Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Immortality (Updated and Revised)
Wyświetlanie 11-20 z 23 pozycji
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Aktualizacja: 1 stycznia 2021 o godz. 22:38

Added decisions to hide or un-hide (show) all the immortality decisions and interactions.

Aktualizacja: 11 grudnia 2020 o godz. 18:45

Updated with fix to birth on_action to account to CK3's 'add instead of replace' behavior with on_actions. Thanks to JAW.

Aktualizacja: 7 grudnia 2020 o godz. 21:19

  • Grant, switch-between and take away one of three types of immortality - standard / non-genetic, genetic, and sterile
  • Children born with inherited genetic immortality that have not been manually age-set or immortality-configured will be auto-aged at each birthday by mod-script until age 20.
  • Korean localization added. 100% google translate.

Auto-aging of immortal babies, children, and teens will ONLY occur with those born with this mod's genetic immortality trait (immortality_genetic) that have not been manually age-set or immortality-configured. The standard and sterile immortality traits are not auto-aged. Children and teens with only immortality traits from other mods (Princes of Darkness, etc..) are not auto-aged. If you manually set / freeze a character's immortality age to that of a child or teen, this mod will cease aging that person on his birthdays. Same applies if you remove and re-add, or alter/swap immortality traits - auto-aging will cease even if under-20.

Aktualizacja: 26 listopada 2020 o godz. 1:08

Update to accommodate a quirk with the ruler designer and disease immunity:

The disease immunity flag is not a part of the immortality trait. You will have the option to add disease immunity separately if the character has a core / generic immortality trait but the disease immunity character flag is not present. This occurs when the immortality trait is added some other immortality mods, or (most common) added via the Crusader Kings 3 ruler designer.

Aktualizacja: 24 listopada 2020 o godz. 20:41

Updated for Crusader Kings 1.2.x

The main immortality trait ('immortality') shows in the ruler designer with cost 500, sorting near the bottom of the 'other traits' list.

Aktualizacja: 10 listopada 2020 o godz. 19:35

Now works with the immortality traits of any mod.

Effectively adds

  • Holy Grail War (hgw_servant, hgw_immortal, many other traits)
  • Once and Forever King (holy_grail)
  • Holy Prepuce War (holy_prepuce_weared, living_god)
  • Buff Trait (godlike)

to mods with immortality traits where you can customize immortality age and cleanse of negative physical and mental health effects.

Found out the universal built-in-to-game is_immortal trigger so no longer need to check itemized trait names of immortality traits from other mods.

Aktualizacja: 27 października 2020 o godz. 20:24

Upgrades to restore body and mind -- Now
* Removes stress.
* Removes a secret weight gain (or loss) trend variable
* Removes additional negative stress-related modifiers that penalize skills other than health
* Removes negative physical and mental health traits and modifiers added by mods VIET events and Princes of Darkness

A un-linked scripted effect (can access in console or by another mod)
* Removes traits related to self-destructive behaviors
* Removes the five most evil personality traits (sadistic, callous, vengeful, deceitful, wrathful)
* Removes traits that are congenital / genetic issues
* If have all of perfect physique, intellect, AND beauty traits, add the pureblood trait

The scripted effect for base restore body and mind is also accessible and can be used on non-immortals via console or by another mod

Console commands:
effect immortality_restorebodyandmind_effect = yes
effect immortality_restorebodyandmind_extended_effect = yes

Free Console Access Mod - access console without setting up command line parameter:

Aktualizacja: 18 października 2020 o godz. 14:16

Overhaul of resetting of once in a lifetime lockouts for immortals

Do once in a lifetime activities again - Now includes:

• kingdom level invasion
• kingdom level subjugation war
• kingdom level holy war
• create a new faith / religion
• (new) change culture
• (new) reset perks (also includes perk-related event lockouts)
• (new) renegotiate feudal vassal contracts (per-vassal lockout)

The above can now be done via interaction (self + others) in addition to via decision (self-only)

Like everything else, works with immortality traits of 15 other mods (1 total conversion, 5 partial conversion, 5 general cheat, 4 immortality)

Consolidated all of the above to a multi-option event, to reduce spam/volume in the decision UI and interaction right-click menu.

Note: Princes of Darkness completely overhauls feudal contracts and does not set once-in-a-lifetime lockouts on feudal contract renegotiation.

Aktualizacja: 14 października 2020 o godz. 1:09

Added option to configure immortal age by adding or subtracting 1, 5, or 20 years at a time. The prior methods of choosing an immortal age are still available and unchanged.

When going direct to add/sub age customization with a another mod's historical immortals (Princes of Darkness, etc..), it will set the immortal age to 20 before any editing starts since immortal age cannot be programmatically queried (it is artificially 'queried' via tracking in a custom variable). You can now make your vampires 6, 10, 18. 23 years old or any other age you want now, no longer limited to the list of 16 ages.

Partial Chinese (simplified) and Russian localization - some harvested for localization mods of original immortality, some left english / untranslated, good chunk of google translate).

Aktualizacja: 13 października 2020 o godz. 0:05

Now interoperable with many more mods! Thanks to Crusader Kings 3's very good flexibility and robustness with traits including missing traits, gaps in index keys, and clashes in index keys (Now bring interaction categories up to the same standard).

List of mods where you can 'set age' or 'restore body and mind' with the its own immortality-granting traits, without adding this mod's immortality trait (but you can if you want):
• Prihnces of Darkness (vampire plus numerous clan traits)
• Vampirism and Lycanthropy (vampire, lycan, hybrid)
• Pantheons of the Gods (pure or fallen deity, elder pure or fallen deity, undying)
• Arknights (numerous traits)
• Acient Magic (master of time, undead)
• Lovecraftian Religions (mythos deep hybrid level 5)
• One Trait to Rule Them All (one trait immortality)
• Demigod (Demigod)
• Character Customization (Demigod)
This mod (Immortality updated and revised) will not remove and does not alter the above mods' immortality-granting traits

List of mods where its immortality treat is treated as core / general purpose immortality, and activate all actions including trait removal and new kingdom wars:
• Daddy Pika's Cheat Menu (different trait name)
• Immortality (obsolete)
• Become Immortal (obsolete, different trait name)
• Pavlik Cheat Mode
• Extended Immortality (different trait name)
• Immortality Improved
If the above mod says 'different trait name', removing that mod's immortality trait and then re-adding will replace it with the 'immortality' trait of this mod, thus updating your save game to this mod.

Also added 10pts of negative health modifier negation in the immortality trait. Your immortals should not die in any way from disease, negative health modifiers (unless super-extreme from a mod), or age. Of course can still die in battle, from murder, from suicide, from stress, and also childbirth (delivering a large breach baby does really tear stuff up and make the mother bleed to death -it is quite traumatic).