  • Revised “Ask for British Colonies“ focus (now “Demand Arabian Colonies“) and its events in the Saudi focus tree, blocked it for historical AI.
  • Fixed a tooltip in the decision unlocking camelry indicating the wrong amount of land XP.
  • Fixed the Raj stealing back land you took as Afghanistan.
  • Tooltips for two of the New Zealand advisors are now displayed correctly.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Macedonia from accessing the "Macedonian Empire" formable focuses.
  • Decisions to support one of the powers fighting in Palestine will not correctly disappear after picking a side.
  • German tanks will now correctly benefit from armor improvements in their army branch.
  • Fixed a broken Polish check regarding the status of Tadeusz Kasprzycki.
  • Finnish decisions about integrating Karelia now correctly provides extra cores to Karelia.
  • Canada should correctly get wargoals on the denier of Labrador and Newfoundland transfer.
  • Fixed Soviet allies and puppets not peacing out with Poland upon Barbarossa, then calling the Soviets back into a war with the Allies.
  • Fixed rare case in which the Soviets could be pulled into war with the Allies by allying with Kurdistan against Turkey
  • Denmark will always capitulate early if declared war upon by Germany while doing historical and while a puppet will no longer be able to suddenly switch sides and become somebody else puppet.
  • [MtG] Fixed Italy not being able to do its focus tree when Africa is decolonized by gamerule.
  • [AAT] USA will seize Greenland more often again if Denmark falls/puppet is by bad Germany.
  • [BftB] Fixed Bulgaria not boosting opinion with Germany to unlock focuses related to their alliance.
  • [non-BftB] Fixed a misspelled tooltip for communist Bulgaria advisor availability.
  • [non-BftB] Removed the repeated "Greece never dies" event.
  • [non-NSB] Replaced the incorrect tooltip for the effect from Iron Wolf Leadership Reshuffle.
  • [LaR] Selecting the Road to 56 Spain tree should now work a lot better, aside from fixing unusable advisors, DLC players will now have DLC portraits on various R56-tree-exclusive advisors and commanders.
  • [WtT] Improved the event about Manchuria demanding Tibetan submission.
  • [WtT] Fixed independent Manchuria keeping the Japanese resource extraction idea.
  • [NSB] “Fighting the Perkonkust“ now correctly blocks their potential for multiple uprisings in the same game.
  • [AAT] Fixed selecting the Finland and Iceland R56 trees invalidating achievements.

  • Swedish and Soviet AI will be more keen to pressure foreign governments after promoting ideological rallies.
  • Poland will never go on its focus to get mutual guarantees with Lithuania or Join Allies on historical unless no war happens until '41/'42. (they should join the Allies regardless if Germany invades)
  • Some AI weights that were being calculated all the time were removed in hopes of improving mod performance.
  • A lot of small AI adjustments across a lot of different areas of the Mods.

  • Fix a Lithuanian event mentioning three event options while it only has two.
  • Fix Luxembourg tree referring to Monaco as its capital.
  • Corrected misspelled descriptions in Liechtenstein's and Manchukou's focuses.
  • Some Polish focuses will no longer have colored text
  • [non-BftB] clearer tooltip for "Integrating Bulgaria" decision for Byzantium.
  • [WtT] Greater Germany formable now actually tells you that it cores land.
  • [NSB] “Limited Engagement“ has had it's tactic modifiers localized.

  • Increased zoom distance to which victory points are visible.
  • [AAT] Made an idea icon for Paasikivi (advisor role we added for the DLC tree).

  • Please check out our 'Credits.txt' links and order of battles for more information about the people, mods and resources that helped develop this project.

Oppdatering: 7. jan. @ 10.54

January 2024 Update

Greetings Citizens and Welcome to 2024!

You wake up after a long sleep, finding yourself in a strange place! Everything is familiar and yet... different. There are jetpacks! Flying cars! World peace has been achieved! There are even franchise coffee shops on Mars...

