Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Showing 1-10 of 15 entries
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Update: 15 Dec, 2019 @ 2:31pm


• All sprite color pallettes have been touched up to more closely match Rivals of Aether's main cast. Darker blacks, more saturated colors.
• All shadows have been removed from the sprites.

• Reduced air accel from 0.35 → 0.30
• Bair overall framedata adjusted from 23 (11-15 AF), 27 whiff → 26 (11-15 AF), 38 whiff
• Dair overall framedata adjusted from 25 (13-18 AF) → 27 (13-18 AF), 33 whiff
• Dspecial endlag increased from 20 → 30 frames on a failed counter.

Update: 2 Dec, 2019 @ 10:16am


• Reduced Bair active frames from 10 → 4 to match the animation. Previously stayed out for much longer than intended.

Update: 20 Nov, 2019 @ 12:23pm


• Neutral Special can now be cancelled into a weaker hit by pressing special again before the spin is done.

Update: 15 Nov, 2019 @ 6:42pm


• Shrunk FTilt's hitbox so it no longer hits behind and more closely matches where the sword is
• Slightly DTilt's hitbox so it doesn't hit behind, but still hits on Lyn.

Update: 15 Nov, 2019 @ 2:49pm


• Added special taunt that occurs if you taunt while crouching

After the changes it was a bit too easy to kill off the top with this move, so I've reduced the power and changed the angle so it's easier to DI out of the chains.
• Reduced base knockback from 8 → 6
• Adjusted angle from 100 → 110

The move was a bit lackluster, I originally wanted it to be a fast interrupt and horizontal recovery option, but it still felt a bit too weak. Now it's got an extra combostarter option with a sweet spot you can jump cancel out of.
• Added a 2-frame sweetspot at the end of the dash that deals more damage (10) and allows you to jumpcancel out of the hit.

Update: 15 Nov, 2019 @ 9:22am


Up Air doesn't chain as long now but it can kill off the top easier if you chase.

• Changed Up Air's knockback from 7 → 8
• Changed Up Air's knockback scaling from 0.45 → 0.85

Update: 15 Nov, 2019 @ 8:43am


• Forward Special no longer puts you into special fall if you end the move on the ground

Update: 14 Nov, 2019 @ 11:55am

v1.3 Adding finished tag.

Update: 14 Nov, 2019 @ 11:49am



Lyn was having some trouble killing, and while she's designed to be a faster character with a bunch of small hits, it was still taking most of her kill moves too long to actually kill.

NSpecial: Meant to be a very dangerous projectile when hitting someone off-stage, but wasn't really packing the punch I wanted.
• Angle adjusted from 45 → 40.

UStrong: Tipper is a great kill move but the endlag was pretty punishing with it and it was a bit difficult to hit and kill with the non-tipper hitbox.
• Normal hitbox knockback scaling increased from 0.9 → 1.0
• Damage increased from 7 → 9
• Endlag reduced from 20 (30 whiff) → 14 (24 whiff)
• Increased hitbox size in front for non-tipper

DSpecial: Great defensive option and a good kill move near the top of the stage, but wasn't killing as early as I would have liked.
• Final hit knockback increased from 8 → 9
• Final hit knockback scaling increased from 1.0 → 1.1

Update: 13 Nov, 2019 @ 7:04pm


Fixed a bug with NSpecial's hitstun and knockback causing really strange angles