Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

21–27/27 bejegyzés mutatása
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Frissítés: 2021. jan. 14. @ 14:29


Patch Notes:

~ The little shine on Mario's shoe has been removed.
~ Walk animation slightly adjusted.
~ Dashstart animation adjusted.
~ Jumpstart animation adjusted.
~ Jump animation adjusted.
~ Landing and landing lag animation adjusted.
~ Mario’s face isn’t always neutral anymore. Occasionally has his mouth open or does other things.
- Mario loses Firebrand upon being parried.
~ Added cheat codes in the MunoPhone.

Dash Attack (Slide)
~ Added a bit of overshoot.

Forward Tilt (Cappy Toss)
~ Mario’s hair is actually hair now. (it looks better lol)
~ The hair changes also apply to taunt as well.
~ Added a sound effect during endlag where Mario puts on his hat again.
~ Mario spins when throwing the cap.
- Startup: 10 -> 11
+ The total amount of hits has been raised to 4.

Down Tilt (Racoon Tail)
~ Move is now a reference to the Racoon Leaf from Mario 3.
+ Increased range and is a disjoint.
- Startup: 5 -> 9

Forward Air (Forward Knuckle)
~ Adjusted animation.
- Startup: 14 -> 15
+ Spike Hitbox KBS: 0.85 -> 9

Up Air (Air Slash)
~ The smear doesn’t abruptly end anymore.
~ SFX shouldn’t be mistimed anymore.

Down Air (Stomp)
~ Corrected information about this move in the MunoPhone.
~ Mario’s head looks downward more during the animation.
~ Added smear.
~ Adjusted SFX timing.
- Active Frames: 4 -> 2

Back Air (Backward Dropkick)
~ Mario holds the pose a bit more during endlag.

Forward Strong (Hammer Swing)
~ Reanimated the attack! However, the move has less range.
+ Startup: 17 -> 16

Up Strong (Rising Uppercut)
- Uncharged, Mario will rise less.
+ Mario will rise more the longer he charges the move.

Down Strong (Sweep Kick)
~ Added smear and adjusted animation.

Up Special (Super Jump Punch)
~ Adjusted animation.
+ Holding left or right during startup will influence Mario’s horizontal and vertical movement a bit.

Down Special (Mario Tornado)
~ Adjusted animation.
~ Using the move on the ground allows you to rise, but you can’t cancel the move by landing.
- Using the move while rising from the ground puts it into a very short cooldown.

Frissítés: 2021. jan. 3. @ 13:04


Patch Notes:

Neutral Special (Fireball)
~ Removed the ugly fire effect when throwing a fireball.

Frissítés: 2020. dec. 26. @ 16:40


Patch Notes:

~ Expanded upon Mario’s “About” tab in the MunoPhone.

Back Air (Backward Dropkick)
~ Adjusted animation with a smear frame.
- Active Frames: 3 -> 2
+ Hitbox size increased to better match the animation.

Frissítés: 2020. dec. 21. @ 15:05


Patch Notes:

~ The color selector on the CSS now is consistent with the colors of the alts. In other words, a bug was fixed that changed the colors of it for some reason.
~ Adjusted the hat and overalls color on the Flying Mario color.
~ Adjusted the shading modifier on the Shadow Mario color.
~ Adjusted the button color on the Bluey alt.
~ Adjusted crouch animation.
~ Adjusted landing and landing lag animation.
~ Adjusted parry animation to look slightly better.
~ Added Kirby Copy Ability.
~ Otto Bobblehead should now be at the correct size.
~ Added TCO Drawing.

Jab (Right Punch, Left Punch, Kick)
~ Adjusted animation to look much better.
- Jab 1 Startup: 3 -> 4
- Jab 1 Active Frames: 4 -> 2
- Jab 2 Startup: 3 -> 4
- Jab 2 Active Frames: 4 -> 2
+ Jab 2 Angle: 55 -> 80
+ Jab 2 Base Knockback: 3 -> 2
+ Jab 3 Startup: 5 -> 4
- Jab 3 Active Frames: 4 -> 2

(Jab should now look much more clean and less static.
Jab 2's BKB and angle were changed to make it easier to land the full 3 hit combo.
Hitbox active frames were also adjusted to make the active frame poses less... stiff.)

Up Tilt (Overhead Swing)
+ Hitbox sizes slightly increased.

Forward Air (Forward Knuckle)
- Spike Angle: 275 -> 270

Down Air (Stomp)
- Startup: 6 -> 7
~ Landing the move ten times in a row without landing earns you an extra stock. ONLY WORKS ON AETHER STAGES.

(A nifty little detail I thought was worth adding. Also a teeny tiny startup change.)

Down Strong (Sweep Kick)
~ Adjusted animation.
~ Adjusted hit effect offsets.
+ Hitbox sizes slightly increased to match the new animation adjustments.

(Minor fixes.)

Up Strong (Rising Uppercut)
~ Added a tip for this move.
~ Adjusted animation.
+ Endlag: 16 -> 15

Forward Special (Dive)
~ If Mario lands after doing the get up attack, a landing sound effect will play.

(Kinda forgot to add a sound effect for this.)

Down Special (Mario Tornado)
~ Fixed Mario’s tongue changing colors.


Frissítés: 2020. dec. 15. @ 17:56


Patch Notes:

~ Mario's portrait in the Steam Preview image shouldn't be as blurry.
~ Speaking of the portrait, some odd pixel placements were fixed up on the portrait.
~ Fixed a bug where if Mario attempted to parry while on the default color, his sleeves would be red during the parry's active frames.
~ Mario now has a victory background.
~ The Flying Mario Alt now has a unique victory theme.
~ The SMB3 Alt now has a unique victory theme.
~ New walk animation.
~ ‘Improved’ jump animation.
~ New doublejump animation.
~ Added Agent N Codec.
~ ‘Added’ Last Resort Painting (He didn't actually get a painting, the default one is good enough.).

Forward Special (Dive)
~ Added a landing sound effect if Mario hits the ground when diving.

Down Special (Mario Tornado)
- Startup: 6 -> 9
- Endlag: 15 - > 16
- Reduced the horizontal speed Mario can get when using the move.

Frissítés: 2020. dec. 6. @ 19:22


Patch Notes:

~ Fixed Mario’s result_screen.png not showing up.
~ Added “Finished” tag.
~ Anto-reupload code now functions.

Neutral Special (Firebrand)
+ Move charges up faster.

Forward Special (Dive)
~ Fixed a bug that removed your Firebrand charge if you used it.
- Mario is now put into parry stun when the move is parried.

Frissítés: 2020. dec. 6. @ 8:37
