Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Der Bruderkrieg: An Austrian Victory [OUTDATED]
Showing 1-10 of 87 entries
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Update: 23 Apr, 2023 @ 8:11pm

Update: 15 Dec, 2022 @ 4:44pm

Update: 26 Nov, 2022 @ 5:19pm

Patch 0.1.5
-Numerous Naval Balances/Changes
-New Straights and Crossings
-New Impassible Mountains
-Majors will see changes in their military staff with more advisors and generals.
-Many custom advisor portraits added
-Many leader portraits added or revised for both majors and minors.
-Revised Austrian Air Force for both BBA owners and non-BBA owners.
-Tech Updates and Additional NSB compatibility
-General bug fixes

Update: 18 Jun, 2022 @ 6:17pm

Patch 0.1.4
-fixed AI doing the Russian peace deal
-Russia can deny Austrian annexation of Bukovina
-various Prussian and Russian nerfs
-new Swiss States
-USA wont declare war on English puppets
-United States of Greater Austria
-new Lenin descs
-Colorado rework
-Fall of City Bucharest Update
-Russian map changes
-fixed iceland
-readded Napoleon Desc
-new companies
-various focus fixes
-Religious divide spirits for a unified Germany
-Portugese flag
-France military occupation of Russia decisions availablility fix
-new Austrian companies
-fixed Italian peace deal being annoying

Update: 13 Jun, 2022 @ 9:18am

Patch 0.1.3
-fixed Italian AI
-nerfed Textile Industries Trait
-fixed Austria/Bavaria not annexing westfalen in french peace deal
-players not playing major countries can now justify (but not the AI)
-Generic decisions for countries not with content to get rid of debuffs
-fixed missing puncutation
-Russian and Italian VP/State Name changes
-fixed Spartakus not being able to get past 10% because of incompetency
-Tanzimat new icon
-United Kingdoms of Germany flag
-United Germany under Prussia flags
-nerfed Russias industry
-Italian state names update
-fixed Germany forming RKs in Russian land when they are a puppet

Update: 12 Jun, 2022 @ 11:17am

Patch 0.1.2
-nerfed Prussias surrender limit
-fixed Kerensky Okhrana event
-fixed Saxony, Brandenburg, Prussia post-war names
-added game settings option to choose British election result
-hopefully all scenarios work for France/Austria beating Prussia
-fixed various spelling mistakes and missing locs
-fixing Sagallo releasing not as a russian puppet
-Belgium takes brabant if its allied with france and has a core on it
-Presidential approval rating tooltips for Russian constitution and social reforms events
-new portraits for Ho Chi Minh, Konrad Adenaur, Novica Radovic, and Li Huanyong
-fixed loc on fall of city events
-fixed Trabzon integration decisions not working (i think)
-Austrian crownlands have an idea giivng Austria industry
-added some missing party names
-fixed Brazilian Empire AI
-fixed Tsar Constitution decisions not going away
-Prussia can only have one atomwaffen leader at a time
-fixed South China War (i think)
-added leaders for Operation Emancipation in Liberia
-no more Leningrad or Stalingrad in decisions
-Swiss neutrality returns
-Denmark peace deal expanded
-France Prussian puppets will adopt the ideology which Prussia goes down
-Prussian Succession Decisions Loc
-continuation of Silesia or War if Austria accepts
-Groß-Österreich should work for both Austrian paths now
-nerfed Prussian Industrial Expansion decisions
-Prussia puppets Galicia RK now
-New leaders for Prussian occupation of France
-Lenin focus descs update

Update: 10 Jun, 2022 @ 10:14pm

Update: 10 Jun, 2022 @ 4:15pm

Update: 10 Jun, 2022 @ 3:39pm

Update: 2 Apr, 2022 @ 3:11pm