Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Heilstein
Showing 1-10 of 35 entries
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Update: 29 Oct, 2023 @ 10:36pm

- fix for missing hostile civilian gear when loading DLC weapons
- possible fix for "stealing vehicle" objective for not able to pass parameter to interior function when the objective vehicle's trigger is inside the trigger area of a checkpoint or emplacement
- possible fix for POW (captive) rescue now properly detecting exfil from AO (this is still a bit buggy with some players, unknown cause, unable to reproduce the error, still working on it in spare time)

Update: 19 Aug, 2023 @ 10:42pm

- added notification for Spearhead's revive system
- added fix for missing names in locations
- slightly modified array functions to fix corner case where an generated list of something (AI, et c) will have empty strings if the classname is private scope
- removed Strongpoint Area from the selectable custom AO positions to reduce clutter when selecting from certain maps. Note that they're still available in "random" selection.

Update: 2 Jun, 2023 @ 2:24pm

- additional change to method for insert helicopter to unassign and move out AI from helicopter more consistently, this also should work for multiple player-controlled groups, rather than just the one.

Update: 27 May, 2023 @ 3:32pm

- hotfix for sometimes player/AI being left behind in the insert helicopter
- added better detection for ACE advanced fatigue settings
- better day/night detection function for various scripts (intro cam, flyby cam, stealth enabled for civvies, enemy AI visual detection range et c)

Update: 6 Feb, 2023 @ 7:39am

- hotfix for attempting to apply ace medical treatment for players that have disabled ace medical
- hotfix for log entry format for task ids
- added catch for unable to spawn garrison, replaced default CSAT unit with looter/bandit unit
- small fix for ACE mine compatibility. note that it is intended that you use the VMM and VMH (or other ace compatible) mine detectors. you can also use explosives to detonate the mines as well.

Update: 16 Nov, 2022 @ 6:26am

- hotfix for helicopter scripting error resulting in sometimes inser helo not leaving LZ.
- added commands for AI to properly exit insert helo and regroup with player group leader.
- fixed issue with helo prematurely leaving if there is still a player on board not in the same group as other players.
- added some radio messages for the infil helo

Update: 12 Nov, 2022 @ 8:21pm

- added better support for 3CB Faction units for players. previously, due to how 3CB units were configured, you would not have any inventory when spawned or respawned for JIP. it is now fixed so you should have mostly correct inventory that pulls from the UK3CB scripted configuration more or less as intended with a little random variation thrown in for variety. (thanks to Sojourn88 for sharing an RPT log that helped pinpoint the issue).
- improved ORBAT compatibility for JIP players.
- possible fix for observation task sometimes not completing properly and proceeding to the task generation.
- team respawn method tweaked for more consistent average position in MP.
- added compatibility for units from GM, WS, and CLSAIC.
- various minor fixes and moved loadout compatibility to a called function.

Update: 2 Oct, 2022 @ 10:32pm

- possible fix for extraction helicopter not always generating new waypoint to leave AO
- added additional music selections for extraction and infiltration

Update: 10 Sep, 2022 @ 11:45am

- hotfix for supports not properly working in SP due to bad datatype in music function (thanks BangTail!)

Update: 3 Sep, 2022 @ 5:57pm

- some maps (like ones ported from Arma 2 like Chernarus) have AO locations that do not have names. I've tried an alternate method to generate the location name to avoid the bug where the some text fails to generate.
- adjusted player selection logic so that late-join players are properly included in units group when inserted into AO.
- as a hotfix (pending a better fix later) added respawn positions for each insert location type so there's always at least a "safe" option that's not the corner of the map. for FOB this is unchanged, for boat, this is one of the boats spawned, for helicopter, this is the selected insert location, for HALO this is the approximate landing position.
- minor spelling fix to some task descriptions.
- replaced old bis_fnc_mp with newer remoteexec function call in some task function checks.
- added randomized extraction music and adjusted appearant volume.
- added SOGPF music when playing on one of the CDLC maps during heli insertion, general day/night insertion, and on extraction.
- adjusted observation task for completion condition for JIP and weird situation where observing player isn't part of the player group (for example if you split up into more than one groups)
- made provisions for adding additional IFA3 terrains to DRO ACE with location scripting and adjustments to AO selection logic