Android Tiers Reforged [LEGACY]
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Actualización: 19 JUL 2023 a las 19:30

Critical HAR bug fixed, should be returned to normal functionality.

Actualización: 12 MAY 2023 a las 18:38

Fix for pawns leaving the map disconnecting from the SkyMind network improperly in some cases.

Actualización: 10 MAY 2023 a las 19:40

ATR 2.0.2 Changelog:
- Potential fix for Maps being abandoned, lost, or removed not disconnecting SkyMind devices on it, as well as Pawns not disconnecting when leaving your faction in those cases.
- Charge capable pawns should respect bed ownership when trying to charge.

Actualización: 30 ABR 2023 a las 9:29

ATR 2.0.1 Changelog:
- Fixed a critical bug with personality shifts
- Potentially fixed a recurring bug with surrogate relations
- Removed the Smart Medicine Incompatibility warning as it should no longer be relevant.

Actualización: 14 ABR 2023 a las 9:04

ATR 2.0.0 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug with the bedside charger causing it to only be linkable if the bedside charger was placed BEFORE the bed it was linked to was placed.
- Fixed the description of the organic charger to specify that you can in fact charge and sleep at the same time. Don't question how this works. Do not question the organic charger replacing the stomach. Move along.
- Added upscaled graphics for None gendered pawns courtesy of Cosmo Corban's AI Upscaled Textures mod for androids.
- Readded the xml for androids not being racist toward other androids. Now they will be properly only racist toward non-androids (note: only androids from this mod).
- Removed the cybertech arm and leg. Archotech arms and legs are now usable in those roles instead.
- Cybertech parts (besides the above) now have a single Thing - the Cybertech part replacer - that can be used as any cybertech implant (besides the above). Removing the implant will allow it to turn into any other implant still.
- Changed the bedside charger def name to hopefully eliminate the hash collision that was causing underground steel to mysteriously become bedside charger blueprints if added mid-save.]
- The networked intelligence (T3 server that requires a persona core) has had its storage increased from 500 to 5000 so it is 5x better than both the analyst and database at their respective roles.
- The networked intelligence can now connect to high tech research benches and provides the same bonus that the multi-analyzer does (two intelligences may link to a bench in this way at a time)
- The previously T5-only research - Archotech Insight - has been removed.
- A new Ultratech research titled "Persona Manufacturing" has been added, with the Server Optimization research as a prerequisite, and requiring the networked intelligence to be linked to a research bench. It will unlock persona core creation.
- Increase to research cost for several Ultratech technologies.
- The Ominous Metereorite quest no longer spawns a T5, but instead a powerful human. They also have a curse - or a blessing - depending on how you perceive such things.
- Idle maintenance is now only initiated if the pawn's maintenance is below 80%, so that animals and pawns will still occasionally do some wandering instead of sitting still like monolithic wonders.
- The scorch pack now applies fuel to the ground instead of firefoam when popped so that it doesn't almost hardcounter itself.
- The T5 and M7 are no longer included in this mod. The M7 has moved to the M-Series sub-mod (accessible via GitHub) and will remain otherwise unchanged for now. The T5 may move to a future Archotech sub-mod, but no concrete plans are available now.
- The mech charging pod has been moved to the M-Series sub mod in line with the M7 change.
- Fixed a major bug that was causing ritual obligations to be universally ignored if ATR was active instead of just preventing ritual obligations for drones dying.
- Added a mod setting for configuring whether Android factions will flee losing battles like raiders do.
- (Biotech) Androids now have a letter appear upon self-initialization that will let the player pick a few traits/passions for the pawn, while the pawn will still pick most of these details itself.
- (Biotech) Androids will occasionally randomly desire to undergo a personality change, experimenting with a new identity. They will ask the player for permission to swap out a few of their passions and traits to something new. Allowing the android to do this will give a mood bonus, while preventing the android from doing this will give a small mood malus.
- (Biotech) Androids are unaffected by preferred xenotype thoughts as they have none. They will look down on organics that are of the wrong xenotype, but will not be bothered themselves for having the wrong one, will not be judged by others, and will not count toward the colony-wide xenotype count.
- Changed the combat power of player pawn kinds to better represent basic value for raid point calculation.
- Several tutorial letters will now be sent when appropriate technologies are researched explaining the basics of drones, androids, the SkyMind, and when you acquire your first android for concepts like maintenance.
- Added a new orbital trader kind that deals in various things related to androids. They will always have some mechanical animals, a large number of repair stims and part packs, and a number of T1's.
- Removed a few unacquirable items that were floating around in code.
- Fixed the paint dialog's reset button to actually reset the color.
- Controllers that suffer a mental break now disconnect all surrogates.
- Surrogates that suffer a mental break now behave differently:
- Non-extreme breaks will result in the controller suffering a mood debuff from stress, disconnecting the surrogate and forcing it to reboot.
- Extreme breaks will be transferred to the controller, disconnecting all surrogates and rebooting them.
- Controllers within a SkyMind Core are immune to mood penalties (they do not use their mood need) and the surrogate will only reboot. No other effects will occur.
- Surrogates can no longer take the role of a mechanitor (Biotech), because the two systems are wholly incompatible. Controllers are unaffected.
- Mechanical animals have been retagged so they no longer randomly appear in trader groups belonging to non-android factions.
- Altered part pack usage so that it tends to fix the entire body less. It now restores 100 "hp" which translates to 100 severity of negative hediffs. Diseases/health defects are multiplied by 10 due to their usual 0-1 severity range.

