Miqo'te (FF14) racial portraits
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Ενημέρωση: 19 Μαϊ 2017 στις 2:11

Initial Upload

Ενημέρωση: 9 Μαϊ 2017 στις 6:32

Changed supported version to 1.6.0

Ενημέρωση: 5 Μαϊ 2017 στις 0:45

More outfits added. Savegames might have some unwanted changes in outfits for rulers and other leaders. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Ενημέρωση: 12 Απρ 2017 στις 8:37

Changed supported version to 1.5.1.
Since i am working on additional outfits and testing them at the same time, the ones finished are in the mod now. 2 additional female ruler outfits, 2 additional female governor outfits. They should appear randomly if i am to believe the stuff in vanilla files and my very limited testing experience in-game. Not sure how the existing saves will convert to the changes in outfit numbers.

Ενημέρωση: 6 Απρ 2017 στις 8:35

Just changed supported version to 1.5.0. Feeling bad about being lazy and not doing anything else about it.

Ενημέρωση: 29 Δεκ 2016 στις 21:15

Added 2 more portraits for both males and females.

Males got manly (and literally look more like huMANs?) faces, but no change in hairstyles or anything. Phenotype 3 got edited for a square jaw and looks even uglier now.

Females got one weird face and one normal face, some of the hairstyles for new types were changed. Also a couple of hairstyles for phenotypes 1 and 2 (just realized i am not sure about ph.2, what a memory i got) were edited. Long hair styles look weird but i never was good at placing hair on torsos.

I am not sure how saves will reproduce the protraits made with previous version. Leader's portrait of the neighbouring miqo'te state in some savegame changes with every load using new sprites. I am not sure how that is possible. One of the scientists in the same savegame (notsure about others) got a new portrait with new hair sprite but after that was consistent between loads.
I guess it is the same as with weird outfit sorting rule where it is neither enumerator's order nor alphabetic order. Idk, dont feel like finding out.

I would do more hair edits but i am a lazy butt, and even idea about tedious work like going through 90 (+also male styles with damn beards) hairstyle sprites to make minor and major edits demotivates me at the moment. I also think there is no need to do it too because it works fine as it is (right? wrong?) so it is a double demotivation.

Happy New Year, may it be not as bad as it seems it will be (if my english makes sense).

Ενημέρωση: 9 Δεκ 2016 στις 10:34

supported_version = 1.4.1

Ενημέρωση: 5 Δεκ 2016 στις 19:05

Fixed the problem with missing assets.

Ενημέρωση: 5 Δεκ 2016 στις 9:27


Ενημέρωση: 5 Δεκ 2016 στις 2:03

Initial Upload