Arma 3
Simplex Support Services [DEV BUILD]
Showing 1-10 of 42 entries
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Update: 7 Feb @ 12:37am

- Fixed: Targeting issues (unitAimPosition is unreliable in multiplayer)

Update: 6 Feb @ 1:00am

- Mod compatibility: OPTRE archer missile system
- Changes/standardized how movement orders are issued.
- Changed 'careless' behavior to 'aware' for non-air transports - fixes AI being turned out.
- Aiming simulation script tweaks
- Fixed wrong logistics localization string
- Updated HEMTT build system, misc file changes

Update: 31 Jan @ 8:04pm

- Artillery will now teleport for relocation due to unreliable AI driving and mortars being immobile
- New 'relocation speed' attribute for artillery to simulate travel time
- New 'static' and 'radar' vehicle targeting options
- Added civilian side to side selection attribute
- Moved side attribute down to 'access' category
- Logistics slingload will now spawn helicopters much further apart to avoid collision
- Fixed 'remote control' button appearing when switching artillery gui tabs
- Fixed resupply auto fill function
- Strafe compatibility: RHS AH6

Update: 18 Jan @ 1:00am

- Enemy vehicle targeting variants: Tracked & Wheeled
- Laser targeting variant: Match (Syncs nearest vehicle or laser position with strafe aircraft so constant lasing isn't required)
- New 'max search radius' setting
- Added or tweaked 'search radius' parameter added for various requests
- New visual aid setting to disable live vehicle tracking for transport, cas, and logistics

- Added enemy targeting to CAS strafe
- Reordered targeting options
- Reduced default plane strafe firing range (may help for ammo with low TTL)
- Dummy laser targets will now always be used in tandem with game logic (should fix some targeting configs)
- Reordered some request parameters
- All spawn distances should be defaulted at 8000 now
- Extended move tick updates in all relevant waypoints
- Increased VTOL control distance trigger

- CAS Loiter wouldn't stop firing when ordered to abort
- Fixed last pylon not being added
- Immobilized transports will now respawn
- Fixed VTOLs getting stuck after utilizing landing script
- Fixed VTOLs not being explicitly declared for landing script adjustments
- Possible fix for EMR fastrope handling
- Added 1 minute timeout to fastrope script in case it gets stuck somehow
- Fixed various issues with targeting, ASL/AGL usage, and entity scanning

Update: 14 Jan @ 1:27am

- CAS Loiter 'speed mode' selection option
- CAS Loiter 'danger close' acknowledgment feature (enable to disregard 'friendly range' attribute)
- New 'eject interval' setting for default unloading times
- Transport 'unload' and 'fastrope' tasks can now specify ejection interval
- French translations (thanks Marcus)

- AI are now ordered to move away from transports after unloading or fastroping
- CAS Loiter now detects FFV turrets
- Logistics slingload helicopters now fly further apart and land further away to unload
- Vanilla land command will be canceled when new waypoints update (may help with potential conflicts)
- Standardized waypoint script sleep delays

- Config level weapon detection will now scan all turrets
- Possible fix for slingloaded cargo mass not being updated with locality transfer
- CAS and Logistics aircraft that crashed but didn't die wouldn't be seen as inoperable, making the support unusable
- Missing localization strings

Update: 10 Jan @ 7:13pm

- Added 'clear area' feature for Logistics Stations
- Added 'infantry unload height' attribute for Logistics Slingload. Troops can be unloaded on the ground instead of fastroping if set to 0.
- Added CAS Loiter searchlight support
- Added automatic blacklisting for ALIVE and ZHC headless management

- Removed 'itemMap' as the default access item
- Pylons are now checked for compatibile magazine classes
- Parent ace action will now only be shown if player has access to supports
- CAS Loiter will now ignore the driver turret
- Hid 'Restrict Access' eden attribute
- Reduced default fastrope height to 15
- Removed debug draw setting
- Removed and changed some debug messages
- Updated internal macro library

- High speed 'helicopters' could break strafing feature
- Zeus Logistics Station module was broken
- Zeus Logistics Slingload module was broken
- CAS Loiter wouldn't update correctly
- Fixed error when loading the logistics station menu
- Behaviors would not initialize correctly
- Fastrope length didn't scale for height
- Some localization strings were missing
- Fixed some notifications
- Pylon compatibility for firewill init scripts

Update: 30 Dec, 2023 @ 2:22am

- CAS Loiter: Handle invalid aircraft
- CAS Loiter: Add hover loiter type for helicopters
- CAS Loiter: Fix friendly range check
- CAS Loiter: Disable UAV terminal access conflict
- CAS Strafe: Aircraft should spawn as far away as they need to perform longer requests
- Transport: Fix 'fire at target' task
- Other misc issues/tweaks

Update: 21 Dec, 2023 @ 10:14pm

Update: 21 Dec, 2023 @ 5:56pm

Update: 21 Dec, 2023 @ 2:19pm