Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Dolls(Standalone)
Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
Update: 11 Aug, 2017 @ 8:49am

Reduce the damage values of all the dolls.

Considering reuploading another version of the mod where they provide no benefits. Only as a decoration.

If by any I get enough proposals I'll do it.

Update: 21 Apr, 2016 @ 1:44pm

Update: 15 Nov, 2015 @ 9:02am

Huge changes to recipes.

Wilson now drops beard hair.
I forgot to give Wicker her papyrus dropping ability. Now Added.
Wigfrid doll does 40 damage. It is a warrior afterall!
Loot drop rate from (some)dolls have been increased.

Update: 14 Nov, 2015 @ 2:53pm

Want cuddly plushies of your favorite character? Say No More as I've decided to make your dreams come true!

Awhile Back I created a charatcer that had the ability to summon dolls. Unfortunately due to her perks out-weighing her doll ability, it ultimately became a useless perk.
So I thought, wait, why not make them useful for everyone to craft? So then this happend. I also promised a couple of you guys that I'd make it standalone.
After long procrastination and just not knowing how to do it properly this mod was born!

Compared to my Plutia mod, these dolls are created to be much harder to make but last FOREVER

Wilson Doll!

-It isn't anything special but its awesome!
-A basic weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1)}

Willow Doll!

-A doll based on your pyromaniac!
-Doesn't really burn or inflicts burn
-Huge orange light radius to keep you away from the dark
-A weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("charcoal", 20)}

Wickerbottom doll!

-Occasionally spits out papyrus!
-A weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("papyrus", 5)}

Wendy Doll

-A spooky gloomy doll!
-Will spawn a non-harmful ghost.
-A Weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-4 Beefalo Wool, 2 Silk, 3 petals

Wolfgang Doll!

-Buffed damage
-Duration lasts longer
-A weapon that inflicts 55 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 12), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("meat", 8)}

WX78 Doll

-A cold yet cute lookin' robot
-Ocasionally will drop gears
-A weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("goldnugget", 20)}

Webber Doll

-A sticky arachnid of a doll!
-On certain days will drop a spider gland
-A weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("silk", 18)}

Wes Doll

-A pale-faced doll!
-Will spit out balloons like no other! (Maximum 10)
-A weapon that inflicts 20 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1)}

Wigfrid Doll

-A beautiful singer and actor doll!
-Occasionally will drop Wigfrid's helmet
-A weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("footballhat", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("armorwood", 2)}

Woodie Doll

-A man who has wood on his mind!
-Occasionally will drop pinecones
-A weapon that inflicts 30 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("log", 20)}

Maxwell Doll

-The man in black!
-Ocassionally will drop a nightmarefuel
-A weapon that inflicts 25 damage on the opponent

-{GLOBAL.Ingredient("beefalowool", 6), GLOBAL.Ingredient("sewing_kit", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 12)}

All these recipes can be found at the Mystery(Random)Doll tab at the very bottom!

I also added the Mystery(Random) doll as a Doll itself! Every character deserves to be a doll!
-No idea what it does yet. Still thinking about it. But its here!

Helped by Ysovuka by telling me about the small mistakes I made and Silhh for creating all this great art! Couldn't have been brought out without them!~

Right now it's just a quick port so there isnt that many crazy changes compared to Plutia but along the way expect some more subtle differences later on.