Master of Orion

Master of Orion

5X - The Ultimate Balance Mod
Showing 1-10 of 55 entries
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Update: 2 Apr @ 7:43pm

Version 5.4.1 Changes:

  • Added localizations for Hyperspace Flux Immunity perk in other languages. Feel free to suggest a better translation if you play in a language other than English.
  • Removed the line in description.txt about the armor penetration cap changing.
  • Corrected the broken Astro University description in all languages.
  • Fixed the Darlok uber perk icon that was erroneously assigned to use the Custom 5X Assets icon in the base mod. Custom 5X Assets users unaffected.

Update: 2 Apr @ 7:42pm

Update: 29 Feb @ 8:57pm

Version 5.4 Changes:

  • Fixed a blueprint issue with advanced military outpost that causes it not to prioritize heavy mount weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where fighter garrison can't be targeted by missiles because it has the wrong shield boundary configuration (also in UCP).
  • Fixed the inferno transformation description to reflect that it transforms barrens, not terrans.
  • Espionage changes:
    - Sabotage duration reduced to 4 turns from 8
    - Contaminate duration reduced to 8 turns from 10
    - Steal tech duration increased to 20 turns from 10, XP per turn reduced to 5 (from 7), and base risk increased to 0.85 (from 0.8)
    - Infiltrate empire duration reduced to 6 turns from 8
    - Revolt XP per turn reduced to 7 from 10
    - Espionage descriptions and tooltips updated.
    - Stealth suit changed to -20% (from -25%)
  • increase build cost and upkeep of normal and advanced missile base, orbital battery, and fighter garrison.
  • Microlite construction changed to -20% cost instead of -25%
  • Increased the RP requirement to end the Plague and Supernova events to 100 and 250 respectively (from 50 and 200)
  • Corrected the tooltip values for scanner bonuses. The new values reflect the bonuses actually given in game, which means the actual scanner range has not changed.
  • Added 1 bomb to troop transports and to all AI ship blueprints that didn't have one. The AI does not consider a ship a miltary ship unless it has a bomb. Reduced bomb counts on other blueprints to compensate. Should improve AI behavior during wars.
  • Planar transcendence now offers a choice between particle beam and chromodynamic bomb because some players want to exclude beams from their blueprints and every other beam is a choice.
  • Increased death ray armor penetration from 25 to 35, putting it above plasma beam and increasing its effective damage by 40%. Should provide a more formidable Guardian, a better reward, and the Antarans won't need to send as many ships
  • Updated some AI build priority settings to hopefully get them to build a bit more optimally, particularly getting planetary defenses up a bit sooner
  • 5XCPC: New optional starting techs for custom races: Reinforced orbital weaponry, Cloaking device, Multistate insulator, Interplanetary administration, Advanced city planning
  • 5XCPC: Darloks given starting cloaking device and +10% security instead of +25% beam defense and +20% security
  • 5XCPC: Added "hyperspace flux immunity" perk to Special Abilities for custom races (1 point)
  • 5XCPC: Extended hyperspace flux turn length
  • 5XCPC: -50% assimilation rate perk now -2 points instead of -1
  • 5XCPC: Klackons gain +25% ground combat rating
  • Reduced size of cloaking device and scanner beacon
  • Changed some uber planet pollution degradation biomes. For example, inferno can now decay to barren in the outer orbits.

Update: 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:20pm

Version 5.3 Changes:

  • Added the UCP 6.3 difficulty settings for AI espionage bonus and espionage modifier to insane and impossible difficulties. Rerun UCP installer if you have not done so since September 30, 2021.
  • Star base and military outpost will no longer use ECM jammer. Altered their weapon space allocation a bit too. Hopefully this will address the few remaining cases where those defenses were not equipped with any heavy mount weapons.
  • Made the AI value their own tech than others a bit more. This is a revert to the base game values and intended to stop the AI from trading too much.
  • Monsters get 50% more HP. Big amoebae move slower, while their smallest spawns move faster. Squid moves faster. Fixed an issue with weapon slot allocation in squid blueprint. Eel gets tritanium armor instead of titanium but class iii shields instead of class v shields.
  • Increased RP costs for some early game techs but slightly reduced pre-warp tech cost. Previously 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 (doubling each time), now 40, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3200 (ratios of 5/2, 5/2, 2, 2, 2, 8/5).
  • 5XCPC: Lucky trait cost increased to 3 due to UCP now making the Antaran attack reduction work. Gnolams given beam defense -25%.
  • All races now start with a star base on pre warp

Update: 25 Aug, 2021 @ 7:55am

Version 5.2 Changes:

  • Inferno transformation is now restricted to volcanics and barrens (no longer terrans).
  • Tech victory buildings can now only be built on Orion.
  • Space academy is no longer transferred on planet capture (vanilla issue, also fixed in UCP 6.3).

Update: 20 Jul, 2021 @ 7:38am

Version 5.1.2 Changes:

  • Fixed trilarians not starting with engineering tech as intended in 5.1.1
  • GMF share thresholds decrease more evenly to 9 players instead of a sudden drop from 8 to 9

Update: 7 Jul, 2021 @ 3:20am

Version 5.1.1 Changes:

  • Reverted Gnolams and Trilarians to previous design to fix point disparity.
  • Sakkra given adaptive, pop +50% instead of pop +25, food +25, ship cost -25.
  • Added a fix for Mike's new races. MNR should go between UCP and 5XCPC in the load order.

Update: 28 May, 2021 @ 10:33am

Version 5.1 Changes:

  • New galaxy type: "Unstable." The layout is similar to a circle galaxy, but there are unstable (red) star lanes throughout it. Sizes: Medium through Gargantuan.
  • Spies:
    Spy center system security bonus reduced to 5%.
    Reduced interplanetary security transmitter and global dna scanner production costs by 1/3.
    Assassinate length increased to 12 turns.
    Spy level limit increased to 15.`
  • Races:
    Adaptive cost increased to 7.
    Gaia HW cost reduced to 4.
    Gnolams: Given adaptive trait instead of gaia HW and improved negotiations.
    Alkari: Removed security bonus, Large HW, and Arid HW. (Arid planets aren't cloudy...)
    Mrrshan: Removed security bonus, given engineering starting tech instead.
    Sakkra: Removed ground units bonus, changed +50% pop growth to +25% growth, +25% food
    Terran: Arid HW with red fungus added. Traded engineering starting tech for physics.
    Human: Removed morale +10%, trade goods +50%, added credits +25%, -10% security, increased trade treaties to +50%.
    Klackon: Reduced production to 25%, pollution control to 15%, added -25% credits, unwavering morale, and large HW.
    Elerian: Removed rich HW, added command points +15% and large ocean HW.
    Trilarian: Removed food consumption -25% and engineering starting tech. Added +25% beam defense and seagrass.
  • Leaders:
    Bonuses: Empire security, research, and credits bonuses changed to increments of 3% starting from 3.
    Upkeep: Fleet ground combat bonus cost increased to 2 BC per level. System ground combat bonus cost reduced to 1 BC per level. Trade treaties income bonus increased to 3.
    Traits: Cesar (Silicoid) given leader salary reduction instead of trade treaties bonus. Anile (Psilon) given trade treaties bonus instead of colony research bonus. Daza (Psilon) given colony research instead of colony production.
  • AI:
    Increased AI priority on building planetary defenses.
    AI civs no longer start with one extra bomb ketch on post warp.
    Revised some AI personality settings to make them less likely to get into wars too early and more likely to form mid game alliances.
    First full pirate fleet spawns 13 turns after base spawn instead of 1 turn. Bases still spawn with 1 initial raider. Slightly delayed pirate destroyer and cruiser turn thresholds.
    Removed the +1 detection range from pirate ships. This made you able to spot them coming sooner compared to other ships of the same size class.
    Antarans get chromodynamic bomb instead of neutronium. Increased Antaran ship bomb count.
  • Technology:
    Xenology now comes after private funding. Counterespionage moved to where Xenology was for 800 RP.
    Bomb chance to hit reduced to 25/35/50/65/85% for Nuclear through Chromodynamic respectively.
    UCP invasion tech capture chance halved
  • Command points:
    Base command points reduced to 10 from 30. Capitol gets 10 command points bonus.
    Removed non-working CP cost from surveillance system, replaced with 3 bc maintenance cost.

