Arma 3
TRGM2 - Virolahti
Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Update: 18 Jan @ 3:31pm

V2.0.37 (small update)
- Chance of enemy patrolling from AO to AO

- Korean translations added (Thank you MINPD)
- Converted enemy spawning to functions for optimization (one small step)
- Mission settings are now picked by admin (if no admin player, then top teamleader will select options)
- New mission "Secure and Resupply Area"
- New advanced setting "Make missions mini" (will have very small enemy guarding AO, but still chance of some nastys)
- New advanced setting "Compact Target/Ied Missions" (if enabled, Targets or IED missions will be more compact within the AO)
- Tool tips added to help show meaning behind advanced option selections

Fixed: issue with dedicated server not completing the Secure and Supply mission
Fixed: choppers hanging around issue, and one was taking his time getting to the AO
Fixed: when town secured (i.e. flag lowered), enemy will try to recapture the town (how many depends on how well you cleared it)
Fixed: removed debugging param for forcing secure/supply mission

Update: 19 May, 2020 @ 12:46pm

- Remove hint that would list all music when mission success
- Now delete all enemy groups (even if empty) on each campaign mission end (to fix the bug when no enemy would spawn)
- Added extra patroltype (same as option for smaller groups but more patrols, however, will have an increased number of enemy in each patrol
- Removed a test hint
- Fixed issue with campaign on server not loading saved local or global campaigns
Fixed issue with some maps respawning on body

Update: 12 Apr, 2020 @ 12:33am

- Fixed issue with campaign failing to populate enemy units after a few campaign days
- The campaign fix, also fixed the missing vehicle error
- Fixed error message for unused _ammo variable (also, stopped a function running when artillery destroyed)