Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Update: 17 Mar, 2020 @ 4:32pm


Nspecial can simply be held down rather than having to press special repeatedly
Uspecial now has more hitpause, so you have more time to DI

Reduced fair damage from 6 to 5
Increased startup of fair from 6 to 7
Increased endlag of fair from 9 to 10

Increased endlag of nair from 4 to 6

Increased endlag of bair from 8 to 12

Increased endlag of dair from 9 to 11

Added codec support for Trummel & Alto
Added support for Abyss Runes buddy

Improved the CPU AI
The Level 7, 8, and 9 CPUs will use abyss runes

Update: 30 Nov, 2019 @ 1:06pm

- Added Victory Music and background! The music is the Victory Fanfare from Final Fantasy 6
- Added Custom CPU AI! CPU Cactuar is now one to rival CPU Kirby

- Nair changed from single hit for 3 damage to 3 hits for 1 damage each
- Increased startup of DSpecial from 18 to 20
- Changed knockback angle of Dash attack from 361 to 50

Update: 22 Nov, 2019 @ 12:58pm

-Reduced shorthop speed from 8 to 6

-Reduced Uair sweetspot knockback scaling from .75 to .7
-Reduced Uair startup time from 7 to 5 frames
-Increased Uair active time from 2 to 4 frames
-Increased Uair recovery time from 6 to 8 frames

-Ftilt can now be angled diagonally upwards or downwards

-Fspecial can no longer cancel into itself
-Reduced Fspecial startup from 12 to 10 frames

-Tweaked some sprites

Update: 17 Nov, 2019 @ 9:32pm


- Added Kirby copy ability support!
- Tweaked some visual effects
- Tweaked the offscreen icon to be more clear which direction the Cactuar is facing

Update: 17 Nov, 2019 @ 12:23pm