Still, something doesn't seem right. You look at the window and feel a sense of unease. Maybe it's something in the air, or the horse sitting on a bench reading a newspaper. Either way, something's definitely afoot!

Do you...

A) Assume it's a dream and go back to bed.
B) Go looking for a jetpack. What could possibly go wrong?
C) Call your local radio station and complain about the horse problem.

Tune in next month to find out!

-Gxp & Co.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

IMPORTANT: Due to map changes old saves will be incompatible.

  • Afghanistan has now been fully released with all intended content. Big thanks to all that have played and reported bugs!
  • Added Voice Acting for tons of nations, including Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Thai, Vietnamese, and more.

  • Added four new achievements.
  • Additional focuses and balancing for Andorra and Luxembourg.
  • Added an oil basin in Kazakhstan, a related decision and relevant focuses for Kazakhstan.
  • Finished and unlocked German trade influence focus.
  • Two starting commanders and two new advisors for communist Germany.
  • New decision category for RT56 Turkey, offering options to claim and core several Turkic territories outside of Anatolia itself.
  • [MTG] Added communist focuses for the UK that were in the non MtG communist branch.
  • [NSB] Added in four new cannon modules for tank players to use. (Advanced Medium Cannon, Modern Medium Cannon, Modern High Velocity Cannon and Modern Heavy Cannon).
  • [BBA] Added vanilla arms trade prohibition resolution related to Ethiopian war. LoN strikes again!
  • [AAT] Added more MIOs, traits for lots of them, unique upgrades for a couple of them.

Adjustments and Balance
  • Polished, finished and cut the unfinished stuff of R56 Lithuania.
  • Restructured the German foreign policy on the east so the monarchists can access it again.
  • Rebalanced a bunch of victory points in order to adhere to the new system.
  • Reduced Defence stat on Infantry Equipment from 1939 and forward.
  • Reduced Initiative on Paratroopers from 30% down to 8% as to not give 3 tech levels of value.
  • Shocktroopers - Given 10% Urban Defence, a stat they should have had.
  • Mech. Shock Troopers - Increased Training Time and Supply Consumption, Reduced breakthrough by 25%.
  • Altered the Nekrowombaticon Activation decision to activate even more of the easter egg chain, it doesn't require (secret condition) to trigger.
  • Penalties for failing MEFO bills will now cost more and last for longer.
  • Germany now starts with Konstantin von Neurath as the hired advisor.
  • Several modifications to the RT56 Turkish tree, primarily but not exclusively related to the new decisions.
  • [NSB] Rebalanced Medium Three Man Tank Turret, Heavy Three Man Tank Turret, Modern Tank Turret, Cast Amor and Welded Armor.
  • [NSB] Unit Elitism - Special Forces Cap reduced by 50%.
  • [BBA] Restricted CAS Anti-Tank cannons to Main Armament and Small Airframes as it was causing balancing issues and game issues with Medium Frames.
  • [AAT] Shocktrooper SF Doctrine - Reduced multiplier on Max HP and Organization.

  • Ported vanilla fix so "A bloody mess certainly" event will now have a description and title.
  • Corrected Memel's victory point location to actually fall within the province and be coastal.
  • Fixed Molotov-Ribbentrop pact ahistorical option triggering the Soviet event to give land back to the Germans after taking unusually much of Poland.
  • Malenkow should no longer get stuck with the power struggle trait.
  • Disabled Wallonia and Flanders trees, which were mostly generic and caused crashes.
  • [WtT] Vanilla Germany tree can restore HRE again.
  • [WtT] Qing Dockyards focus no longer places dockyards inland.
  • [BftB] Changed Ottoman Sultanate's colour to a more appealing darker green.
  • [NSB] Fixed an issue where academy spirits for Ethiopia were unlocked from beginning.
  • [AAT] Fixed Norway state-targetting decisions not working in all their states.
  • [AAT] Fixed some scripted effects not working (such as the paratroopers and marines sabotages).
  • [AAT] Fixed Nordic Defense Council branch in the Swedish DLC tree, we hadn't ported some fixes/expansion vanilla made to it.
  • [AAT] German civil war sides no longer lose their MIOs.
  • [BBA] Fixed the Zero fighter only being granted upon researching the corresponding airframe
  • [AAT] Fixed the Soviet merge plants MIO upgrades (replacing decisions) not working

