Don't Starve

Don't Starve

Ika Musume, the Inkvader! [RoG + Vanilla]
Showing 1-10 of 20 entries
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Update: 5 Mar, 2016 @ 7:46pm

Ika Musume Bugfix:
►Fixed an issue where Ika would crash while glowing in a non-RoG world

Update: 5 Mar, 2016 @ 7:30pm

Update: 5 Mar, 2016 @ 2:15pm

Update: 5 Mar, 2016 @ 1:53pm

Ika Musume Bugfix:
►Fixed an issue where Ika was not appearing on the mod list

Update: 30 Jan, 2016 @ 10:42am

Ika Musume Hotfix:
►Re-linked quote bank to character. Custom quotes on inspection should be restored.

Update: 17 Jan, 2016 @ 9:59am

Ika Musume Update: Let's Ink-vade! v 1.1.0
►Re-added Custom ~De Geso!
►Fixed a bug where Ika was not working with any previous worlds.
-Result of a prefab change during testing, has been changed from ika2 to ika

Update: 16 Jan, 2016 @ 7:12pm

Ika Musume Update: Let's Ink-vade! v 1.0.0
►New art assets, including...
►New character sprites
►New select screen, saveslot, and portrait art
►Item assets
►Map icon

►Removed custom ~de geso
►Will return once issues are sorted out.
►Currently uses Willow's voice.

►Stat Changes
►Custom sanity regen nerfed to (TUNING.DAPPERNESS.SMALL * 0.75) from (TUNING.DAPPERNESS.SMALL * 2)
►Night Sanity Drain reduction nerfed to (TUNING.WENDY_SANITY_MULT) from (TUNING.WENDY_SANITY_MULT * 2)

►Bioluminesence Changes
►Now a toggle: press G to activate
►While active, Ika glows in a small radius around her, but triples her hunger drain.
►Pressing G while active will turn bioluminesence off.
►Bioluminesence Key can be changed in Configuration

►Introduced Squid Unit 1: Hyperion!
►Ika begins the game with the Squid Unit 1: Hyperion instead of a normal umbrella.
►Can be crafted in the Combat Tab using 6 twigs, 2 silk, and 1 flint. No tech requirement.
►Melee weapon, does not function as an actual umbrella.
►Deals 0.95x Spear Damage
►112 uses
►Restores 3 sanity on every hit.

►Quote changes:
►Ika no longer refers to the normal umbrella as her Squid Unit 1: Excelsior, instead referring to it as a cheap copy.
►Small grammatical errors have been fixed.

Update: 29 Dec, 2015 @ 7:25pm

Update: 27 Oct, 2014 @ 3:59pm

Ika's regen has been nerfed to 1/4 of its former value.

Update: 21 Oct, 2014 @ 2:05pm

The de gesoes~ are back! Solution found!