Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

17 Spaces ^2
Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Update: 22 Jul, 2021 @ 9:48pm

Playtested update, several changes.

-Now you only grab 3 cards, and you have to play 2 (instead of having 5 and any of them).
-Removed Place 5 Toad cards, replaced with Special Kevin cards.
-Added a 2nd die for moving (1-6 spaces to 2-12).
-Added "jump" mechanic for if you literally have no free spaces to move to. (aka a or more players trapped you before you get a turn to even escape).

Quality of Life:
-Locked all the bags and notecard.
-Toad spaces are now "tiles" instead of figurines to make the board easier to read.
-Added the essential "Kevin says: vandalism is wrong."
-Overview section of the instructions now include some statistics like age, length, players, and complexity.

Things that may change in the future:
-Replacing Frowny Kevin's effect since it's kinda underwhelming, especially with the new changes.
-Re-balancing the cards (again) by removing all the "place 3 toads" cards with either more Kevin cards or "remove a toad" cards
-Adding points to each space. (don't count on it because I don't feel like clicking 289+ times in extremely specific points)

Update: 20 Jul, 2021 @ 5:18pm

Re-balanced cards to prevent fast wins and easily trapping players

Also changed some of the rules, you must now play a Special Kevin card whenever you get it.

Update: 19 Jul, 2021 @ 9:14pm

Initial release