  • Blocked R56 tree Denmark from joining Allies and creating a faction on historical.
  • [AAT] Finnish AI will do Lone Wolf slightly earlier, which should make it less likely that they join the Axis in the continuation war.
  • Asked the Metatron what the meaning of life was. It beeped seven times. (note to team: install voice modulator on Metatron)

  • Removed unmaintained Spanish localization.
  • New descriptions and names for several RT56 Turkey focuses.

  • Increased the range that victory points remain visible on the map.
  • New icons for Sudan, Cuba, Andorra and Luxembourg.

  • Please check out our 'Credits.txt' links and order of battles for more information about the people, mods and resources that helped develop this project.

Oppdatering: 21. des. 2023 @ 11.27


  • [Non-BBA] Fixed the deployment of heavy fighter-bombers crashing the game.
Adjustments and Balance
  • Polished, finished and cut the unfinished stuff of R56 Lithuania.
  • Corrected Memel's victory point location to actually fall within the province and be coastal.
  • Ported vanilla fix so "A bloody mess certainly" event will now have a description and title.
  • Afghanistan fixes

Oppdatering: 15. des. 2023 @ 17.04

Holiday Patch!

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Fixed crash when deploying heavy fighters.
  • Afghanistan focus tree!

  • If France goes down their democratic path but rises above 50% communism support, an event will fire where they will be put into power, while not abolishing elections and the republic like automatic random events normally might.
  • China unification game rule expanded.
  • Finland has a new focus "Salpa Line" and high-command advisor to go with it
  • New Achievements
  • Unique Road to 56 Ribbons added
  • Added new tank modules (Tankette turret and Anti-tank gun #2)

Adjustments and Balance
  • Puppets giving war score to overlord gamerule made default like vanilla.
  • France's deflation decisions are less costly, the decision to fix it quickly is less overpriced, and command power is no longer required for the slow one.
  • France Historical Path focus rewards slightly adjusted.
  • Rebalanced Road to 56 custom tank turrets (heavy nerf)
  • Adjusted stats on various custom Rt56 techs

  • Poland's "Ban the Nazi party" no longer bypasses when forced resistance from the Clamp Down on Danzig focus is active, which caused permanent resistance in the state.
  • [TfV+WtT] Fixed Qing-Romanov alliance not being doable when the TfV version of Puyi was in power.
  • [AAT] When Norway claims Iceland it will now actually transfer the entire island and not half of it.
  • "The Rear" state modifier focus reward fixed for China

  • AI will no longer rush ETAX techs
  • Minor Adjustments to various starts
  • AI will no longer gain base equipment capture
  • AI usage of variants reduced
  • The AI were told that armor cars don't exist and were just a part of their imagination.

  • Minor changes not logged

  • [AAT] Ported contract status indicators in the top bar of the interface.

  • Please check out our 'Credits.txt' links and order of battles for more information about the people, mods and resources that helped develop this project, as well as for opportunities to learn about the related history.

Oppdatering: 11. des. 2023 @ 12.28

December 2023 Hotfix

Adjustments and Balance
  • Puppets giving warscore to overlord gamerule made default like vanilla has done.

  • When Norway claims Iceland it will now actually transfer the entire island and not half of it.
  • Non-BBA plane crash fix.

Oppdatering: 7. des. 2023 @ 9.57

December 2023 Update!

Important: The map has been changed. Old saves will not be compatible.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • [AAT] Many new and tweaked MIOs. Lots of MIO effects in focus trees (still WIP, there could be duplicated traits as generics have not been removed)
  • [MTG|NSB|BBA] AI is now able to design proper equipment.