Actualización: 7 MAR 2023 a las 11:36

ATR 1.2.14 Changelog:
- Reworked the research tree to resolve some inconsistencies, issues, and remove some obsolete projects.
- Added the pacification, scalpel, and rending arm.
- Reworked several frameworks that had misallocated stats or inconsistencies.
- Added Polish translations courtesy of SmellyFishRW.
- Fixed a typo in, and the general layout of, the Exiled Android backstory. This is a reminder to report all typos to your nearest peacekeeper for interrogation and sublimation. Creating, consorting with, or tolerating the existence of typos is an act of willful rebellion.

Actualización: 3 MAR 2023 a las 18:59

ATR 1.2.13 Changelog:
- Mechanite Swarm consciousness effect vastly reduced (Peak is now 15% instead of 50%) as it was unusually high, which is no longer necessary to condone having now that the drug can instantly cure all coolant loss and prevents all coolant loss while active as a primary purpose.
- Updated German translations courtesy of FG_Remastered.
- Added an additional credit to Dingo Ananas as they had provided art for AT/AT++.
- Chem unit Neutroamine production halved in response to their significantly lowered production cost. Chemfuel remains untouched.
- Refactored AndroidMakers xml to no longer use RecipeDefs. This has no particular gameplay impact, but work amount and skill requirements have been changed as well.
- Increased quest weight (0.4 instead of 0.1) for the Ominous Meteorite quest so it appears somewhat more frequently.
- Added the drone reprogramming surgery to the M7, for the edge case where they somehow end up as a prisoner.
- Implemented a simple reboot surgery akin to organic anesthetics. It lasts one day.
- Reimplemented overclocking in a very simple binary way. Small consciousness gain with appropriate costs to power/heat usage, and a small mood and maintenance efficiency penalty. Can be easily undone.
- Altered resurrector kits for androids. Resurrecting headless or coreless androids/drones/animals is now possible so that you don't have to disassemble coreless units just to rebuild it. Drones and animals will be revived as expected. Headless/Coreless androids will be revived as blanks (given that their core was annihilated).
- Servers will now glow different colors depending on their mode.
- Fixed that SkyMind Core pawns could only control one surrogate at a time.

Actualización: 25 FEB 2023 a las 12:41

ATR 1.2.12 Changelog:
- Pawns with maintenance needs will no longer have existential crises trying to path for maintenance when they are downed and get shot. They will now acknowledge that they are incapacitated and incapable of doing maintenance.
- The exterminator mental state (microscythers, fractal abominations, etc) has been altered: they will now hunt all reachable targets regardless of distance, and then break down doors and walls to hunt down targets they can not reach.
- Mechs now have the "demolish" capacity on them to do massive damage to buildings - both their weaponry, and their fists.
- Mechs now repair ("heal") exceedingly slowly, and can not benefit from part packs.
- Fixed a language error around settings.
- Integrated new female android graphics for T1-T4 courtesy of RedMattis.
- Fixed gender graphics so that Males, Females, and None gender androids will always choose their corresponding body and head graphics. No more None gender pawns randomly taking Male or Female body types, no Male/Female pawns taking None head type.

Actualización: 22 FEB 2023 a las 10:16

ATR 1.2.11 Changelog:
- More options for war of rights: drones, prisoners, slaves, surrogates can be selected for whether they are offenses (by default, only prisoners are considered not offenses). These options do nothing if rights wars are disabled.
- Fixed a critical bug with surrogate skills accidentally included in the last update.
- Tweaked some backend code related to surrogates for more consistency.

Actualización: 20 FEB 2023 a las 14:07

ATR 1.2.10 Changelog:
- Surrogates will no longer trigger rights wars (A future update may see ideological opposition to the very idea of surrogates at all, regardless of what kind of surrogate they are).
- Loading a save with a faction in a rights war with you will no longer result in them declaring war again (you now only receive the message for a rights war if the faction had more than -100 opinion of you).
- Implemented a new core assistant for increasing the number of surrogates a pawn can safely control before penalties accrue.
- This core assistant will allow an android to control 4 additional pawns without penalty, meaning that with default mod settings an android with this assistant can control 5 surrogates before penalties begin to apply.
- Revised patches and code relating to SpaceRefugee and Refugee pawn kinds so that behavior is more consistent and less buggy (but I do not guarantee it is fully functioning yet - please report all humans with android backstories with context!).
- Refugee pod crashes for the android scenario will spawn androids if they are factionless or are members of an android faction.
- Removed an obsoleted category tag for backstories.
- Fixed a keyed language string for connecting to the SkyMind network that makes no sense on buildings.
- The mechanite swarm drug now prevents coolant loss at high levels and greatly reduces coolant loss when wearing off, and completely removes all coolant loss when first ingested.