Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Mayor's Dashboard v2
Showing 1-1 of 1 entries
Update: 19 Oct, 2019 @ 12:59am

Next steps:
- Chirper filter (based on code from ChirperFilter by zuppi's workshop)
- Jump to location of the warning -- need development help for this
- Find worst issue with buildings (health, fire coverage, ...)
- Find traffic light / stop sign -> jump to it and propose to remove
- Find crowded bus, metro or train stops -> identify line and jump to it
- Get a new computer with better graphics card en more RAM

Version 2 - 18/10/2019
New, changed & fixed
- Minor improvements to text sizes and layout
- Test and Tweak usability for a new city (no sliders/chirps for stuff that is not yet active/unlocked)
- removed current chirps as they are of no real value
- sliders with no value -> not valid yet -> auto hidden
- Change Export excess earnings into a text label instead of to many chirps
- Chirper options removed, less code = less memory usage / code was broken and slowed down game play
-> Functionality available in SuperChirp mod or "Hide It" mod to turn it off
- remove happiness slider and show % happiness next to the smiley
- Developed real value tips like (Start saving money for ...) as text next to your Bank Balance
- Together with same list of mod's as for initial release v1
- Modtool actieve to find broken code
- With a new city, a 24K€ city and a 242K€ city

Initial release v1 - 11/10/2019
Tested with following mod's active:
- Automatic Bulldoze v2 by mexahuk
- Forest Brush by TPB5
- Improved Public Transport 2 by BloodyPenguin
- Loading Screen Mod by thale
- Monitor It! by Keallu
- Show It! by Keallu
- Traffic manager president Edition TM:PE 10.20 by LinuxFan
- Realistic Population v8.4.0
- Ultimate Level of Detail by boformer
- Hide It by Keallu
- Less Steam by Thale5
- Skip Intro by egi