Holo Fauna
1-9/9개 항목을 표시 중
업데이트: 2021년 7월 5일 @ 오전 12시 32분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 7/5/2021 9:32:31 AM.

- Holo Fauna is now compatible with the preview version 1.3
- Holo animals can be ordered to attack targets at a distance rather than just staying by their master's side

업데이트: 2021년 6월 16일 @ 오전 6시 55분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 6/16/2021 3:55:41 PM.

- Holographic animals no longer produce filth
- Holographic animals now have a mass of 0.5, the same as the holographic life core

업데이트: 2021년 6월 7일 @ 오전 6시 44분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 6/7/2021 3:44:11 PM.

- Potentially fixed an issue with ThingDefGenerator_Holo being unable to find or generate a ThingDef for a holographic PawnKindDef
- Added support for Vanilla Achievements Expanded in the form of 4 new custom achievements
- Improved file organisation in source code files

업데이트: 2021년 6월 3일 @ 오전 3시 56분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 6/3/2021 12:56:15 PM.

- Added simplified Chinese translations (credits: Juijote)

업데이트: 2021년 6월 2일 @ 오전 8시 01분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 6/2/2021 5:01:17 PM.

- It is now possible to disable specific automatically-generated holographic animals through the mod settings
- ThingDefGenerator_Holo now logs statistics about the number of holo animals generated, custom holo animals, and number of holo animals disabled

업데이트: 2021년 6월 1일 @ 오전 8시 16분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 6/1/2021 5:16:22 PM.

- Holo animals no longer die instantly when their Energy need drops to 0, but rather get a "low energy" hediff with increasing severity that downs them at 0 Energy
- It is now possible for mod settings to be applied to custom holographic animals; this can be toggled in the settings menu

업데이트: 2021년 5월 31일 @ 오전 6시 03분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 5/31/2021 3:03:21 PM.

- Permanent injuries on holo animals will now disappear within ~4 seconds as intended

업데이트: 2021년 5월 29일 @ 오전 2시 55분

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 5/29/2021 11:55:22 AM.

- Holo animals are no longer mountable when using Giddy-Up! mods
- Fixed issues with multiple mods where duplicate ThingDefs were generated for different PawnKindDefs that used the same race

업데이트: 2021년 5월 27일 @ 오전 12시 15분

[Auto-generated text]: Initial upload.