Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Showing 1-10 of 15 entries
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Update: 12 Oct, 2015 @ 1:25pm

Terrorist faction has been changed to Phoenix to reflect the CSGO trailer

Update: 12 Oct, 2015 @ 12:46am

Version 5.3

-added light rays model for bombsite A skylights (accidentally deleted in previous version)
-Shortened travel distance of vent from squeaky to toxic
-added boxes in toxic that allow for single-player rotation back to A
-Toxic shortened to account for the re-adjustment of the vent
-Attic length shortened to make it easier for CTs to completely smoke it off with 1 smoke grenade
-old computer console closest to the door in radio leading to ramp has been removed to allow for more hiding space in the corner
-parking area added on East side (CT side) of main building
-Air conditioner model for outside lockers has been replaced
-decal textures created and added to the map, such as hard hat warnings, hearing protection warnings, and ladder warnings
-player clips fixed for the heaven inside catwalk. Player movement no longer bounces up and down when walking across it
-highway bridge railing replaced with more appropriate guard rail models
-all fire extinguishers (except one in hell) has been updated with player clips to aid in smoother player movement
-fire extinguisher outside hut has been moved against hut wall
-parking bumpers made non-solid
-thin metal support details added to exterior of main building concrete
-added trash decals added underneath t-spawn dumpster
-terrorist truck moved to back of T-spawn and scaffolding has replaced its original position
-metal "gate" that was originally broken by the terrorists near the truck has been removed and a sliding security fence/gate has been placed instead
-various player clip fixes

Update: 26 Sep, 2015 @ 3:16pm

Fixed a bot navigation problem in ramp

Update: 26 Sep, 2015 @ 2:33pm

Version 5.2

-Fixed player clip gap that allowed players to 3-boost jump above playable area in T-spawn
-Removed pylons at bombsite A
-Removed player clip for the support beam near the left corner entrance of bombsite A main that prevented players from properly moving into the corner.
-Added HDR values to bombsite B light entities
-slightly increased LDR brightness values of bomsite B light entities
-slightly increased cone angles of bombsite B light entities
-Resized bombsite A main entrance doorway to be more similar to size of original map. Extra length and height that has been added is now plaster that can be easily wallbanged.
-Extended the bombsite A rafters construction wall to the nearest blue support beams
-Uploaded map with "Deathmatch" as a playable mode

Update: 22 Sep, 2015 @ 6:18pm

Definitely fixed the alarm Issue

Update: 22 Sep, 2015 @ 5:55pm

Update: 22 Sep, 2015 @ 3:22pm

Update: 22 Sep, 2015 @ 3:05pm


(hopefully) Fixed issue where alarm sound was not playing after bomb explosion

Update: 22 Sep, 2015 @ 1:31pm

Overall Theme:
-Map style has been changed to construction/revamp of the building
-Textures and decals have been placed around the map to add story to the map
-various optimization improvements
-various clipping/player movement fixes
-various lighting improvements

Bombsite A:
-The catwalk section directly in front of the ladder to heaven has been removed and staged against the wall
-A few railing sections have been removed from the heaven catwalk and staged against the wall
-New railing models for heaven have been made
-The fenced off area of rafters has converted into construction of new offices. Plaster wall has been added to it to make grenade throws from hut easier
-Large wood crate+pallet jack has been moved to original location against the large metall door
-Wooden pallets leaning against wall have been moved directly below the ladder to heaven
-pallet of water drums has been replaced with a pallet of wall insulation
-Replaced large metal brush door with a model
-Further optimized light maps

-Calendar added to room
-Fixed exploit of being able to flame the roof of hut by throwing a molotov/incendiary on top of the metal shelving
-Added pipes and small decor to area connecting to T-entrance

Bomsite B:
-replaced cornered walls outside windows with a large curved wall
-Slanted the wall corners at the south, lower level end of the pool
-removed floodlight from the south lower end of the pool and added a light onto both slanted corner walls
-added 4 more floor lights
-optimized area portals
-slightly added blue/red tint to the large wall pipes
-T side entrance has been replaced with a small slanted hallway - construction themed

-ceiling light near vent exit is now lit up

-Grate shadows have been removed and lightmaps opimitized
-clipping improvements

-Silo metal supports have been replaced with brushes that now recieve bullet impacts and better looking textures
-pallet of wall insulation added to forklift

-Fuel rod container replaced with stacks of sheet rock and wall insulation (boostable position)

-railing model created for stairs
-roof vent prop added to position that ladder vent was in original map
-Metal supports added to bombsite A windows (to reflect the blue support beams of the interior) to help give better reference points for wall bangs
-The door leading to Ramp Attic is now open towards the railing + bomsite A window extended back to wall for better wallbangs. hopping onto the door now provides an excellent wallbang against any CTs camping rafters against hut

-custom railing model created for catwalk

-Area outside T-Entrance/below T-roof has been modified. Crates have been removed, truck repositioned to reflect shipping container in original map. Scaffolding placed with ladder to make for quicker roof access.
-Scaffolding pieces leaned up against wall near T-entrance. (can be used to jump off T-roof without damage)
-Fencing South of marshmallow has been modified to make space for new area (Dumpster)

Dumpster (NEW AREA):
-New area added inbetween T-spawn, Marshmallow, and T-Entrance.
-Door for building to the south in the T-spawn corridor is now accessible. The interior of the building leads to a new 1-story roof sniping position to counter/cover sniping from Warehouse.

-Scaffolding added
-Broken windows added to security office
-Bullet decals added to security office
-player spawn area has been moved further East (closer to the main structure) by 3 persons distance. CT and T spawn distances are now more balanced because of this.

-Emergency light now spins/turns on after bomb explodes

-Ramp rafters (Attic):
-fencing has been replaced with metal wall frame and construction materials.
-Vent added that leads to lower level directly beneath

-Room style changed to reflect the construction/revamp theme
-Metal support beam removed from entryway

-Gastanks model near door removed
-pallets of wood and wall insulation added to storage ledge. Vent is now crouch-jump accessible.

Update: 18 Apr, 2015 @ 7:00pm

Verson 4.0

-Added small overlook area of ramp room. Access is from T-roof
-Heightened the hut door frame
-Lowererd damage per second of coolant