Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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Mis à jour le : 2 mars 2023 à 21h15

v1.3 (The "oh god oh no this character crashes team battles and abyss endless with a single button press" patch)

+ NSpecial charges are no longer lost when hit while holding a charge (i.e: You can now only lose your charge by dying or getting interrupted during shot startup)
+ NSpecial knockback scaling increased (0.6 -> 0.7)
+ NSpecial base knockback increased (7 -> 8)

= Fixed a critical bug in team battles and abyss endless that immediately crashed the game when an octahedron was destroyed. oopsie
= Fixed other weird inconsistencies with retaining NSpecial charge
= Fixed rune H not doing anything (again)

Mis à jour le : 31 janv. 2023 à 14h14

1.2 (Hopefully the last major balance patch for a while. Special thanks to Anebriate/Mothra for giving feedback on Blue’s balance/specific frame data!)

New addition:
+ Colliding with an octahedron/tether using USpecial’s jump hitbox gives a height boost via an extra, stronger jump with up to two times USpecial’s base height, depending on your momentum. This additional jump can be shield/dodge cancelled at any time.

Other buffs:
+ USpecial base vertical speed increased (11.5 -> 12.5)
+ USpecial hitbox lifetime increased (14 -> 18 frames)
+ USpecial knockback scaling and base knockback increased (6 -> 7) (0.3 -> 0.4)
+ USpecial pinwheel loop windows now have weak hitboxes positioned on the pinwheel. (These hitboxes won’t detonate octahedrons.)
+ USpecial can now be cancelled into pratfall/dodge earlier (window 3/startup of pinwheel loop – should feel a lot more responsive now)
+ NSpecial charge shot buffs: charge time decreased (60 -> 50 frames), knockback scaling increased (.45 -> .6), base knockback increased (6 -> 7)
+ NSpecial uncharged shot magic cost reduced (8 -> 7)
+ Jab attack 3 damage increased (4 -> 5)
+ UAir final hit angle adjusted (50 -> 70)
+ UStrong knockback scaling increased (0.9 -> 0.95)
+ FAir sweetspot radius increased (4 -> 6)
+ BAir projectile speed increased (7 -> 8) (NOTE: BAir is probably going to get a rework somewhere down the line to instead be a pure melee attack. For now, here’s a little speed/range buff.)

- Jab attack 2 is now techable
- FAir/UStrong hurtboxes now include book/folder, respectively
- DTilt angle changed (95 -> 90)
- FAir sweetspot angle changed (40 -> 361 [Sakurai angle])
- DStrong hitpause on first hits reduced (4 -> 2)
- DStrong extra hitstun on first hits reduced (4.5 -> 2)

Other additions/changes/fixes:
= Added Po & Gumbo, Mamizou compatibilities
= DStrong is now untechable, angle changed to 45, angle flipper adjusted from 7 -> 4, SDI multiplier reduced 1 -> 0.5 (Not exactly a buff or nerf; Just adjustments to make DStrong feel better to use after hitstun nerfs)
= Added an offscreen indicator for DSpecial octahedron articles
= Added a HUD icon for USpecial status
= Minor adjustments to jab 1 and 2 angles/knockback (Not substantial enough to classify as a buff/nerf)
= Adjusted rune H to be attack/jump/fastfall cancellable at ALL USpecial windows that are normally just dodge/pratfall cancellable.
= NSpecial visual FX adjusted for better visual clarity on when Blue gets a full charge
= Added DSpecial radius shrink animation for when octahedrons explode/die
= UStrong visual FX adjusted for like, the fourth time (thanks suitcase ftilt)
+ Fixed UAir hitbox 1 not having the intended angle flipper (was 0, now 4)
+ Adjusted that one goofy NAir 1 angle (78 -> 80), removed angle flipper, and made other minor hitbox adjustments to better lead into NAir 2
+ Hopefully fixed NSpecial sometimes failing to store a full charge when cancelling (Further testing needed - let me know if it’s still an issue!)
+ Fixed DSpecial/Octahedron multi-hit being techable
- Fixed FAir sourspot hitbox lingering for a frame longer than intended
= Fixed up hurt sprite using wrong eye color
= Victory background now has 30% less JPEG crust

Mis à jour le : 22 janv. 2023 à 20h57


+ DSpecial octahedrons are now indestructible if they are being targeted by a tether projectile. Tether colors now change in this state. (This should make setting up octahedrons a little more rewarding after last patch's big nerf.)

= Fixed rune H not doing anything

Mis à jour le : 21 janv. 2023 à 15h44

v1.1 (Now with 50% less Down Special jank!)

+ Increased magic regen multipliers (1.5 -> 1.7 per damage % dealt, 0.8 -> 0.9 per damage % taken)
+ Up Air and Down Special explosion SDI multipliers decreased (1 -> 0.6)
+ Forward Tilt base hitpause and hitpause scaling increased (7 -> 8) (0.5 -> 0.6)
+ Forward Tilt endlag reduced (12 -> 10 frames)
+ Up Tilt endlag reduced (10 -> 8) and removed whifflag
+ Back Air startup reduced (11 -> 9)
+ Jab attack 3 knockback scaling increased (0.45 -> 0.5)
+ Down Air angle adjusted (280 -> 270)

- Opponents can now destroy Down Special octahedrons if they aren’t already exploding
- Down Special octahedron final explosion damage reduced (7 -> 5)
- Forward Tilt angle changed (45 -> 55)
- Jab attack 3 angle changed (45 -> 50)
- Jab 1, 2 endlag increased (8 -> 12) (Less of a direct nerf and more of a gamefeel improvement for more consistent feeling jabs. Tilt cancel start frame is about the same as before.)
- Max jump/ground leave hsp reduced (7 -> 6)
- Gravity acceleration increased (0.45 -> 0.5)
- Double jump speed reduced (10 -> 9.5)

Other additions/changes/fixes:
= Added Abyss Rune support/added 6 Abyss Runes
= Added 5 new alt colors
- When placed too close to each other for both to detonate, Down Special octahedrons are given a flashing red outline and will no longer tether.
= Improved octahedron and tether visuals and added clearer minimum radius indicator
= Adjusted Neutral Special sfx for better feedback on when an attack is fully charged
= Forward Tilt hit sound adjusted for a little more oomph
= Fixed Down Tilt effect color changing with alt colors
= Fixed Neutral Special full charge sound effect loop continuing to play after pausing/exiting playtest

Side note: There’s now a compatibility list for other workshop items on Blue’s main page! Expect a few more over the next few patches.

Mis à jour le : 17 janv. 2023 à 8h07