  • Fully redone RT56 Turkish economy tree; many smaller changes also made to the army & political areas of the focus tree.
  • Additional states for Iraq and Cuba.
  • Added some content for Japan mistakenly included in last month patch notes: improved Kodoha Japan (mostly)
  • Added an event chain triggering the Mandate of Palestine collapse instead of it happening out of the blue.
  • Added a new achievement for Israel.
  • Game rule to unify China (under PRC or nationalist, with or without Japanese puppets, etc.) at game start.
  • Added a decision to get oil out of the Negev desert.

Adjustments and Balance
  • German commander Johannes Blaskowitz loses his controversial trait in the democratic German civil war.
  • Yalta now absorbs all Germany puppets to form the WGR and DDR, and stretches the DDR and Soviet zones of occupation if Poland is not in the war.
  • RT56 Turkey now has access to most vanilla advisors if 'Battle for the Bosphorus' is used.
  • Changes to the Hunt the Bear branch of the Soviets, and restored the "Great Commander" focus with some alterations.
  • Japan was able to acquire both the Zero Carrier Fighter and Yamato Class Super Heavy Battleship at the same time.
  • Japan's "Army Expansion" and "Small Arm Modernization" focuses provide two military factories each.
  • Japan's Yamato Class Super Heavy Battleship by focus will be in 75% and 70% completion progress, instead of the vanilla values of 75% and 50%.
  • Super Heavy Battleships were able to utilize Super Heavy Battleship Armor. (Banzai!)
  • Made sure Stalin has exactly 7 waffles. Sorry for the mistake.
  • Super-Heavy Tank can function either as a field battalion with 30 tanks each or as a supporting brigade with 20 tanks.
  • [BBA] Nerfed Aircraft Cannons across the board as an indirect buff to Heavy Aircraft Cannons
  • [BBA] Buffed Heavy Aircraft Cannons to further incentivize using them over normal Aircraft Cannons when applicable
  • [BBA] Applied Vanilla tweaks to Aircraft frames across the board. Range reduced on all airframes but cost have almost always been reduced as well, just as in Vanilla.

  • Some errors have been removed from Turkey for non-DLC owners.
  • Fixed refuge for German scientists.
  • The trotskyist leader of Vietnam should now appear in game.
  • Fixed some operative portraits not loading.
  • Forming the Benelux Federation as the Netherlands will now puppet the Congo (if it's a puppet of Belgium, it may change the government to democratic rather than keep the status quo though).
  • Fixed Peruvian cavalry level 2 not displaying properly
  • Fixed broken Kalmar Union and Scandinavian Unification formables.
  • Made sure this time that Chile doesn't get into a civil war on historical AI.
  • Most equipment values were cross-referenced with vanilla. (Thanks, WinMerge!)
  • French "SOMUA S35" not "SOUMUA S35".
  • Fixed the Kaiser side of the Kaiser vs Wehrmacht balance of power
  • Discovered the fountain of youth, but it tasted really weird.
  • [AAT] Removed anti-democracy traits from some leaders of the Finnish historical branch, fixed Lone Wolf cancelling and made Mannerheim and (spoiler) monarchist leader properly appear.
  • [AAT] Quisling can no longer start a civil war on the historical Norway branch (I assume vanilla think this is a "feature"), you can still do this as a player.
  • [AAT] Denmark should no longer be overly hesitant to join the Allies when the Road to 56 tree is selected.
  • [DOD] Peter of Yugoslavia should now correctly lose the Underage Monarch trait upon getting married

  • Peace AI improvements: Restored pre-overhaul code to block the release of tiny/silly/warlord countries and added new German kingdoms to that list.
  • Swedish AI should now be more reactive and dynamic when it comes to Alt-history scenarios. It should also avoid starting suicidal wars.
  • Swedish AI Strategies have been reduced in number, from seven options in the Custom Game Options down to five to allow the AI to be more dynamic.
  • Tried using bootleg AI made in lab, but it gained sentience and started plotting our downfall. Content was good though.
  • Japanese AI should now be more efficient and historically accurate in historical scenarios.

