Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Sakuya Izayoi
Showing 1-10 of 11 entries
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Update: 28 Oct, 2023 @ 3:57pm


Cooldown between Nspec and Fspec: 30 -> 60

Ustrong BKB: 9 -> 8

Update: 29 Apr, 2023 @ 12:01am


-Nspecial Lifetime: 90 -> 60. (Reverted)
-Fspecial Lifetime: 90 -> 60. (Reverted)
-Once it stopwatch is hit, it will disappear after a certain amount of time passes
-Stopwatch can be hit by projectiles.

~Reworked sfx of Knife melee hits
~Stopwatch and Bair modes now stay the same between matches
~Fixed a bug with dspecial making pocket watch explode if it's on cooldown
~Fixed a bug with Fspecial knives teleporting back to pocket watch position when it returns from cooldown

Update: 2 Mar, 2023 @ 3:00am


Sakuya Izayoi Patch 03/02/2023


+Landing Lag: 8f -> 6f
+Damage: 8 -> 10
+Angle: 134 -> 140
-Base Knockback: 7 -> 6
+Knockback Scaling: .6 -> .75
~Hitpause Scaling: .5 -> .4


+Startup: 14f -> 11f
-Base Knockback (Sweetspot): 7 -> 6


+Landing Lag: 8f -> 6f
+Damage: 10 -> 11
+Knockback Scaling: .75 -> .85


+Landing Lag: 6f -> 4f
+Angle: 90 -> 85


+Landing Lag 6f -> 4f


+Knockback Scaling: .5 -> .6
+Damage: 7 -> 9


+Damage: 4 -> 5


+Angle: 361 -> 85
+Damage: 5 -> 6


+Damage: 9 -> 11


+Damage: 11 -> 13


+Damage (Final Hit): 8 -> 10 // Total Damage: 13 -> 15


+Startup: 12f -> 10f
+Lifetime: 60f -> 90f
~Adjusted positioning of knives to be more consistent
~Each subsequent knife now comes out three frames after the previous one.
~Readjusted code to hopefully allow easier b reverses
~B-reversing nspecial reverses Sakuya's momentum


+Startup: 13f -> 11f
+Lifetime: 60f -> 90f

Dspecial 2:

+Startup: 13f -> 11f
+Stun Time: 30f -> 45f

+Sakuya gains the ability to move her pocketwatch again by holding down the special input instead of a quick press

New Additions:

+Added a toggle to switch to the old version of pocket watch gimmick. This version will be incorporated into how dspecial currently works, which means that Sakuya will still be able to move and detonate this version of pocket watch.

+Added a toggle for old bair for the people that liked it. This version of bair is also incorporated into both versions of pocket watch gimmick.

Other Changes:

-Pocket watch now goes away on death
~Parry stun from knives only apply to those that have touched or come out from the pocket watch. If a knife with parry stun gets parried, all knives on screen get destroyed.

Update: 18 Dec, 2022 @ 1:12am

Version 2.0 (AKA: The I've been sitting on this for months patch):

-Reworked Dspecial gimmick. Placing down pocket watch now allows Sakuya to remotely throw knives from the the pocket watch.
-New secondary Dspecial: If dpsecial is inputted while pocket watch is out, Sakuya will detonate the watch which creates a hitbox that stuns opponents.
-Pocket watch can now be hit in which it becomes disabled for 3 seconds.
-Sakuya getting parried or dying disables stopwatch for 3 seconds.
-Aerial version of Nspecial now keeps momentum with a vertical boost at the start of the throw
-Nspecial now has landing lag
-Bair has been changed to be more straight-forward attack. (Sorry to people who liked old bair, I just find this new bair more fun to use.)
-Adjusted hitpause on some moves to make them feel better.

Dev Notes: My hope is that people will give the new gimmick rework a chance. I know it's something new to adjust to but I think it makes the character more fun to play. Also I can't remember the specifics of the changes since it's been months hope you guys can go easy on me for that. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this patch.

Update: 2 Aug, 2022 @ 1:57am


Almost every move got touched on this patch. Basic gist that I tried to make normals feel better while making the zoning a bit worse along with a couple extra nerfs.

