Rivals of Aether
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Оновлено: 12 черв. 2022 о 10:55

Probably the final update for this version of the character, mostly just polish and game feel type stuff with some small tweaks here and there.

CPU Form

  • + Taken Knockback Multiplier aka knockback_adj changed from 0.945 to 0.925, which is heavier than Semi-Heavyweights like Sylv and S.K but still lighter than True Heavyweights like Kragg.
  • + Initial Dash changed from 8.9 to 9.1.
  • + Dash Speed changed from 8.5 to 8.65.
  • + Transformation now grants a small amount of invinciblity upon ending.
  • + Parry Meter gain formula for CPU form changed from Normal Form's, now grants more meter in CPU form.
  • + Successfully Armoring through an attack with FTilt will grant extra meter.
The original intention was Purple Heart was meant to be more consistent but had worse access to metered options to compensate for the stat boosts, but the downsides of transformation time, larger hurtboxes, and losing all meter on death seemed to be a bit too much compared to just using other options... so some small tweaks were in order.

  • Visuals adjusted.
  • - Air Only hitboxes lifetime reduced from 4 to 2 frames, it had no buisness being that high.
Jab was one of the first attack animations i made for this mod, and it really showed... at least it looks less stupid now.

  • + Can now be jump-canceled on the first two hits.
Experimental changes for gamefeel purposes, probably shouldn't actually change much in practice.

  • + Active time increased by 1f.
  • + Can now be jump-canceled on hit.
Same as Fair

  • + Horizontal Speed increased from 4.2 to 4.5 for Normal version, and from 5.2 to 5.5 for Blaze Break[EX version].
  • + Increased Base Knockback by 0.10 in CPU form.
  • - Endlag Increased to from 13 to 14 frames.
  • + Hitbox Height Increased.
  • Visuals adjusted.

  • + Initial Hitbox now actually covers Neptune's leg.
  • Corrected an error in the hurtbox for the HDD form version of the move.
  • Increased the hit correction, again...

Normal Form Ftilt
  • + First Hit Damage increased to 4 from 3.

  • + Initial Hitbox size increased.
Cross combo's animation is too much of a mess for me to actually fix without reanimating the entire thing, so here's a bandaid solution.

  • - Critical Edge base knockback decreased from 15 to 14.

  • + Reduced effective startup by 2 frames.

  • + Reduced endlag from 23[?!?] to 14 frames.
I think this was a leftover from when this move was a lot stronger in development, but honestly... i don't even know at this point.

  • Cleared up some code, so Neptune no longer spams the debug log with errors.
  • Neptune now prints character dialog categories to the debug log when taunting or during intro.
  • Added two more runes, dumb stuff relating to airdodges.
Mostly just preparation for when I inevitably add proper custom compatibilty support to the dialog script in the rework, not really that useful for now.

Unless something is massively borked (like game-breaking bug level) by this update, this will probably be this last update before I completely entirely rework this character. which I plan to work on after I finish my next project... which will probably take a while as I have a lot less free time in my life and making passion project video game mods does not pay bills :(

Special Thanks to everyone who helped me balance and make this character so far, and to everyone who subscribed to this mod. I never expected to get this much positive reception, and I hope my future projects Including the future overhaul to this mod receive as great, if not better reception.

If anyone wants to make their own "Balanced" or "Improved" version or whatever in the meantime... go ahead i guess, although considering how much of a mess my coding was when I made this character... i can only wish anyone that tries good luck.

Оновлено: 27 трав. 2022 о 4:15

update to revert nonsensical forward air endlag change, AKA a case study in why i shouldn't skip sleep to code balance patches.


  • + Reverted Endlag back from 60f to 20f.
  • - 3rd Stage now has a speed limit.
The main intent of the original change was to prevent combos that could drag opponents from center stage directly into the blast zone, but my sleep deprived brain somehow ignored the obvious option of simply adding a speed limit and instead decided to just stupidly triple the endlag for some reason.

  • Corrected an issue with a variable important to the EX version not being defined unless the player moved, Causing weird teleports and endless looping.

To be honest, I thought I got rid of the weird Dstrong jank several patches ago.
But apparently my previous "fix" actually broke it even further, I'm pretty sure it should be gone for good now though!

