Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops - Stratis
Showing 31-40 of 118 entries
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Update: 28 May, 2017 @ 9:17am

Team Planning menu changes:

  • Team Planning menu visuals revamped
  • Added unit focus camera (switched via button on squad loadout menu)
  • Unavailable support options are now disabled
  • Ready button replaces start button - requires all players to be ready before mission begins
  • Dynamic unit list sizing allows for potential expansion of player numbers (intended for DCO)
  • Dedicated open map button for all players
  • Options for 2 ground vehicles
  • Ground vehicle options react to selected insertion type
  • All players can see unit classes listed for all units
  • UAV support option added
  • Changed method of ground vehicle selection to guarantee both selections are given

Other changes:
  • Added more task description variants
  • Toned down ambient aircraft frequency
  • All team AI disabled on loadout selection
  • Fixed: Extraction helicopter crewed by enemies when advanced factions used
  • Improved artillery support spawn position check
  • Intel object actions removed for all players after use
  • Possible fix for units being killed on mission start
  • Reactive tasks now check for player presence in the AO before assignment
  • Fixed a JIP situation where revive would not be correctly added

Update: 16 May, 2017 @ 11:43am

Faction selection changes:

  • Faction selection has been completely unlocked, any faction can be selected as player or enemy regardless of conflicting sides
  • If sides conflict then the enemy will be given a different side designation while retaining the desired faction units (for example OPFOR vs OPFOR will become OPFOR vs INDFOR)
  • When using Advanced Factions if it's possible to use the side friendship system that will be used rather than changing side designation (for example fighting against CSAT with AAF selected as an advanced enemy faction you will see groups with the correct colour designations who will be friendly to each other but hostile to the player)
  • Random options added to player and enemy faction menus
  • Player and enemy faction menu values are now saved

Other changes:
  • Added back helicopter insertion
  • Added UAV drone when available and when at least one player has a UAV terminal. Drone will circle the AO and control can be taken when desired.
  • Combined player and enemy faction data extraction (should reduce mission generation load time, especially when lots of faction mods are loaded)
  • Sea transport spawns now take into account water crossings between expanded AO locations
  • Added explanatory tooltips to some menu options
  • Fixed: Clear AO Location button would not reset AO location text
  • Minor improvement to AO selection map positioning
  • Minor improvement to mission generating loadscreen termination
  • Modified intro music
  • Fixed: Players starting in sea would receive too many boats
  • Player corpses are deleted on respawn
  • Added enable/disable animals option
  • Put a check in place to filter out factions with no scope 2 units
  • Removed switchBehaviour call in revive system as it could lead to units being forced out of the group
  • Fixed: Classes selected through the Team Planning menu would not have backpacks

Update: 11 May, 2017 @ 2:23am

Task improvements:

  • Vehicle task brought up to improved objectives standard
  • Added steal vehicle task variant
  • Helicopter task brought up to improved objectives standard
  • Cache tasks brought up to improved objectives standard
  • Artillery task brought up to improved objectives standard
  • Added AA variant to artillery task
  • Mortar task brought up to improved objectives standard
  • Wrecks and POWs can be thematically grouped

Other changes:
  • Infantry and vehicles have a chance to patrol the routes between extended AO locations
  • Vehicle patrols can contain infantry squad cargos
  • Vehicle patrols slightly more common
  • Objective preference selection is now saved
  • POWs no longer have any inventory items
  • Loadouts given on first menu opening are now taken from infantry group configs
  • Modified the loadout switcher to take loadouts from dummy units rather than configs (will allow SFF factions to be used by players)
  • Potential fix for primary weapons resetting to faction defaults on respawn
  • Extraction heli is now a valid target for enemies until it's close to the LZ
  • Added explanation text to objective preferences menu
  • Fixed recon tasks incorrectly receiving obscuring observe objectives

Update: 28 Apr, 2017 @ 12:32am

  • Extraction helicopter pool now factors in FFV cargo positions when determining availability
  • Extraction helicopter random selection is now weighted against how closely the available cargo spaces match the number of units to transport
  • Fixed: Client players could not retrieve task intel

Update: 25 Apr, 2017 @ 11:01pm

POW task improvements:

  • POW can move around the AO in which case his escort need to be killed to free him
  • POWs can be civilian variants - a journalist or a scientist
  • Better task descriptions
  • Subtasks that break the objective into stages
  • Task grouping for more than one POW task - tasks will receive appropriate description text to reflect the number of POWs present

Other changes:
  • New extraction system that is additionally given before mission end to allow the possibility of extracting POW's midway through the scenario
  • Intel reveals now show closest points of interest and enemy units rather than a random selection
  • Intel unit reveals improved to be more efficient and show entire groups
  • Intel unit reveals will only reveal currently unknown groups
  • Intel unit reveals will no longer reveal enemies as civilians
  • Added respawn position MP lobby options
  • Faction names now appear alongside unit names in Team Planning menu
  • Fixed: Advanced factions do not give the full faction complement
  • Allowed pilots and crew to be chosen as classes
  • Fixed: Script break if no intel objects created
  • Fixed: Moving HVT targets were blocked from initiating
  • Fixed: One instance of an empty player slot 1 causing a script break
  • Experimental failsafe for vehicle destruction objective auto-completing on mission start
  • Variance added to barrier AOs

Update: 11 Apr, 2017 @ 11:31pm


  • Added pause for player detection for dedicated servers

Update: 11 Apr, 2017 @ 12:20pm

Intel system expansion:

  • Better intel discovery messages
  • Support for task specific intel
  • General intel objects added
  • Civilian informants added

HVT task expansion:
  • Added support for subtasks
  • HVT can now move between locations
  • HVT search radius greatly increased
  • HVT given a tracking search area marker
  • HVT task intel is now given much more generously
  • HVT evidence gathering subtask added
  • Optional HVT intel gathering subtask added
  • Can receive intel on what the HVT is wearing
  • Can receive intel on the HVT's identity
  • Can receive intel on the HVT's route

Other changes:
  • Added a new end of mission event
  • Gave objective selection a better ability to select the preferred task types
  • Temporarily removed reactive defend tasks as they would stall the mission end
  • Team respawn position will check for distance from team leader
  • Groupname listener added to address issues with C2 Command & Control and revive

Update: 3 Apr, 2017 @ 12:36am

  • Removed April Fools G.O.A.T. mode - the goats may return someday!

Update: 1 Apr, 2017 @ 12:45am

  • Added General Operational Artiodactyla Theater mode

  • Loadout units are now invincible until mission begins
  • Reset AI options returned to their intended usage following BIS hotfix (select stuck AI unit with F1-10, find their reset option in command menu 6)
  • Fix for two mission generation hangs on dedicated servers
  • Fixed spectator mode and added freecam

Update: 29 Mar, 2017 @ 12:38am

  • Extra waiting added to loadout switcher to allow for variable propagation in MP
  • Loadout switcher grouping modified to work better with C2 mod
  • Fixed: Wreck task could fail on ground vehicle types
  • Fixed: Reactive task generation could fail causing mission not to end
  • Fixed: Early allPlayers call on dedicated servers could cause mission to hang on startup