Update: 26 Dec, 2020 @ 10:29pm


  • Fixed a couple of tooltips/descriptions that needed to be updated to v5.0 values.
  • Fixed some localization issues in Russian and Spanish (Spain)
  • Fixed a game breaking bug that causes the game to hang when the Bulrathi AI is in a match. (my bad, sorry)

Update: 26 Dec, 2020 @ 8:11am

5.0: Secondary and tertiary personalities for all AI. Custom race screen changes: Pop growth changed to 25% Food from pop changed to 25% Research from pop changed to 25% and reduced to 5 pts/lvl Ground combat bonus increments reduced to 25% Missions risk bonus changed to -10% for 1 or -20% for 2 Ship defense -50% removed Ship attack changed to -25%/25%/50% for -1/2/4. Stealthy ships reduced to 1 point Auto repair bonus reduced to 10%, trait cost reduced to 2 5XCPC: Repulsive race perk (prevents all treaties) now available following UCP implementation. Silicoids get this perk instead of uncharismatic. 5XCPC: Extended barracks and increased marine training rate are now separate 1 point perks. Increased training rate bonus decreased to 25%. All races have been modified and improved as necessary to accomodate the above while keeping them at a fixed 20 point cost. Some of the weaker-performing races have been revised to improve their performance. Espionage overhaul: Mission risks have been re-ordered so that from easiest to hardest on empire missions it goes destabilize (30% fail base), steal charts (40), hacking (50), assasssinate (65), steal (80). Colony missions: sabotage (50%), contaminate (65%), revolt (80%). Each higher level mission provides more XP. Spies will level slower on counterespionage than before but can be leveled more quickly by doing missions. Spies on counter espionage provide 1% security per level up to a total maximum of 50% (cap requires UCP). Global dna scanner reduced to 10%. Spy level capped at 10 UCP has adjusted the mission risk brackets. Previously very low 0-20% fail chance, low 20-40% fail chance, medium 40-60, high 60-80, very high 80-100, but now those ranges are 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-60, and 60-100 respectively. As a result you will notice mission risks look very high from what you are used to, but in fact "medium" is the new "low," and you can actually attempt a medium risk mission. Mission lengths are longer so that you have more time to level and fewer chances to get caught. It is no longer a near certainty that you will lose 20 spies before you ever get one to level 6, and hence the grinding has been reduced. Missions like destabilize and hacking are long term endeavors meant to weaken a powerful empire over time. Careful application of spying can really be used to great effect, but the most valuable mission, stealing tech, still requires top level spies, spying technology, and/or race traits to do. UCP has changed sabotage to give it a higher likelihood of destroying high value buildings such as a star base or a tech victory building. You can now delay an imminent tech victory with your spies by sabotaging. Balance Changes: Trade goods now produce 1 BC per production (previously 1.5, vanilla default 0.5) Pirates now spawn 1 frigate on their first spawn and 2 frigates after that. Delayed initial pirate spawns a bit longer. Advanced troop transports now have a second special slot, which will be used for cloaking techs, multiwave ecm jammer, or multiphased shields (descending priority) that you've researched. However they now have just 1 PD cannon per ship. Changed small cluster galaxy layout: inner player clusters moved to outside clusters. Production costs of the following ship modules have been changed to normalize progression (previous values in parentheses): Mass driver 8 (10), Graviton beam 12 (10), Gauss cannon 20 (15), ion pulse beam 13 (16), battle pods 4 * 1.5 ^ hull class (4 * 1.75 ^ hull class), antimatter charges 20 (15). Tweaked some diplomatic penalty values. Certain actions like rejecting treaty proposals now have a greater disposition penalty (close to vanilla defaults), but the negative disposition effect won't persist as long. AI should