EDIT: I also boosted the damage of all strongs by 2 in this update, but forgot to actually put it in the initial patch notes oops.

Оновлено: 26 трав. 2022 о 22:13

v2.9: Nep Nerfs Update :(, some small tweaks to put this character back in place by toning down some things, don't worry... Nep's still plenty strong when she needs to be!

Normal Form

  • - Reduced Minimum Run Speed, btw this is not initial dash.
  • - Reduced Maximum Dash Speed.
  • - Reduced weight.
Neptune's normal form is meant to be a bit undertuned to make up for the power of her metered skills, her advantage state and her transformation. Nep's speed is meant to be on the higher side, but not this much! after all... Neptune is supposed to be at her best when it's her turn, figuratively speaking... and also have a tough time when it's not her turn, Whether it's in neutral or in disadvantage.

CPU Form
  • + EXE drain reduced from 0.1 per frame to 0.075 per frame.
  • + Bonus EXE gain on hit increased from 0.85 to 0.95.
  • - Now loses meter when hurt, instead of gaining meter.
Just small compensation for meter nerfs, and making it so getting hit doesn't reward Purple Heart with more meter.
I don't even know how I thought that was even a good idea.

  • - Startup increased from 10f to 12f.
  • - Endlag increased from 11f to 14f.
Should probably make this crazy anti air slower, given that the ftilt canceled version is for combos now.

  • - Startup increased from 3f to 4f.
  • - Endlag increased from 4f to 5f.
why did I make this move so darn fast...

  • - 3rd Stage Endlag increased from 20f to 60f.
  • + Increased knockback and knockback scaling of final hit.
  • + Increased 3rd Stage total damage by 2.

  • - Endlag increased from 16f to 18f.
  • - Reduced frequency of multihits, again.
  • - Now grants less meter on hit.
More nerfs for Up Strong, this hopefully I'm not overdoing it at this point.

  • - Startup increased by 2 frames.
The recent homing change made this move a lot stronger, especially as a combo extender with it's jump reset...
I'm not sure if this nerf is enough for the move, but for now I'll just keep my eye on Fspecial.

  • - EXE Gauge gain on hit reduced from 3.9 points to 3.75 points.

  • Disabled hidden mechanic where Neptune's attacks would do 1 extra point of damage from foes facing away from her as it really caused more problems than was worth having for the sake of a really stupid joke reference to a really poorly explained mechanic in the battle system of the RE;Birth games and VII.

  • Added an additional, currently unused textbox option from a future character in the cheats menu, since I'm moving back the development of the character this textbox belongs to for now while I work on another, simpler character.

BTW did you all know?
there's a hidden page in one of the tips sections in the phone.

Оновлено: 24 трав. 2022 о 22:24



  • + 1st Hitbox no longer has a blind spot within Neptune.

  • + Far Hitbox now sends slightly towards Neptune.

  • - Endlag increased from 12 to 16.
  • - Reduced frequency of multihits.
  • - Reduced the knockback scaling of regular Ustrong from 1 to 0.9.
  • - Reduced the knockback of EX Ustrong.
  • Fixed an issue with a certain hidden mechanic boosting the damage of the move by absurd amounts.
Lotta nerfs for Up Strong as it actually works consistently now and was kind of crazy powerful, like WAY stronger than it was supposed to be.

  • + Endlag Reduced from 14 to 12.
  • + Increased knockback and knockback scaling of both versions.
On the other hand, some small buffs to Forward Strong as it was bit undertuned.

  • - Increased midair cooldown from 120f to 160f.
Just attempting to prevent the incredibly silly combo of "Fair 1 2, Fspecial, Nspecial, Fair 1 2, Critical Edge.", shouldn't really change much else.

  • + KOs now grant a small amount of EXE Gauge.
  • - EXE Gauge gain on hit reduced from 4 points to 3.9 points.
  • + Getting a KO as Purple Heart now reduces the EXE Gauge drain for 2 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where EXE Gauge could be gained from being hit by 0 damage hitboxes.
  • Fixed an issue where EXE Gauge gained from attacking could be gained outside of an attack state, this also fixes an issue where Neptune would fully refill her EXE gauge on every death on Harbige12's SMB World 1 stage.
  • Small updates to Neptune's dialog.

Оновлено: 22 трав. 2022 о 21:25

v2.7, small hotfix to mainly correct jump stats reverting back to their old values.