Reset Bair hitbox timer on parry // this makes it so parrying the knife resets to default BKB
Bair Final BKB: 2 -> 3
Bair KS: 0.2 -> 0.4
Bair Damage: 3 -> 4
Bair Hitstun Multiplier: 0.6 -> 0.5

Nair Early Hit Angle: 70 -> 361
Nair Early Hit Damage: 6 -> 5
Nair Late Hit Angle: 60 -> 361
Nair Late Hit Hitbox Width: 60 -> 55

Uair Endlag: 13 -> 12
Uair KS: 0.4 -> 0.6
Uair HS: 0.35 -> 0.4

Fair Startup: 13 -> 11
Fair Damage: 8 -> 10
Fair Hitbox Height: 40 -> 50

Dair Startup: 12 -> 14
Dair Sweetspot BKB: 6 -> 7
Dair Sweetspot Active time: 2 -> 3 // this was changed to match the animation
Dair Sourspot Active time: 2 -> 3 // this was changed to match the animation

Dtilt Angle: 85 -> 361
Dtilt Damage: 6 -> 5
Dtilt KS: 0.5 -> 0.3

Adjusted Ftilt animation
Ftilt Endlag: 15 -> 12
Ftilt KS: .7 -> .5
Ftilt Damage: 9 -> 7
Ftilt Angle: 40 -> 361
Fixed whifflag on Ftilt

Fixed Active timing on Utilt
Fixed whifflag on Utilt

Ustrong Last Hit Angle: 80 -> 90

Dstrong Endlag: 18 -> 15
Dstrong Angle: 40 -> 361

Fstrong Damage: 10 -> 11
Fstrong Endlag: 17 -> 18

Nspecial Startup: 11 -> 14
Nspecial Endlag: 21 -> 18
Nspecial Hitstun Mutliplier: 0.6 -> 0.5
Nspecial Projectile Speed: 12 -> 11

Fspecial Startup: 11 -> 14
Fspecial Endlag: 21 -> 18
Fspecial Hitstun Mutliplier: 0.6 -> 0.5
Fspecial Projectile Speed: 12 -> 11

Added trails to knives

Added Yumeko alt

Update: 1 Jun, 2022 @ 3:38pm


Was gonna wait a couple days to see if I wanted to revert the changes but a friend gave me a better idea

~Reverted change to pocket watch knives so now they can be destroyed again
~Reverted pocket watch knives change to how they were before if button is not held
~However Sakuya now has the option to keep the previous pocket watch knives in the field by holding down the button

Update: 1 Jun, 2022 @ 2:43am


+Stopwatch Knives can no longer be destroyed by hitting the stopwatch*
~Stopwatch Knives will now become active if a new set of knives touch the field instead of when a new set of knives is thrown*

-Nair BHP: 5 -> 6
-Nair HS: .3 -> .2

-Uair KS: .7 -> .4
~Uair BHP: 5 -> 6
~Uair HS: .5 -> .35

-Ustrong Endlag: 13 -> 25
-Ustrong will now go into landing lag adding on to total endlag
-Ustrong Landing Lag: 0 -> 6

*Experimental Changes

Update: 8 May, 2022 @ 6:06pm


Bugfix with CSS stuff

Update: 7 May, 2022 @ 12:45am


Projectiles can no longer destroy stopwatch knives
Made it so that hurtbox of stopwatch matches the sprite
Knives parried by the opponent no longer interact with stopwatch
updated Dio alt
Added a Kasen alt (There isn't any alt theme for this, I just like Kasen)

Update: 2 May, 2022 @ 8:13pm


-Nspecial Startup: 9 -> 10
+Nspecial Endlag: 29 -> 21

+Fspecial Startup: 13 -> 10
+Fspecial Endlag: 27 -> 21

+Jab 2 X Position: 35 -> 40
+Jab 2 Width: 50 -> 60
+Adjusted visual on Jab 2 to make it have more range

-Nspecial Startup: 9 -> 10
+Nspecial Endlag: 29 -> 21

+Fspecial Startup: 13 -> 10
+Fspecial Endlag: 27 -> 21

+Jab 2 X Position: 35 -> 40
+Jab 2 Width: 50 -> 60
+Adjusted visual on Jab 2 to make it have more range

-Uspecial Hitbox Width: 70 -> 55
-Uspecial Hitbox Height: 70 -> 55

~Adjusted knife visuals on Ustrong to be a smear

~Added a victory background
~Added a victory theme
~Added names for alts on CSS

~Adjusted knife visuals on Ustrong to be a smear

~Added a victory background
~Added a victory theme
~Added names for alts on CSS