be a bit more willing to form alliances. FYI each diplomatic event has a persistent weight on the dispostion bar that decays exponentialy by some percent each turn. Radiation shield bomb hits to destroy reduced to 5 and flux/barrier shield increased to 25/50. Reduced anomaly gold reward and slowed spawning rate slightly. Reduced production cost of space port to 150 (from 200) Mauler device AP increased to 35 (from 30). Some AI blueprints directed to prioritize mauler device when available. Surveillance system build time increased to 8 turns, now costs 1 command point. Gas harvester build time increased to 8 turns. Command point rebalance: Base command points now 30 (prev. 24), star bases/battlestation/fortress give +10/12/14 (prev. 12/16/20). Troop transports cost 3, advanced 5. This should help curtail the ballooning of the command point cap to insane levels later in the game. Antaran relics lab must now be in place for 20 turns instead of 10 for the dimensional portal research so there's a greater opportunity to stop it midway. Made additional adjustments to leader leveling. Colony leaders level after 40 turns (lvl 1), 45 turns (lvl 2), 50 turns (lvl 3) etc (vanilla is just a flat 50 turns per level). Ship leaders get more XP from battle participation and killing monsters/guardian. Leaders on ships that discover planets or anomalies will level faster. The tech tree has undergone significant revisions for consistency of tech progression and more interesting choices. The following technologies have been moved: All missiles, zortrium and adamantium armor, high energy focus, hyperx capacitors, energy absorber, death spores, antimatter torpedoes, megafluxers, warp dissipator, cloaking device, flux shield, phasor, multiphased shield, hard shield Nuclear missiles may now use MIRV and ECCM again once the mods are researched. Missile stats rebalanced: more damage and missile speed (for beam defense) but less missile attack. Change to race biases: Darlok and Terran now relaxed toward each other. Darlok and Elerian now neutral. Darlok are unease toward Humans and Psilons. Psilon wary toward Darlok. Psilons unease toward Elerian, Elerian wary toward Psilon. Scan range rebalance: base scanning range reduced to 1 (from 1.5), or 2 with space scanner. Added a new scanner, Neutron scanner, between tachyon and hyperspace (this replaces the "omniscience" tech that no one ever cared about). Tachyon, neutron, and hyperspace provide +2, +3, +4 (cumulative). Star system visual size decreased so you can see ships in the same system with a space scanner and to improve galaxy generation. Changed asteroid/gas giant distribution. Certain star types are now more likely to have one or the other, and asteroids show up sometimes in inner orbits while gas giants are in outer ones. Marine barracks morale bonus reduced to 5% Multiwave ecm jammer takes less space. Other: Bug fixes General improvements to all ship blueprint templates: player, AI, and orbital defenses. Now sometimes blueprints will prefer an older weapon with mods over a newer one without them, for example so that a sniper ship can stay back at heavy mount range. 5XCPC: UCP's notification reduction setting after turn 200 will now still notify you when empire unique buildings are completed. Changed a few tech node icons 5XCPC: Colonies on production/research focus will maintain a food surplus of at least 1 so the colony doesn't stagnate. Restored the vanilla technology "scanner beacon" which dispels cloaking device. Races with biases against Darloks will sometimes use this tech, and it is also a low priority special for battlestations, star fortresses, and advanced outposts. New technology: Reinforced Orbital Weaponry. Previously defenses always had double the weapon range of normal ships. Now this is a technology that must be researched in Robotics. To make sure you can't just snipe down a star base or outpost before then with ranged weapons, those blueprints will prioritize long range weapons. Added some custom UCP auto build queues by Vaaish. Polish translation by Szmind and improved DSMP compatiblity.