  • Several additions and improvements for the RT56 Turkish tree, as well as its associated National Spirits.

  • New advisor portraits for Japan.
  • Added national spirit icons for the 3 German Kaisers.
  • Added some missing 3d graphics, especially for Finland.
  • Used some of the Finnish 3d graphics elsewhere. Use the Soviet T-28 when you want to create medium multi turret tanks (with NSB)
  • Replaced some focus icons with more relevant ones in the Finnish focus tree.
  • [NSB] Changed the default 2d icon for some tanks.

  • Please check out our 'Credits.txt' links and order of battles for more information about the people, mods and resources that helped develop this project, as well as for opportunities to learn about the related history.

Oppdatering: 9. nov. 2023 @ 12.41

November 2023 Quickpatch #1!

  • Fixed germany having no MIO.
  • Adding MIO to Austrialia, Brazil, Belgium.
  • Ask the squirrel.

Oppdatering: 7. nov. 2023 @ 10.41

November 2023 Update!

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Fully redone army, navy, and air force paths for RT56 Turkey, with new decisions and national spirits to go with. (included in the Gunnerside #2 update, but missing from its patch notes).
  • Balance of power and additional focuses for monarchist Germany.
  • Adopted new combat widths of 1.13.

  • Some unique focuses and characters for the Sámis.
  • Additional focuses and political advisors for Liechtenstein.
  • Two new MIOs for Germany - Erma Werke and Hanomag.
  • East and West Germany now have generic advisors. West Germany has it's own MIOs.
  • Additional industrial companies for Liechtenstein.
  • Added the port of Viipuri.
  • Japanese members of the Kodoha faction will have more historical fates: retired if the control faction purge them and promoted if the Kodoha faction takes over. You will get a new chief of the army. Sadeo Araki received new traits and become a field marshal, another general can now become aide-de-camp of the emperor to control him and ensure the ambitions of the faction.
  • Reshuffle and expansion of the democratic Denmark tree.
  • Two new achievements for Denmark.
  • New achievement for Germany.
  • Added a new achievement for Israel.
  • Added some MIOs for Israel.
  • German voice lines for the German Kingdoms, alongside East and West Germany.
  • Branch hiding partially implemented for UK.

Adjustments and Balance
  • The German Air Force is strengthened with ~2000 planes, compared to the vanilla 916.
  • Germany started with more airfields in historical locations.
  • The steel cost of Infantry Equipment '45 reduced to 5 to align it more closely with other levels.
  • Some of the German commanders adjusted, with Brauchitsch and Fritsch taking actual command. Model and Kluge were demoted to the rank of General.
  • R56 Germany now has a focus to improve enigma again and a focus to increase synthetic rubber output, aside from some restructuring.
  • Saudi coring decisions now core the new Jordan states but they all demand a minimal level of compliance.
  • Made it slightly easier for Hatzohar to form a coalition in the Israeli elections.