  • Corrected an issue where Neptune's jump stats reverted when transforming into CPU Form and then transforming back.
  • Neptune now gains a small amount of meter regen on most boss stages to compensate for the lack of a player target.
  • Fixed an issue where Fspecial would not correctly slow down when Neptune did not have a hit_player_obj target, although this pretty much never happens.

Оновлено: 22 трав. 2022 о 19:52

Normal Form

  • Adjusted fall speed, reduced from grav_speed 0.55 to 0.5. I felt she fell a bit too fast in normal form.
  • Jumping stats adjusted to compensate for the fall speed changes.
  • Now has down, up, bounce, and spin hurtsprites.

  • Now has correction on hit to connect the multihits better.
  • Hitpause and knockback & knockback scaling of second hit adjusted, these were all kinds of wrong due to this being one of the first attacks I had made and I had kind of forgot about this until now.
  • Increased endlag by 3 frames to compensate for Back Air actually being a functional move now.

  • Knockback and knockback scaling adjusted, should kill at roughly the same percents but do more knockback at lower percents now.
  • Hitpause increased to more normal levels for a strong move.

  • Can no longer be fastfalled... what even?
  • Now can be canceled into from the first 10 frames of Dash Attack, which is a rather generous DACUS window but it's less busted than you'd think.

  • Altered the physics of Nspecial, hopefully making it easier to combo into.
  • Reduced the hitstun multiplier of the final hit from 4 to 1.025, it was way too high... why did I even code it like that?
  • Nspecial now resets it's cooldown upon touching the ground, so it's now once per airtime unless you somehow stay in the air for 4 full seconds.
  • Now has a speed limit in the air so neptune can't just drag people to the edge and then forward air them.
  • First hitbox position in CPU form corrected.

  • Added a slight homing effect when Fspecial against opponents in hitstun.
  • Reduced the horizontal speed of the Nspecial cancel, I kinda forgot this existed. it's still not really that useful but at least you don't overshoot your opponents by traveling at mach 5 now.
  • Reduced the effective startup by one frame.
  • Added 5 soft armor if the detection hitbox connects.
  • The detection hitbox now should guarantee a hit if the opponent was in hitstun, making this move better as a combo extender.

EX Finishers
  • Added a Buffer to EX finishers triggered using the parry button, so now pressing Parry and Strong at the same time should give you a boosted strong instead of making you look like a fool by accidentally parrying or dodging... a side effect of this is that you can reverse strongs on the first frame, but that's not very useful anyway
  • Boosted the range of EX Fstrong[Blaze Break]'s Projectile.

  • Neptune now changes her textbox style under certain conditions, there are currently 4 alternate textbox styles [technically 5 but it's only really got one difference], they appear depending on certain stages. or with specific dialog.
  • Added an option in the Munophone Cheats Menu to forcibly change the textbox style.
  • Normal textbox is now slightly transparent.
  • Holding taunt now extends the dialog time.

I'm probably gonna slow down with the buffs, as i'm getting a bit worried about making this character too strong and i should be spending more time working on my next character anyway.
If you have any criticisms or balance concerns please tell me

Оновлено: 20 трав. 2022 о 13:14

Unborked the post_draw script, so dialog now actually shows up again... oops.

Оновлено: 19 трав. 2022 о 18:47

Just learned about lerping, and overused applied it to Cross Combo[Nspecial], Jumping Arts[UStrong], Side Special, & Forward Air now have improved multi-hit consistency, and Fair no longer has that wonky workaround of going higher with the opponent... so no more fair laddering i guess.

Adjusted a few Abyss Runes, because my brother beat me in a abyss match and I'm salty reminded me how strong they're meant to be.

  • Rune L now grants gives back HDD on respawn, if it was removed.
  • Rune O now Instakills earlier, killing normalweights at 80% over 95%
  • Rune N armour increased by 2 & regen speed increased.
  • Rune G now grants homing on Side and Neutral Special.
  • Adjusted the visuals of Nep's textboxes.
  • Small adjustments to intro dialog.

Оновлено: 16 трав. 2022 о 6:58


Оновлено: 15 трав. 2022 о 21:36

Hotfix again because Critical Edge's knockback scaling was a bit too high, that should hopefully be it.