Arma 3
Showing 1-10 of 19 entries
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Update: 22 Oct, 2018 @ 3:11pm

Have you even noticed after teamswitch the unit left in place often fucks off to some cover spot, not responding to any commands ?
With added fun when you were in a high tower before switching to another unit ?
This version has a fix for that (need more testing to confirm it's 100% gone).
Some other changes:
- ammo detection tweaks
- vehicle dispersion adjustments
- copy my stance works only for nearby teammates
- stay up when player in vehicle on copy my stance, faster mounting
- add some nasty temporary weapon sway to falling units
- bunch of code performance improvements, making sure some loops exit when they should
- improve the unfreeze unit command (the one that has a shortcut key in control settings)
- tweak the aiming and spotting skill interpolation curves

Update: 12 Jun, 2018 @ 6:02am


- (mod) detection tweaks, increased distances
- (mod) decrease AI dispersion coefficients for vehicle weapons
- (fix) units fall and get suppressed again when hit

Update: 4 May, 2018 @ 1:55am


This version integrates Pooter's enhanced ASR AI as optional features among other things.

- (mod) in-game settings organized with subcategories
- (mod) automatically exclude civilian factions (contributed by 654wak654, thanks!)
- (mod) detection tweaks, tracers more visible to AI than non-tracers
- (mod) use HE ammo for Vorona and MRAWS against infantry and vehicles
- (mod) update class relationship to match with 1.82
- (mod) use variable full auto burst lengths for SMGs
- (mod) adjust gear actions to show before the take actions (which can clutter commanding menus a lot)
- (mod) copy my stance can be used for selected units (defaults to all when none selected)
- (mod) remove stamina handling completely
- (add) shortcut keys to toggle AI flashlights and lasers - works under certain conditions (MRT compatible)
- (add) shortcut key to attempt to unfreeze AI units in team
- (add) advanced cover and counter-attack from Raptoer/Pooter's fork (thanks!)
- (mod) removed unneeded setvariable flags
- (mod) optionally keep AI inside immobile vehicles with working weapons (by Raptoer, thanks again!)
- (mod) support tanks DLC for dynamic camouflage
- (mod) minor spotting skill decrease
- (mod) performance optimisation for dynamic camo (contributed by Dedmen, thanks!)

Update: 6 Dec, 2017 @ 8:21am

1.1.6 hotfix
Added compat hotfix for missions requiring old cfgcamouflage and cfgvehicles

Update: 5 Dec, 2017 @ 7:24am

This version splits the main addon into several independent modules, making it easier to maintain but also
easier on user side when it comes to modifying, mixing with other mods or other experiments.

- (mod) config support for new tacops dlc assets (units, uniforms)
- (mod) update ammo configs for compatibility with patch 1.78
- (mod) random bursts for automatic fire modes (use burstRangeMax)
- (mod) performance optimisation
- (mod) shared target info accuracy depends on sender's commanding skill
- (mod) can reset team super AI option after mission start with immediate effect
- (mod) variables changed in userconfig

Update: 7 Oct, 2017 @ 7:03am

- (mod) make dispersion coefs vary with optic types again
- (mod) match explosive detection skills of green recon with post-LoW vanilla
- (mod) slight spotting distance increase overall
- (mod) re-add: dead units detach from static weapons
- (mod) auto-disable random fall when hit if ACE3 hitreactions used
- (mod) auto-disable AI self-heal if ACE3 medical used
- (add) option for team superAI
- (mod) add CIV_IDAP_F to skipped factions in default userconfig

Update: 7 Sep, 2017 @ 12:09pm


- (mod) reduced grenade usage and accuracy
- (add) camouflage settings for LOW DLC gear
- (fix) incognito settings had player setCaptive false on init
- (mod) removed killed event handler (no longer reduces morale)
- (mod) removed damage eh which ejected dead units from static weapons (fixed in vanilla)

Update: 14 Jul, 2017 @ 2:20am

- (mod) hearing range of passing bullets, grenade and hi-caliber hits decreased
- (mod) fix AI preference for using binocs in close battles
- (mod) disable leader sending units to attack on groups of less than 6

Update: 10 Jul, 2017 @ 6:02am


- (mod) reduce grenade usage and accuracy
- (mod) keep units closer to leader on moving to cover
- (mod) bump general skills in userconfig defaults

Update: 27 Jun, 2017 @ 10:33pm


- (mod) fix typo in NVG (thanks dystopian1 for reporting)
- (mod) incognito mode disabled by default