  • Serious memory leak issue that was on the beta is fixed.
  • If Indonesia starts independent, it now no longer locks itself out of some buffs in its fascist/communist branches.
  • You can no longer choose the Molotov-Ribbentrop option to get a war goal on Lithuania in exchange for more Polish lands to the Soviets if Lithuania doesn't exist.
  • Fixed issues with the formation of the United Front in China.
  • Fixed research bonuses for naval gunnery and naval shells.
  • Fixed Trotsky magically puppeting releasable that can also be released outside Soviet borders.
  • Fixed UK being able to give Sudanese resources back to Egypt multiple times in the Anglo-Egyptian conference.
  • Fixed rare issue of democratic countries being forced to join Germany's democratic faction if they declare war on a non-democratic faction member of them (base game bug).
  • Sweden can no longer core Missouri
  • [BBA] Fixed missing air techs.
  • [AAT] Denmark no longer has incorrect starting ideas when playing the DLC tree.
  • [AAT] Denmark no longer has unintegrated r56 mechanics when playing the DLC tree.
  • [AAT] Danish MIOs can now be upgraded with the r56 tree.
  • [AAT] Hid some decisions that don't apply when using MIOs, while porting a vanilla decision to select multiple special forces branches.
  • [AAT] AAT Events have been disabled for the Road to 56 Sweden Focus Tree.
  • [AAT] Fixed decisions for Scandinavian countries to refit convoys into destroyers
  • [WTT] Updated the decisions Proclaim Nordic Unity and Restore the Kalmar Union, they should now properly core Denmark and Iceland
  • [AAT] Further progress towards making Finland's historical path work well with Road to 56's different and more accurate starting ideology.

  • Poland no longer signs a mutual defence pact with Lithuania in 1938, as a result of the historical AI working properly since the previous update.
  • Historical Italy AI is fine-tuned™, focus order is revisited and able to putting up a fierce fight in North and East Africa.
  • AI would stop wasting command points on "Reserve Transfer" and "Extra Fuel Reserves" during peacetime battle plan.
  • [AAT] Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden DLC trees have been integrated into the AI behaviour decisions and their behaviour should now follow AI plans like vanilla, including historical.

  • Added party names and changed names for East and West Germany.
  • Some descriptions for Liechtenstein focuses and decisions.

  • Planes for the Samis, Québec, Iceland. New Biplane for China.
  • [AAT] Fixed missing MIO buttons when modifying equipment.
  • [AAT] Added the Norwegian and Danish plane models.

  • Please check out our 'Credits.txt' links and order of battles for more information about the people, mods and resources that helped develop this project, as well as for opportunities to learn about the related history.

Oppdatering: 17. okt. 2023 @ 11.34

Operation Gunnerside / AAT Hotfix #2!

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Monarchist path rework for Germany.

  • Converted the decision system of the Polish Sanation rivalry into a BoP, alongside some other bugfixes and tweaks to Poland.
  • German Kingdoms now have permeant cores, with a shared military tree.
  • Added a new achievement for Israel.
  • Added small focus tree for Arab nations during the Arab-Israeli war.
  • [SWE] The Scandinavian Council focus has received a new sub branched which allows you to further develop Scandinavia after unification.
  • [SWE] Added new military related focuses related to Landsverk, Armoured Cars and even Bicycles.
  • [SWE] Added new Aviation related focuses, streamlining the process.
  • [SWE] Added localization to a majority of focuses that were missing it

Adjustments and Balance
  • Changed strait crossings in Denmark to match vanilla.
  • Added Scandinavia Shared Focus Tree to Denmark.
  • Renamed Jutland and North Schleswig to use Danish spellings.
  • [SWE] Swedish Army Staff has been moved.
  • [SWE] Conclude Rearmament has taken up a new position below Swedish Army Staff
  • [SWE] Several focuses in the Swedish Industrial Reinvigoration sub-tree have had their days shortened.
  • [SWE] Removed the old Aviation tree.

  • Finland and Norway trees should no longer change on reload.
  • Soviet unit models having black textures.
  • Fixed certain technologies not being researchable with MIOs.
  • Fixed display of Victory Points.
  • Fixed Orkney Island port being missing along with the British Home Fleet.
  • Fixed Jan Mayen missing a port.
  • Fixed broken railways in Denmark.
  • Fixed MIO's for Poland and Egypt.

  • [AAT] Finland should now follow historical AI.

  • Incorporated new vanilla Finnish 3D unit models.
  • Several new portraits for monarchist figures within Germany.

  • Please check out our 'Credits.txt' links and order of battles for more information about the people, mods and resources that helped develop this project, as well as for opportunities to learn about the related history.